Submitted to: Contest #50


Written in response to: "Write a story about a summer afternoon spent in a treehouse."


Boom, crash! “Look what you've done now! I told you not to go near the tree house Emma!” Sam growled at his sister. “It wasn't my fault!”  Emma whined in reply. I had just gotten up From where I was sitting on the  splintery floor of the tree house to see what all the commotion was about when I realized the rope ladder on the tree house had just broke and Emma, my best friend Sam's sister, was standing 20 feet below on the dark green turf holding the broken rope ladder.  Extraordinary, I thought now I'm stuck here in this tree house with Sam. Normally this would have been great. Being stuck in a tree house with my best friend is awesome. But Sam and I had just gotten into a fight and I don't think  hours stuck in a tree house with someone I just got into an intense fight with would be fun.  “Go get mom!” Sam barked at Emma.  As soon as Sam said that Emma fled into the house.  Sam awkwardly turned to me and said “We probably won't be in here so long  right Oliver?” “Yeah” I agreed. It was probably only three awkward and silent minutes we waited for Sam's mom to come out to the backyard  but it felt like hours. “ what's the matter?”  his mom  cried rushing outside.  She was obviously afraid that one of us had gotten hurt. “  Emma broke the rope ladder!” he stated. “No I did not” Emma whined In the most annoying voice possible. “I will call Dad. He probably knows what to do.”  Sam's mom Reassured us. Sam's mom and Emma then went back inside the house. “I'm sorry!” Sam blurted out. I  ignored him. “ If we're going to be stuck in this tree house you can't ignore me” Sam cried.  “talk to me!”  he demanded.  “You have to forgive me Oliver , you just have to!” He wept. “ No I don't!” I shouted back. “You lied to me for 7 and 1/2 months!” “What was I supposed to say!” Sam cried. “Your dad told me if I told you that he was cheating on your mom it would ruin your life and his! I can't live with that.” “It doesn't matter! You were my best friend! You should have told me!” I screamed. “Were?” asked Sam in a small voice. “People can't just go from best friends to enemies  Oliver they just can't.”  Right then and there I wanted to say you're right let's be best friends again. I couldn't though. I guess I'm too Prideful. I want to Stand My Ground for longer. But how long? “Dad said to get the ladder. mom's doing that right now. she told me to tell you.” Emma said. “Okay Emma. anything else?” Said Sam in an  Annoyed  tone.  “Nope.”  she replied. “ then why are you still standing here.” asked  Sam. She  Shrugged. “leave!” Said Sam. “Whatever.” She said With a smirk on her face. Then she ran inside. “My sister is So annoying.”  He declared. We were silent for a minute or two when I suddenly Realized that whatever had to be done about my dad cheating with my mom was in my hands now.  I have to assume that my mom doesn't know and my dad has no plans on telling her. So what should I do? Then I thought I'll just ask Sam. And it occurred to me that we are in a fight  and I can't. I'm too prideful  to just forgive him. “Look,”  I said “  I'm not completely forgiving you right now I just need some guidance. You're the only person that I can talk to right now. What should I do about my dad cheating on my mom?” “I don't know.”  he said “ what do you think is going to happen if you tell your mom”. Then his mom rushed outside from the house carrying a ginormous ladder with the help of Emma.  “ Sorry I took so long.”  she said. “I couldn't find our ladder so I borrowed the neighbors. I'm going to place it right here and climb up it first to make sure it works. I wouldn't want any of you kids getting hurt.”  “We will talk about this later.”  I whispered to Sam. Sam's mom placed the ladder down and began to    Climb it. she was about 15 ft up when suddenly the ladder fell backwards and  she plummeted on the ground with a screech of pain. “Somebody call an ambulance” She wailed. “ Emma go inside and go call 911. Tell them our mom fell a 15 foot drop and she needs an ambulance Then give them our address. Then call Dad and tell him what happened.”  Said Sam. Emma quickly ran inside. “Are you okay Mrs. Menke?” I asked Nervously. “I don't know.” she cried. “I think I might have broken something.”   “Don't worry!”  I said trying to comfort her. “ I'm sure an ambulance will be here shortly.”  meanwhile  Sam was having a nervous breakdown on the floor. It was about 15 minutes later when an ambulance arrived.  Everyone was in such a rush to get  themselves and Mrs. Menke inside the ambulance that they forgot all about  Sam and I. So that left  Sam and I  trapped in a tree house in the backyard of the house with no one in it. “Did they just forget us?”  I asked knowing very well that they just forgot us. “uh I guess so.” Stammered Sam. “Let's wait here until they come back” I declared. Sam nodded his head in agreement. “Let's continue our conversation from before” I said “ You asked me what I think would happen If I told my mom that my dad was cheating on her. Well my answer to that is I see it going to ways she forgives him or she divorces him.” I said.  “What do you think is going to happen if you don't tell her?” Sam asked. “If I don't tell her I think she either figures It Out by herself or she just never finds out. What do you think about this Entire situation?” I asked. “I think your mom deserves to know. otherwise she could be stuck in a relationship that she doesn't deserve.” Sam said . “I agree,” I said. “So it's Settled then I will tell her tonight.”  “I guess so” Sam agreed. “So we're best friends again right?” I said awkwardly. In that moment Sam lifted up his head and smiled a huge smile. “ of course we're friends again”.  He said very happily. “ Oliver, Sam  are you boys okay!”  Said my mom rushing outside. “We're fine Mom, we're just stuck in a tree house” I replied.  “I have a ladder.  Sarah hold it steady please.” He said to my mom putting the ladder  up to the tree house. “Come down now”. “Okay I'm going”. I said  nervously climbing down the ladder. Once I reached the bottom my dad gestured at Sam to come down.  Sam started going down the ladder and reached the bottom. “Sam, get in the car with me. I will drive you to the hospital while Sarah drives Oliver home.” Said my dad.  “Is my mom okay?” ask Sam nervously. “She broke her leg but otherwise she's fine.” Said my mom in a comforting tone.  I went through the house to the street and got into the car with my mom. “By Sam!”  I yelled from the window. “Oliver,”  my mother said. “ when you get home your father and I have some big news to share with You.” “Good or bad?”  I asked, “Very good.” She said reassuringly. When we got home we waited for my dad to come home. 15 Minutes later he Arrived. They both sat me down on the couch while they stood up and talked to me. “I'm pregnant!” my Mother squealed.

Posted Jul 17, 2020

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