Friendship Christian Holiday


Once upon a time, a long, long time ago in a land far away there lived a band of brothers. Well, some of them were actually brothers by birth, the others all brothers by beliefs. The group started out very small but eventually grew to thirteen plus others that were like-minded but didn't necessarily travel with the core company constantly. Mostly they traveled together but sometimes they broke away and ventured out separately or in twos or threes. They were a peace-loving lot, however, out of necessity, some would still keep a weapon at hand. They were willing to fight for what they believed in if it came to that.

They had left their occupations for this new mission, this new vision they shared. The lead guy was quiet yet dynamic in his demeanor convincing the others there was purpose and worthiness in their endeavors. He was their teacher and they took directions from him. He was kind and thoughtful always putting needs of others before his own. He helped them in anyway possible so became very popular and sought after.

Since they had no source of income they relied heavily on the good will of others to provide sustenance. They camped out under the stars or stayed with new friends along the way. A small land investment operated by friends and family back in their home town eventually provided some reliable support. Otherwise, they traversed their homeland talking to fellow countrymen telling them of this new hope they had discovered. Really, it was an ancient hope that their people had heard about all their lives. Their mission was to convince them it was coming to light now in their lifetimes. Some welcomed the news. But naturally some were skeptical. Some were afraid it was going to affect their livelihoods, replacing the need for them entirely.

Their countrymen lived under the rule of an oppressive dictatorship. One had limited rights unless considered a citizen of that ruling class. Therefore, their fellow nationalists were at the mercy of the rule of law that often contradicted what they wanted. To defy it could mean death. However, to keep the peace the rulers did allow certain customs to be observed even if they, as foreigners, didn't understand why all the traditions existed.

Now this band of brothers had been traipsing all over the countryside for at least three years. Sometimes they drew humongous crowds. Imagine how tiring that could be trying to address the problems and concerns of so many people at once! But the word was getting out there, they felt they were making an impact. So much so that they started attracting the attention of people in charge. Both among their people and the rulers in charge. Now that could be good or bad.

One of their traditional holidays was approaching. It was the biggest of the year. They planned on going to the largest city to observe it. But since they were exhausted, they stopped in a small nearby hamlet to visit some close friends first. Even there they found little respite. Their friends' home was in turmoil after the death of the head of the family. Everyone wished they had gotten there just a little sooner. Maybe they would have been able to make him well. Even the leader was so moved that he had tears in his eyes. He called forth to his childhood friend and to everyone's amazement the young man arose. The leader pleaded with all not to let the news of this spread for fear they wouldn't be believed or they would be sought after for the wrong reasons.

The group traveled on towards the bustling city. A lot of people made the seasonal journey to the mecca. The news of the miraculous healing of a man thought to be dead had traveled faster than this party and people swarmed out along their path to see them all the while praising the leader. He reluctantly accepted their triumphant adoration knowing full well it was for the wrong reasons. The multitudes wanted a leader to rise up against the oppressors. He knew that had never been his mission so he would disappoint them and they would turn against him once they realized the truth. And how quickly all that would take place!

The entry into the city took place on a Sunday. The following day the leader got angry when discovered wrong doings in places meant for worship. On Tuesday he was confronted by men of the cloth who were trying to trip him up. Then he taught his followers using stories and foretold many happenings concerning himself. Often it seemed he spoke in riddles leaving the young men befuddled. During this week he taught with much more clarity and authority. Wednesday was more of the same with maybe some rest. On Thursday the band asked him where they should prepare for the feast. He told them to follow a man carrying a jar full of water. Whatever house he went into they should ask the owner there about his upper room. They were shown the room and made preparations there for the evening meal.

That evening they followed all the traditions of their ancestors with this special feast. But before the last course a new tradition was instigated. Unfortunately, before that happened an insidious devil entered into one in their midst. So he withdrew.

Words. They were only words the leader spoke but they forever changed the course of mankind:

And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, 'Take; this is my body.'

And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drank of it. And he said to them, 'This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many....” Mark 14:22-24 (See also Matthew 26:17-30; Luke 22:7-23; John 13:1-30)

Perhaps you know the story from here. They went out to a garden where the leader asked the men to watch with him one bitter hour while he prayed. But they kept falling asleep. The betrayer came by and betrayed him with a kiss to those that wanted to do him harm. His most devout follower denied that he knew him three times before the morning rooster crowed. He was tried and not offering any defense convicted of blasphemy. He was taken before the Roman leader who washed his hands of the whole affair and handed him over to do whatever they wanted to him. They crucified him between two criminals. On the third day he rose again defeating death and the devil forever and became our Savior. His name is Jesus Christ.

December 13, 2023 21:48

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Michał Przywara
21:43 Dec 15, 2023

A scene fitting the prompt, for sure! Hard to get more “last meal” than the last supper. I like the political angle to this too. The Romans no doubt saw themselves as liberators, bringing civilization to the backwards parts of the world - but the people who lived there would have had a very different perspective about the invading barbarians. They were hungry for change of a different kind, and not even betrayal could dampen their belief. Thanks for sharing!


Mary Bendickson
22:20 Dec 15, 2023

Thanks for the comment and like.


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01:08 Dec 14, 2023

Nice writing. I like the idea of humanizing bible stories. With the old english prose iof the bible, people don't realize the stories are about real people rebelling against Roman political oppression.


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Rebecca Lewis
01:09 Mar 24, 2024

Your retelling of the Last Supper and Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection is impactful. You've done a great job capturing the emotions and key moments of the story. It's a powerful reminder of the significance these events hold for Christians around the world. Your interpretation hit home for me.


Mary Bendickson
01:47 Mar 24, 2024

A story that never gets old.


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Annie Persson
11:05 Jan 24, 2024

I guessed that he was about Jesus since paragraph 5. Then, I re-read the first 4 and it all made sense. I love the way you included Lazarus and Palm Sunday, really nice touches. I love this! :)


Mary Bendickson
17:16 Jan 24, 2024

Thanks so much. I like the way you help K. He has come such a long way.


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Ego Asadu
20:37 Dec 28, 2023

"Words". Such a fitting title. A delightful read. Thanks for having the courage to share this.


Mary Bendickson
04:10 Dec 29, 2023

Thank you for reading, liking and commenting. Couldn't think of any other more significant last super!


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A.B. Writer
02:48 Dec 24, 2023

YES! I am a Christian, and it is so hard for me to find the courage to write Christian things online where others can see them. I love the story of the Last Supper, and this close to Christmas? AMAZING. Thank you for having the courage to write this. Please read some of mine!!! God bless us everyone. -Avery.


Mary Bendickson
14:32 Dec 24, 2023

I know what you mean. I have written some things on here that as a Christian, I should not be proud of. If I have this platform then why not plant seeds. I don't want it to be a pulpit but I should not be ashamed of Christ. I struggle with ideas to write about.. I am not a natural talent like so many on this site. The Bible is a wealth of timeless messages so why not base my stories on some of these . I'll get back to some of yours soon. Merry Christmas.


A.B. Writer
21:06 Dec 24, 2023

Merry Christmas, Mary. You have inspired me to put more Christian things into my works, and I can agree that I have written some not inappropriete, but not fully God centered things.


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J. I. MumfoRD
16:18 Dec 23, 2023

I’m struggling with this one, I can accept that it’s more milieu than character piece, it’s got good imagery. The pacing is off for the last third. The end is rushed giving it the feel of a synopsis. Basically this would be better as a much longer piece, which, technically it is. Your writing flow and sentence style is strong, keep up the good work.


Mary Bendickson
20:22 Dec 23, 2023

Thanks for the tips.


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Maria Sardi
04:14 Dec 21, 2023

Nice writing style that flows well. I had no idea who I was reading about until the very end. An original way of telling his story.


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Timothy Rennels
03:35 Dec 19, 2023

Thanks for this no frills historical account about how the world was changed!


Mary Bendickson
18:29 Dec 19, 2023

Thank you.


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Robert Egan
00:56 Dec 18, 2023

The Last Supper was a great choice for this prompt!


Mary Bendickson
19:34 Dec 18, 2023

All I could think of, for sure. Thanks for liking it.


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Nicki Nance
15:54 Dec 17, 2023

Sweet story for a season of traditions.


Mary Bendickson
17:10 Dec 17, 2023

Thanks for the comment.


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10:47 Dec 17, 2023

Naturally the last supper would come to mind! Well done, Mary. Interestingly, the second tradition instituted was not the introduction of cannibalism. The blood and flesh of Christ were symbolized by the wine and bread. Another point is after his arrest, the Jewish religious leaders spent hours taunting him and being cruel. He put up with it all calmly. But it had taken its toll. After the trials, Pilot even tried to wash his hands of the whole business, seeing Jesus as an innocent dreamer. All he'd put up with, the hard work of dragging hi...


Mary Bendickson
17:09 Dec 17, 2023

Thanks for this in depth comment.


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AnneMarie Miles
03:47 Dec 16, 2023

Great retelling, Mary.


Mary Bendickson
04:01 Dec 16, 2023

Thanks for liking


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Rebecca Detti
14:52 Dec 14, 2023

Really enjoyed Mary. The bible has some of the most powerful heartbreaking stories there are! Thank you!


Mary Bendickson
17:33 Dec 14, 2023

Glad you liked it. Thanks.


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