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Shae now stays in her little hometown surrounded by lush green mountains and a river flowing through the valley. Beautiful land of warm and gentle people. Childhood was woven here for Shae, but to pursue higher education she stayed in a major city. After her short stunt of 3 years in the university was complete, Shae chose to work there for a big corporate for a couple of years. During this time she met Raul and both were head over heels in love with each other. But fate had other plans for both of them, and Shae left her big city dreams and her partner and shifted back to her hometown. But promised to keep the relationship between her and Raul and both opted for a difficult long distance relationship.

She was looking out her window, at a faraway mountain beginning to question why she still here, why not in his arms. Her heart longs for the touch of those gentle fingers, stroking her skin that ignites her passionate soul. Shae and Raul were in a committed relationship for 5 years. Being so far away for 2.5 years was creating a void in her soul, her heart breaking everyday a piece at a time. Even phone calls were becoming a duty to inform eachother of their current daily routines, beyond that nothing of passion ever exchanged. Sometimes distance starts an aching pain of lost moments deep in your heart and your mind becomes a slave to not being whole again. She was lovelorned waiting for the time they can embrace eachother in their warmth. Months passes away no sign of Raul only phone calls to check on eachother. Yearning for the comfort of his wide shoulders and of them being complete in togetherness. She missed him so much she starts looking for him in every warm soul she finds, only to be disappointed with herself for doing so.

Shae happens to cross path with a stranger, a common group of friends is all they had. She only had the opportunity to meet a few times in different pubs but never imagined that there was a fire within waiting to be ignited. Gradually as weeks passed, all she thought was of Zeyr, this mysterious man that looked deep into her soul, understood her every breath and wanted to undress her with his eyes in a room full of familiar faces. But only exchanged comforting words to eachother and the friendship grew admist friends over drinks at pubs, hopping house parties together and chatting up at cafes over hot cups of coffee.

One saturday night, out with the gang like always, met at their favourite pub Levels, music blaring, souls dancing in a slow groove and clincking glasses with new tipsy faces on the floor. It was just any random night out with friends but something happened that night and things swiftly changed between Shae and the mysterious man, Zeyr.

They grew closer in harmony in perfect tandem as if their souls melted in front of their own eyes, they could feel a pull towards eachother so strong, but it was such a fine line, now they were walking on hot coals. Shae and Zeyr should not be seen like that, lost in eachother's eyes not caring for the world. They tried to hide and steal glances when no one's watching, smoke from the cigarettes was their only cover. They both had committed partners who stayed in distant lands and in love with them but to feel this way for someone else wasn't something they thought possible.

They knew the world they lived in will never understand the dark intense passion they felt, the burning desire to be held and kissed passionately till the skin quivers, eyes of amber melting their souls so deep they had to get away together away from the prying eyes and the following gaze. They could hear their own friends whispering and exchanging awkward glaces. It was as if just by standing there, in two opposite corners of the smoke filled room everyone of them could see Shae and Zeyr becoming one. Secret desires of passion were unraveling in their hearts. As if time stood still and they becoming one in front of their world. That feeling she still cannot shake it off. As if that mysterious raw energy will break all barriers between them. They believed this strong powerful bond they felt inside, the world had the courage to feel and believe it too.

Things unspoken and desires burning their lovelorned souls. Those innocent phone calls turned into an erotic foreplay of words. He wanted to hold her close, to smell her hair, kiss her skin.

One fine winter afternoon, both ended up meeting in his beautiful mid-century modern mansion. He was possessed by his undeniable love for her, his eyes filled with love and shame, undresses her gently, he caresses her bosom swelling in sweet pain of ecstasy, his teeth biting her nipples, his lips suckling at it so hard that they both reach their first orgasm. She still secretly dreams of those lips suckling at her breasts, again and again till she came. His touch so warm and gentle, now pulling her hard against his cold sweaty skin and white silk sheets slips away. Engulfed with passion Zeyr grabs her by her waist, kissing her long neck and biting her wildly with his soft lips. His hands holding her closer touching her skin as if she's a glass vase so delicate might break. Slides his long fingers in her wet vagina, Shae had opened up like a flower to the bee. Zeyr caressing and penetrating her repeatedly. When she is about to climax, he'll take himself out, tease her and keeps her yearning for more. Kissing with his mouth like licking ice-cream from a cup, he kept sucking until she came in his mouth to lick her dry again. Grabbing her from the back, he slides into her and the other hand cupping her juicy breasts, his mouth kissing her neck whispering in her ears, "will you be mine?" Even before Shae could open her mouth to speak, he made her moan helplessly to his euphoria, she was breathless, her legs shaking after such exotic love making. Her body quivering like a delicate leaf fluttering in the cold winter air. She whispers back to him. "Am forever yours, can you keep a secret?"

August 17, 2020 10:14

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1 comment

04:13 Aug 28, 2020

The emotions are clearly shown The story and the secret to be kept are not related. A good romantic story


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