
25 June 2018 

01:00 pm 

Becky or as the city of Stanmore knew her when she was covered in that designer pink superhero suit of hers- ‘Nyx’, she sat on top of the highest building in town, her legs dangling off the edge, while she sipped on a refreshing lemonade. It was rather quiet for a city that was very often attacked by a supervillain, another rather sneaky and unknown female who only ever attacked from the shadows, who never possessed a rather large threat to anyone in the city, someone who supposedly wasn’t courageous enough to ever fight with Nyx face to face. As the last drop of lemonade was sucked into the straw, the glass slipped from her hand and fell, heading towards one of the unsuspecting citizens, who just happened to be Mary, the 75-year-old woman that Nyx knew all too well. She bit her lip as the glass slipped from hands and appeared beside Mary just in time to catch it before it hit the elderly. “ Are you okay?” The wrinkly woman nodded with a smile and continued walking in the slow pace of hers. 

25 June 2018 

10:00 pm 

The next time Nyx was spotted happened to be during a famous concert in town. Almost everyone’s vehicles were parked outside the hall, giving the dark and mysterious supervillain (every town with a superhero had one) Nemesis a perfect chance to strike. It was a dark and chilly night, even the moon seemed to be hiding from whatever evils lurked in the shadows of the gloomy streets. nothing but the sound of distant music and sneaky ninja-like footsteps could be heard before suddenly there was a loud ‘BOOM’. The debris of the blown-up cylinders spread like wildfire into the accessible parts of the town, taking long with them the fire that had set them off. It was a perfect crime but whoever had done it fled the scene immediately. That is where chaos and the brightly dressed savior came in. She was as quick as lightning itself, nobody knew how she did it, most of them assumed that she had somehow gained the power of teleportation, unlike her archnemesis who traveled through the shadows. She was quick and within minutes the fire was put out, extinguished without much damage to the town other than one far off part. Once again as Nyx stood amongst the townspeople, her eyes fell on the 75-year-old lady she had saved earlier, walking towards the crowd. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion before she was gone again. 

25 June 2018

11:48 pm 

It was a dark night indeed when Becky sat down on her bed dressed in comfortable pajamas, her dark black hair falling down to her shoulder. The girl picked up her phone as the light lit her face up revealing dark brown eyes with dark black circles underneath them, a lopsided smile formed on her thin chappy lips. She looked tired, more than ever and she was. She had been betraying the people that applauded her too much. They deserved to know the truth but she couldn’t possibly say it. Her hands were shaking when she picked up a pen and the diary that was always kept on her bedside table. In the beginning, it was filled, with the sentences crammed into one space while on some pages, the words were elegantly written with a bright pink pen. When she turned to the last empty piece of paper, she chuckled softly “I guess mum was right about destiny” As she put the tip of her pen down on the plain, white page, a black ink slowly started filling it, and it wasn’t long before a teardrop fell onto the black letters, then another and another. She didn’t care if she was smudging each of the words that would narrate her story, she only cared about cramming it into the one single page, fearing if she opened up another, she wouldn’t be able to do what she intended to. 

26 June 2018 

12:00 noon 

It was a bright summer day, the sun shone onto the building and when Becky didn’t show up for the Sunday service, something she ever rarely missed, some of the townspeople slightly offended by how a Christian had changed sides, went down to her apartment. It was cozy but consisted of nothing more than a kitchen, a living room and a bedroom filled with explosives and her super-suits. “knock-knock” came the sound but the door remained closed,” knock-knock” came again accompanied by a confused voice saying “Hello?Becky, are you in there ?”Nothing again. Getting impatient, one of the burly men kicked down the door only to be confused by what they saw, an empty apartment except for a letter addressed to the townspeople. 

26 July 2018

2:00 pm 

As the people gathered in the town hall, the letter that was addressed to them was opened up by pale shaky hands and read out “ Dear people of Stanmore, I’ll be long gone by the time you get this letter. But you deserve to know the truth about your very own Superhero who, so many times saved you from nemesis. I am the brightly dressed Nyx, it never matched my name but it was the only way you could be fooled. Because that is not it. I also happen to be my very own archnemesis, my enemy, the only person who terrorized all of you .” Gasps echoed around the room. Could it be? why would somebody pretend to be a villain and go to so much trouble? It was a crazy idea but for some reason, the people of Stanmore believed it, it was quite fitting how both had never been seen together. When the lips of the pale girl stopped moving, people watched her scan the sheet only to hear “ the rest of her words are smudged… The only thing I can make out is, I am, Uhm, sorry … and a few lines later, of use, That’s it “By the time the people of the town wrapped their heads around the situation, the girl who had saved them from herself was long gone, to a place no one knew her, deciding never to use her abilities again.

June 30, 2020 18:53

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Nandan Prasad
10:38 Jul 05, 2020

Wonderful story with a brilliant twist! The character of Becky was well-fleshed out and the narration was good. I also really like the strong descriptions of her crying. Also, would you mind checking out my story if it's not too much trouble? Thanks and good luck!


Nyx _
12:04 Jul 05, 2020

Thank you for your feedback !And sure !


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