
When you look up at stars, what do you see? Do you think about those stars? Are the stars looking down on you or simply providing light and guidance to any one who looks up or longs for it. DO the stars know you are there?

As she walked out into the back yard, Allison was puzzling over what to do next. Wether to make a decision yes or no or in between, about what to do, if anything at all or just walk and look, and let the light shine down on her to give some peace and comfort.

It was a little cool and breezy for March, even considering the storm that had come through earlier this morning and this was the leftover dregs from the fron, before the sun broke out tomorrow. She had her soft hoodie jacket on now, but tomorrow she would be in a sleeveless cotton knit shirt and maybe a longer sleeved button up shirt to protect from sunburn.

The hoodie jacket pocket had her usual wadded up tissue in case there were sniffles, and her car keys in case she needed a quick get a wait. Not that anyone expected a quick get away tonight, with everybody smiling and chatting about the upcoming nuptials. She had left the whole group of visitors at mama's without a word, just out the side door to see what the air and night were like.

It was good and dark with only the street light and neighbors automatic yard lights here and there to show intruders a likely spot to get bit or barked at by the dog charged with protection of that piece of ground and surroundings illuminated by the light emitted. She had enough light to see where she was going without tripping up and sprawling over the back yard as she made her way to the bench to sit and look at the stars. Couldn't stay but a second or two, or she would be missed, so she changed her mind and headed back to the house and the waiting friends and family.

She had already said yes, so it wasn't like the had the BIG decision to make. She had pondered that part a while ago and then waited - seemed like forever- for the proposal and the placing of the ring on her finger. She saw that Grady was happy with the answer and how it was delivered, as were the group of folks she saw in the living room and kitchen as he swung her around. He was a good guy, a good man, really, and she felt she really did love him if you know what love is at her age, or any age, unless you have some practice with feeling this said love. That was one thing she wanted from the stars, a blessing of real love on the marriage and on the ring, too since it held a kind of magical hold over the situation.

Grady had put a lot of thought and work into that ring on the web and in some stores in town. He felt he had found the right ring that would enhance the sparkle in Allison's eyes and smile and bring that smile around a little more often so he could bask in it's glow.

Allison and the ring were back inside now, listening to the congratulations and questions about dates and styles of weddings to choose from. It didn't matter yet at the same time it mattered a lot. Fancy, elegant, informal, quaint, cottage,,,it was all out there. Let's just do it and get it over with!. But mama and Aunt Cici would have advice and opinions to express and she had to let them do it after all.

You have to set a theme, so you can choose a dress to carry that theme and still not overpower the bride. OR you could pick thee dress and work the theme around it, depending on how much effort you want to put into it.Not too expensive, let's be reasonable, with a little sparkle in it to pick up on the star light that would shower down on them for a dance or a walk. So June will be late enough, and not again until late September because star light on sweat was not going to cut it.

Later after they went back to Grady's they sat on the porch a few minutes and looked at the stars. He was just waiting on her, she was the one who wanted answered. The stars had moved some from earlier so the picture was not quite the same. If you turned your head just right, you might hear whispered answers. Since she was not sure what her questions were, she wasn't certain about what words she might hear. After just a little while she sighed and said "Lets go in."

While she was at work, Allison didn't use much time on personal matters. She was busy checking to see if Suzie was processing work orders without issue, or she was lining up new delivery or supply companies, or checking with personnel about the status of new hires. She was on the phone a lot, using the ear phone and up and about, not sitting at her work station. She might be conferring with Suzie although she was just outside her door, or going up the line to Robert Billings, one of the big guys in charge and assistant to Mr. James.

James Construction was one of the biggest and probably the oldest company in the region. There had been several Mr. James in charge along the way and now there was even a Ms. James in line for leadership. Julie James was coming along nicely as far as Allison was concerned, especially since the two of them were such close friends for so long. Julie had finished college in business administration while working in the construction trade for her dad during school summers so she was well trained. But she had also dated, gone to dances, and walked under the stars with Allison. She was perfect to be her dad's follow person and certainly perfect as her choice for Maid of Honor.

All four of them, Allison, Julie, Mama and Aunt Cici were all piling out of the SUV in the lot at Courtland's. They planned to give the bridal section the once over before considering going out of town to another shop. Phones in hand with cameras on, they went in to start pulling out spectacular dresses from the lines of pieces hanging on the bars. They wanted to get a better look at a few of them so the sales lady put them on a rack near by. One in particular ha tiny specks on the sheet sleeves and bodice. Allison liked that. The specks were also scattered down along the skirt in a sprinkling like stars in the night sky, which she really liked and felt comforted by. She tried it on and everyone smiled. She had the saleslady put her name on a tag for it and put a deposit down. She scheduled a fitting for this week after work. She had done enough looking, it was now time for coffee. Off they went to their favorite shop and enjoyed coffee and a sweet. You just can't beat that at two o'clock in the afternoon after such hard work!. Mama said if Allison was happy, she was happy. Now the plan would be to set a shower date, and of course a wedding date, and talk to a baker and florist. It was all going to come together, of that she felt sure.

She and Grady got the calendar out that evening. They picked a Saturday in May, about 8 weeks away. 6pm so there would be time for a dance and or at least a walk after the ceremony or after the reception probably being in May and you have to wait for it to get dark around here then. They would marry in the church. She left a message on the church office number to pencil in their date and asked to let her know soon if it was not available. She would call the Reverend Ashley personally to let her know the plan. There were going to be a couple of meetings between them and the Rev. as there always was prior to nuptials. Allison wrote down the bakery name and number and the florist. She would call them tomorrow. What color or style did she want? Does it depend on Julie's dress? She wasn't sure about that but she had no doubt that the florist would have some ideas and suggestions as would Julie,Mama and Aunt Cici.

Grady and Allison went outside for a little while, star gazing and holding hands as they sat on the bench. She looked up and felt comforted by what she saw.

The end.

May 01, 2020 17:04

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