
I walk home from a very exhausting day of school and pass by my neighbor's house. She is a very kind lady and has a lovely home. Her name is Rose. I've been visiting her for 3 years now because she is a widow and very lonely. But, today is a little different. There is a moving truck and movers lifting furniture in. I creep across the street and peak around the truck to see a young woman sitting on the porch. She is flirting with some of the movers and glances my way. She spots me and waves me over. I hesitate, but walk over.

"What are you doing spying on me?" she ask me coldly.

"There is a old woman living here, ma'am and I'm friends with her. Are you her daughter?" I ask

"But of course not! That old widow has been dead for 10 years!" She exclaims.

I stare back at her blankly and she sighs.

"That woman has been dead for a long time, deary. I'm sorry, didn't you know?"

I stare at here and then I drop my head. I glare at the ground and do something unthinkable.

"Hey! What do you think your doing!" She screams.

I run through the door and up the stairs. I climb up and up until I reach the attic. I throw open the door and see her, Emily, in a ghostly figure. She is floating through the roof and she see's me. She stops and I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Oh Elizabeth, please don't cry. You have been a very good friend and have keep me happy. I give my good graces to you and wish you good health. Good bye."

Emily floats down and wrap my arms around her. She kisses me on top of the head and fades away...

November 01, 2019 17:08

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