When The Lights Go Out

Written in response to: Set your story during a complete city or nation-wide blackout.... view prompt

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Crime Romance Thriller

When the Lights Go Out 


       Jess didn’t realize what dangers lurked in the shadows. She opened the door that led to her small apartment. The door gave a loud squeak whenever it opened. “I should fix that,” she thought as she wandered into the dark place. She flipped on the light switch and continued to walk further into the room. The light flooded the space giving her some security. Her heels clicked on the tile beneath her, the sound filled her home. She went into her room to get into more comfortable clothes. She came out and started to watch some television on her burgundy couch. A normal night for Jess. Nothing wrong, everything and everyone was safe. Or so she thought. Suddenly the lights went out. Her television, however, was still on. Instead of her favorite Rom-com on the screen, her television screamed big red letters stating a horrible message. A distorted voice said the words that flashed on the screen. 

“You can run. You can hide. But we will always find you. Let's see how you do. In the dark.” Everything went out. A blackout. A planned blackout. At this moment Jess knew someone out there wasn’t going to see tomorrow's sun. 

Jess scrambled off the couch. Panic rose in her chest while she frantically searched for her phone. Her left shin slammed against a hard surface and her right knee followed soon after. She made it to a door which she suspected was the doorway to her room. She felt around. A hard surface hit her hand. The impact from her desk left her hand throbbing. She knew now that this was her room. A soft object made her jump until she realized it was just her bed. She found all the ends of the bed and fell on it. Her arm hit another object. It was flat, small and had a screen. After all this she finally found her phone. She turned on the flashlight on her phone and went out to the living room once more. She peered out the window. Everything was dark. The only lights you could see were the stars and little flashlights bobbing up and down the street. “Is this happening everywhere?” She said out loud. Her all too familiar nerves rose up again. They spiked as she heard a loud knock on the door. Frozen. She was completely frozen. The only thing she could move were her eyes. The knock came again. A male voice called out to her.

“Jessica! I know you're in there, it's me Ace, now could you open the door please!” Jess let out a very large sigh. Her body almost crumpled to the ground as her adrenaline washed away. She hurried to the door to see Ace standing there with a flashlight in hand. “Ace!” She leaped into his arms. The force of her jump made both of them topple over into the hallway. Ace was on his back with Jess on top of him. They stared at each other. Even though they were fiancés the thought of Ace still made butterflies is Jess’s stomach. Jess instantly felt safe in his arms. They laid there for a while until she stood up and helped Ace to his feet. His muscular figure gave Jess a form of security and his tall stature was too big for the six-foot door, so he ducked under it. 

“Do you have extra blankets?” Ace asked her . 

“Yes. Why do you need them?” Her curiosity rose with the next words he said.

“Well, I'm going to stay here tonight. I’ll take the couch. It is a pull out couch right?” Ever more butterflies were taking flight in her stomach. Ace? Here? With her? She was speechless for a moment. 

“Ok.” Was all she could get out of her mouth. She hurried to grab the blankets as he pulled out the couch to reveal the hidden bed. She helped him get set up. 

“Is it comfortable?” She asked him. Her voice was surprisingly shaky. 

“Yes it is.” He said. “Is something wrong? I don’t even have to see your face and I know your blushing.” He gave her a teasing smirk. Jess glared back at him. 

“Good night Ace!” She said to him, waving her hand. 

“Good night. I love you…babe.” She stopped in her tracks and giggled. She loved when he called her that. 

“Love you too.” She said as her bedroom door came to a close. She almost forgot about everything that had happened. Almost.

She woke up the next morning to be welcomed by the smell of bacon. Her eyes fluttered open. Was the power back on? She rushed out of the room without realizing she was still in her night wear. “Is the power back on!” She practically yelled. Ace jumped a little. 

“My God Jess! You scared me!” She saw his eyes move up and down her five-nine frame. “What?” She said to him, 

“Nice outfit.” His teasing smirk came back to haunt her once more. She noticed what she was wearing and her entire face became strawberry red. “I’ll be back!” She said as she rushed into her room. Once she was dressed, with a small dash of makeup, She went to see Ace again. 

“Is that makeup?” He said, eyeing her. Sadness flickered in his eyes. She quickly changed the subject. “So the powers back on?” 

“Yes.” He said 

“You made bacon?” she asked him. 

“Jess, bacon is the only thing in your fridge.” He sighed, “You can’t live on bacon.”   

“Says who?!” 

“Says me.” Jess let out a grumble and flopped on the couch. She found the remote and turned on the television. The channel was turned to murder mysteries, which was not what Jess had on last night. “Were you watching something last night?” She asked Ace. 

“No. The power was out, remember?” He was right. Odd. maybe it just changed channel due to the power? That was her only reasonable explanation. Loud bangs came from the door. Both Jess and Ace jumped. Ace went to open the door with Jess on his heels. They opened the door to see a police officer standing in the hallway. 

“Uh how may I help you Sir?” Ace asked the officer.

“Well you must have experienced the blackout last night, correct?” 

“That's correct.” Jess replied.

“Well just down the hall we found a body on the floor. With a knife and a note that read ‘my work here is done’. Any idea what that might mean?” Jess and Ace stood devastated and afraid. A murderer came into their apartment building last night. 

“N-no.” Jess choked out. 

“Alright then I’ll leave you be.” The officer tilted his hat and left. Ace nodded and closed the door. Jess went back to the TV. They were both trying to process what they had just heard. Jess got a text message from an unknown number. She opened and gasped. Her heart stopped as she stared at the phone. 

“What?” Ace rushed over to her. 

“Th-they were here.” She handed the phone to Ace. There was a text and a picture. The text message read. 

“You look pretty when you sleep.” The following picture was of her sleeping in her bed. Ace shuddered and his angry rose. 

“Officer!” Ace called. They could have died last night. Luckily Jess wasn’t the target. But what if she was? Or what if she is?   

February 06, 2023 20:12

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Melody Thompson
01:57 Feb 07, 2023

This is my very first story so tell me your honest opinion! Thanks:)


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