People I don't like ๐Ÿ 

Submitted into Contest #80 in response to: Write about a child witnessing a major historical event.... view prompt



14th part of Home. Doesn't follow prompt.

โ€œOh my god.โ€ Daniel whispers, staggering back, out of sight. โ€œT-TJ, thatโ€™s-โ€

TJ grabs his hands, and says in a hushed voice, โ€œItโ€™s okay. He doesnโ€™t know Angel.โ€

He leans against the wall, closing his eyes. โ€œOh my god.โ€

I canโ€™t breathe. I canโ€™t breathe. I canโ€™t-

โ€œDanny, calm down, itโ€™s okay.โ€

TJ keeps hold of his hand as he looks into the living room. Angel seems to have realized who this is.

โ€œSorry, I donโ€™t think your son is here.โ€ She says. She tries to close the door, but he sticks his foot in the way. She steps away as he pushes it open.

โ€œThis is where Catherine Maybel lives. My son is here.โ€

โ€œWhoโ€™s your son?โ€ Angel asks, trying to play dumb.

โ€œDaniel Young.โ€ Blake says, his eyes scanning the room. He sees TJ, and his lips curl into a scowl. โ€œYou. Youโ€™re the boy that made my son gay.โ€

TJ swallows, and Daniel can see his hands shaking. โ€œSorry, Iโ€™m not sure who-โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t play dumb!โ€ Blake yells. โ€œTell me where he is!โ€

Daniel moves farther down the hallway, behind the big blue bookcase. He wanted to be far away from his father.

Blake moves towards TJ, pointing a finger at him. โ€œWhere. Is. My. Son.โ€

โ€œI-I donโ€™t k-know.โ€ TJ says. Heโ€™s a terrible liar.

โ€œTell me where he is.โ€ Blake growls, coming closer.

Angel looks like she doesnโ€™t know whether she should stay out of it, or call the police. 

TJ seems to realize heโ€™s backing into the hallway that Danielโ€™s in, so he stops. Daniel moves farther away. He doesnโ€™t want TJ or Angel to get hurt, but he doesnโ€™t want his dad to see him either.

TJ tries to stand in front of Blake, but Blakeโ€™s stronger and taller. Daniel moves farther, but trips over a flower pot, which hits the floor loudly.

โ€œThere you are.โ€ Blake snarls. Daniel shrinks back. โ€œCome on, weโ€™re going home.โ€

Blake steps towards him, but TJ moves in front. โ€œLeave him alone.โ€

โ€œTJ,โ€ Daniel starts. 

Blake scowls at him. โ€œStay out of this.โ€

โ€œLeave him alone.โ€ He repeats, looking ready to fight.


Blake shoves him out of the way, and TJ hits the bookshelf, hard, then crumbles to the ground. The shelf teeters, and books fall. Daniel pushes it back against the wall, but several heavy books hit TJโ€™s temple.

โ€œTJ!โ€ He screams, scrambling towards him. 

TJ lays limp on the ground, blood trickling from deep cuts. Angel runs over as Daniel drops to his knees beside him. 

โ€œWe need to stop the blood.โ€ Angel says, rushing down the hallway.

Daniel feels a hand on his shoulder, and he jerks away.

โ€œLetโ€™s go, son.โ€ Blake says sternly.

Daniel scowls. โ€œNo. You leave. Iโ€™m staying here.โ€

โ€œYou canโ€™t-โ€

โ€œJust go!โ€ He shouts. โ€œI donโ€™t want to see you ever again!โ€

Angel runs back over with a wet washcloth, and she presses it to TJโ€™s forehead. Her phone is ringing in her other hand, and he realizes she called the hospital. 

He holds the washcloth to TJโ€™s head, trying to stay calm. Heโ€™s still breathing, but only barely. Please, please, please be okay. 

Heโ€™s barely listening as Angel talks on the phone. He notices at some point that Blake is gone. He realizes heโ€™s being extremely unhelpful, and looks up. 

โ€œW-what do I do?โ€ He asks her. 

Sheโ€™s typing on her phone. โ€œI called the hospital, and an ambulance should be here soon. They said to try to stop the bleeding, and make sure heโ€™s breathing.โ€

โ€œWho are you calling?โ€ 


Daniel nods, then reaches into TJโ€™s jacket for his phone to call TJโ€™s parents. He keeps one hand on the washcloth, and watches TJ nervously. Heโ€™s breathing, but not much.

Please, please, please be okay, TJ.

โ€œTJ?โ€ His mothers voice comes over the phone.

Daniel swallows, the phone shaking in his hands. โ€œItโ€™s Daniel.โ€

โ€œOh, hey, sweetie. Everything okay?โ€

He takes a breath, trying to hold back tears. โ€œNo.โ€

February 10, 2021 21:37

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Well, it wasn't much of a cliffhanger. Anyone else wishing the bookshelf fell on top of Blake instead? I rushed over here as soon as I saw your comment. This should win anyway.


Ari Berri
21:44 Feb 10, 2021

:) Thank you!


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Meera Lakshmi
01:54 Mar 25, 2021

I. Love. This. Collection. So. Fricken. Much!!


Ari Berri
02:24 Mar 25, 2021



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Amel Parvez
13:52 Feb 11, 2021

OUCH!!!! Tj :( ( please let him be ok)


Ari Berri
15:02 Feb 11, 2021

:( Don't worry.


Amel Parvez
15:11 Feb 11, 2021

when r u gonna post the next part? I WANNA MAKE SURE IF TJ IS OK OR NOT!


Ari Berri
15:23 Feb 11, 2021

Today or tomorrow, I'm working on it.


Amel Parvez
15:32 Feb 11, 2021

Oks, Waiting...... :(


Ari Berri
20:55 Feb 11, 2021

New part.


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Unknown User
01:38 Feb 11, 2021

<removed by user>


Ari Berri
20:55 Feb 11, 2021

New part!


Unknown User
23:43 Feb 11, 2021

<removed by user>


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Ari Berri
02:22 Feb 11, 2021

XD Sorry!


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Ari Berri
02:22 Feb 11, 2021

XD sorry!


Ari Berri
20:55 Feb 11, 2021

New part!


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Ari Berri
18:51 Feb 11, 2021



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