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Christian Christmas Creative Nonfiction

I can remember so many years ago.in the 70's around Christmas time.In Doyle texas.Ahouse full of kids all running around.My native american Grandmother, cooking all night long.we could not understand the blessing she was giving back then.but,now we do.perparing for us all the love she had.not making any kind of fuss.turkey,dressing ,homemade cornbread, cakes,pies .we could not get much gifts. But ,to recall this was the best time of my life.and the next day when dinner was done.what a joy her gifts would bring.and the live that would feel the air.and we would eat for days on in .sit around the one wood burning stove and tell us stories of so long ago.grandmother is deeply missed.especialyaround holiday time .when we all try to get together a cook her favorite dishes. We realize ,we are not as good as she was .but yet we try.thinking maybe we didnt put enough love into it.we all have alot of fun memories of grandmother love and the recipes I think she only kept in her head.

Know days we just do what we can .and still be happy enjoying our 200 hundred acres of comanche land.its like each one of us had one memory left in our head.i could cook.the cakes.my cousin would do the meats.we dont have to do the hunting any more for the turkey.know of us ever forgot where we came from.aunts and uncles still show up too.our little house is falling down too.only two.only two bedrooms.we seem to still make it happen each and every year.take those long walks through the woods.all talk about what could have been.we even looked for our grannies cookbooks.but,noone could give any answers.so we proceed each year.laugh and talk.still sit around an tell stories about the past love.stories about the Indian tales,and how they just passed through.granny and her family had decided to stay for many years and keep cooking for the neighbors.and bake there goods.we had even heard about moonshine ,but dont know if that was true.had asked a nearby neighbor.he said,oh yes ,yes we did that to .way back in the woods so nobody new.we laughed and laughed because we new granny had a lot of secrets she told told us about.old man said it was her survival and noone eleses.but all of the food she sold ,and fed her six kids with the rest.julia he said was a sunday schoolteacher. She worked down the road at the only church they had .the few kids loved her .they would listen to all the words she said.but her recipes she kept in her head.most things back then she had her kids go hunting for..we will never know how far they went down in the woods .old man,but her food was really good.people would pay her to make things .so there dinners would be just as good as hers.she was such a good and silent Indian lady.and took good care of every she could.for many,many years.

People woukd talk about the smell of her cooking pouring through the woods.and most would come down to tell her they wanted some too.she would tell them I'll do what I can.but in the end she would have plenty for everyone in town.even her daughter s would say god !mama you've been up all night .she just say so were my grandkids, looking at me with all this stuff.we have fun all night .and they refuse to go to sleep.some tryed to go outside last night .they heard the coyotes yelling,and only ran back in the house. And when the house became dark,dark,dark.our grandmother would light candles,and use lanterns.and sometime s had to sent one of the boys to get get her more water from the well.then sometimes more wood to come too.it would seem like forever for dinner to come.but,when it did we all had a great time.people eating until their stomach s Seemed to burst.but,to find those receipts has never been done.we just try ,to put the memories together as best we can .think about the good times we had with her . Alot of years had passed.and a cousin remember some things grandmother had said.she had put some things innthe attic for safe keeping.my hunt got her son to clamb up to see.there it was a few recipes. Cornbread dressing, and two recipes of your candy yams ,my aunts son could only oh you'll I have found somthing.everyone is going to be surprised.everyone yelling what ,what,do you have ? Oh people it's a few recipes. I am trying to get them but it's so dark up here I cant see.the hunt hands him a flash light.nkw he can pull them all down.they read them all one by one. Laughs all through the house.everyone comes running to see what happening.her oldest daughter says that just some of them.she cooked so much stuff.its all in heaven with ,but this sure is good to see.tears fall down her cheeks. As she reads and reads.these are so old. And remembered these she was going to give them to a neighbor down the strees.must have forgot .but now I will keep them with me.and mother was making moonshine here is that receipt.she had to hide this one .she would have been locked up for sure .oh!my god!said the daughter this is even like a gift.i knew mother always kept things .why!she put them so far up is a wonder to me .I will always cherish these things .as much as I do her old blankets that she had made fo me.we all live her so .because she could take little things ,and bring so much joy to us all in a special way.i know she looking down from heaven.saying,you'll should have looked a bit higher .they would all say sis just make us a copy an you can keep the original s for yourself.yiu are the oldest and mama would truly be happy if you did that for her.sis ok, you'll thats a deal.an from that day forward they all agreed,to meet at the old house to celebrate and continue their holiday fun.so fussing no fighting.just plain love for one another .and to leave out the stress.thank god!and the heavens above.and the thank mama for hiding her receipe s for us .she always made life alot easier for each and everyone she crossed.leaving nothing in her path but love.my julia rest in peace.and keep shining ,shining shining from the heavens above.

December 07, 2020 21:02

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Tambra Birkebak
04:25 Dec 29, 2020

I will start by saying I liked your story, and especially the sentiment you ended it with. Commenting simply as “a reader”, I found the frequent lack of spacing, capitalization, and unconventional punctuation ......a bit distracting. My brain was not used to translating writing in that format. (Having some bio information about yourself in the bio section might have helped me understand if this unique presentation might be related to being a young author, or English as a second language, or a particular writing perspective, or ???). Keep ...


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