Pablo's present

Submitted into Contest #101 in response to: Write a story that involves a reflection in a mirror.... view prompt


Fiction Sad Romance

In the outskirts of Buenavista there lived a family man named Pablo who is an Indio. He has a wife named Purita and a lovely daughter named Ruby.

It was during the time of the Spanish colonization in the Philippines. Seven years after the colonizers spread throughout the country.

I cannot describe you how they look like, but two lovers loved each other unconditionally. Ruby was still an infant when his father left for the city to serve for the Spanish colonial rule. If not, they will be the one who will be served.

It was against Purita’s heart to agree upon Pablo’s request, but there is nothing he can do because he does not want the lives of her family to be mistreated by the Spaniards. Besides, it was the Gobernadorcillo’s request to send slaves from each household to the capital of Manila. It was not an easy feat for both lovers since they have never gone further away except the next village.

Pablo and Purita were both uneducated, but they understood the contracts handed to them by the Spaniards after seeking help from a friend of theirs. An Illustrado, Purita’s friend whom Pablo entrusted them.

Pablo departed and started his journey. Together with him was slaves chosen by the Cabeza de Barangay during the voyage. Purita prayed every day for the safety of her husband. Day and night she pray genuinely. There has not been a single day that she failed to pray.

Eight years have passed. It was Ruby’s birthday. Her father Pablo surprised them, as he arrived safe and sound from his laborious work in the capital. With him he got goods and presents for her lovely wife and cheerful daughter. He gave her daughter a toy doll and a ball of cushion. For his wife, he brought a round mirror, enclosed in a box, covered in a cloth, tied delicately within. Pablo shares his stories to her wife.

“My lovely and beautiful wife, do you know that there is a vehicle so huge that can carry several people across the sea? And there are several things that exists in the capital and nowhere to be found here.”

While Pablo was sharing his stories, Purita carefully unboxed the present that his husband gave him. It was Purita’s first time to witness such unique object. A mirror. She handled it delicately with care. Behind this mirror was a delicate crafted design. It was Purita’s first time to see an image. She still has smudges all over her. Her hair is a bit messy, but her face is still vibrant and beautiful as ever.

“What do you see?”

Asked Pablo.

“I see a pretty woman with smudges all over her face. She is opening her mouth as if she is speaking something. Also, she has the same clothes that I am wearing right now.”

Pablo replied so proud.

“That is what you call a mirror. And the woman you see is you, silly!”

As Pablo wipes the smudges on her face. He added.

“In the capital, there were huge boxes of mirrors. I could even see myself from head to toe and could bring some of my friends in front of it and see ourselves together.”

After learning about the mirror Purita treasured it whole heartedly. She made it part of her own treasures. Purita cannot help but to witness her beauty at least twice a day every day. This continued for a month, until she decided that she will keep it together hidden in a box along with her other treasured belongings. After some time, she forgot about it.

They continued to live happily. Some months, sometimes, Pablo would be chosen to serve the rulers and do labor in the capital. He would return after several months or a year. It was inconsistent but he cannot defy the orders of the Spaniards' colonial rule.

Their pride was their daughter. Ruby turned eighteen and her beauty glowed. She was a perfect replica of her mother Purita. She was charming, beautiful, sweet, and affectionate just like her mother, and everybody in their village adores her. Ruby grew simple like her mother Purita. Ruby never knew anything about her appearance, and she was never educated about the mirror. She only knew simple things like doing the chores and conversing among the neighborhood, nothing more. She was still innocent by the time her father Pablo shared stories about his voyage. So, she knew nothing about it.

Purita suddenly fell into illness. She sometimes loses her balance and fell to the floor. The village doctor visited her several times but cannot do anything about her illness. The doctor explains about how terminal the disease she had, and her days might already be numbered. Pablo was still serving the Spaniards in the capital and is unaware.

Ruby takes care of her mother Purita day and night, but her situation never got any better. There was no hope. In fact, her situation is getting worse and worse day by day. Purita grieves every day for her daughter and his husband Pablo. Knowing she had to leave so soon she leaves a word with her daughter.

“Promise me my dear Ruby, that you will look in this thing called mirror at least twice a day every day. You will see me here even when I die. I may not respond to you, but right now I will tell you that through this mirror I am always watching over you.”

With these words, Purita took the box where the mirror was hidden. In a wooden box, wrapped around a cloth, and tied delicately. Purita slowly handed it to her daughter from her deathbed.

Her daughter replied as her eyes started to tear.

“Mother, I promise you that every single day I will see you here. I will share my experiences with you every day through this present you gave me. I promise and I cross my heart not to break this promise.”

Purita who is now calm and peaceful died shortly after. Ruby, who is obedient and always loving never for a single day failed to fulfill her mother’s request.

The first time she opens it, Ruby was pleased. There she saw the image of her mother. Younger. Her mother was not pale and sickly unlike her last days in her deathbed. Her mother is pretty, she had a fair look and a dazzling eye.

Every morning and evening she look at it. With this mirror she shares her stories to her mother. Every single day. Every day she continues to do this, striving to impress and please her mother every time she looks at it.

"Mother, today was exhausting. I get to do a lot of chores today. But thanks to you, every time I look at your face, I feel lighter and less burdened."

Pablo came home after months of being away. Upon hearing the news, his heart screamed out of despair, and he shed tears of sadness. He apologized towards her daughter for not being present during the hardest times she needs him. And prayed for her diseased beautiful wife's departure.

After dinner that night he noticed the strange actions of her daughter towards the mirror. Depressed, he immediately went to bed. On the next day, an issue from the Cabeza de Barangay sent by the Gobernadorcillo was announced and he needs to go back to the capital immediately.

Pablo talks to her daughter and tells her that he will do his best and find a way to stay for good. He made haste immediately to the capital.

Three years have passed since then.

This time Pablo found a way to stay for good for his daughter. He asked help from her wife's friend. After a week in his stay together with her daughter, he still noticed the unusual activity of her daughter with the mirror in her hands. Pablo noticed that there are instances during the day and some nights her daughter would converse with the mirror. He finds it strange. So, one night after dinner, he asked her daughter about her peculiar behavior.

In which her daughter replied.

“Father. I look at this object called mirror that mom gave me to talk to her every day. She doesn’t reply, but she listens well to my stories.”

Then Ruby shared to his Father Pablo her mother’s dying wish.

Touched by this simple gesture. Pablo’s heart was wringed by her daughter’s actions. Pablo smiled, greeted her daughter goodnight, and went to sleep. He shed tears of pity and affection, nor he could find the courage in his heart to say to her daughter that the reflection she saw in the mirror is her beautiful face. He cannot help but to sympathize with her daughter. Every day she is slowly becoming more like her mother.

Pablo’s heart rests every time she sees her daughter happily conversing with the mirror. He just gazed upon the skies as he reminisces his memories with her mother. With him feeling a bit of loneliness and melancholy. He carefully resigned as he gazed deeply towards her daughter.

July 07, 2021 18:33

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Rosie 95
15:54 Jul 15, 2021

A wonderful story, but I think you change from past to present a few times. Good job!


07:30 Jul 28, 2021

I do need a lot of improvements in those parts. I sometimes forgot about it. Thank you.


Rosie 95
12:04 Jul 28, 2021

no problem!


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R. Fisher
06:03 Jul 15, 2021

A well-written story. The tone is a bit flat, but it's an excellent attempt at showcasing a never changing love. I recommend sticking to the standard plotline of a story; introduction, rising action, climax, falling action. If the story was held amidst an ongoing war, it would've added a bit more value to the author's work. The historical background is interesting, however, it was a poor choice to have it in peaceful times. Regardless, the work deserves credit for keeping the topic at the forefront and not just a passing wind. Good job.


07:29 Jul 28, 2021

I'll keep this in mind. Thank you.


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Lucía Nemo
02:44 Jul 13, 2021

What a lovely story, R. I especially loved the feeling of history behind it, and the sense of importance you gave to the simple family’s story and their love for each other. I advise you look over your grammar, though. I enjoyed reading!


07:28 Jul 28, 2021

I do need to improve my grammar. Thank you.


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18:36 Jul 07, 2021

Comments are always welcome.


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18:35 Jul 07, 2021

P.S. The event took place seven years after the Spaniards started colonizing the country, they named Philippines. Seven years later after March 16, 1521. Notes on some terms used. Gobernadorcillo is basically the town mayor. They were the Principalia, pure blooded Spaniards who took important positions in the Spanish government in the Philippines during the Spanish regime. Cabeza de Barangay or also called as chief of the barangay who governs the districts and part of the Principalia. Indios are persons or people of pure Austronesian, basi...


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