On The Run

Submitted into Contest #212 in response to: Write a story about a pair of pen pals.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction

Dear Donna,

How are you doing? I’m doing well, though it’d be erroneous to say the same for Mother. She’s worried, worried that the knights will break down our door any moment, worried that when Father goes out, he won’t return, worried that we’ll succumb from hunger before the war even ends, and worried that they’ll come and take me and Helen away, of course, she doesn’t say any of this, but it's plain to see.

I’m getting better at hiding my ability though. When Mother wasn't busy working, she taught me to keep it under control.

Helen tells me that it’s not safe to send out letters, they could be checked and traced, but I needed this. Desperately. If the letter was unsealed when you first got it, it means they haven’t checked it yet, at least I hope so. 

Mother and father have been building the walls of the castle, day and night. The pay isn't good, but it's enough. I always sleep with a half-full stomach, even when Helen shares her portion with me. Mother and father haven’t got time to take us to the playground anymore. They say it’s not safe, but nothing is these days. 

I don’t know what with Helen, she’s been disappearing a lot. When Mother leaves of course. I asked one time, and she said she was meeting a friend. I know she's lying, we stopped having friends months ago. Mother says it's far too dangerous, and that we can't trust anyone anymore. But I trust you.

We hear screams every night, as the knights break down the doors of our neighbors in an endless search for the Children of The Prophecy. For Helen and me.

Answer quickly. Though I can't write a letter anytime soon, even this time Mother was hesitant about me sending you a letter, I know she won't oblige again.



Dear Macon,

Glad to hear you're doing fine. I'm doing fantastic, Father's new job with the miners is going wonderfully.

I'm sad to hear about your mother, but she'll survive. I heard the knights are frustrated, they're bound to give up soon. I'm sending you a box. Inside, you'll see that it has five brushes, each with a golden rope tied near the top. Untie it quickly and sell it to the merchants. You can sell the four tall brushes as well, but keep the short one, trust me.

Your sister, Helen, is probably just wandering around. Like you said, having friends is too risky these days. You don't know who to trust. And she's right. Letters are being intercepted. My dad went to the postal office once, and he saw workers opening and checking the letters.

I'm happy to hear that your learning to control your ability, hope that's the same with Helen. Even though it's not as bad here, I still do hear the knights once in a while. They come at night, I even saw one of them once.

Say hi to your sister and parents for me. I'll write soon.

Yours truly,


Dear Donna,

I don't know if this letter is going to reach you in time, but they're coming! The knights, they know where I am. Two days ago, the same day I got your letter, the Knights made an announcement, they declared that they had found us, me and Helen. They said they know where we are. That if we come willingly, they'll spare one of us, and if we don't, they'll kill us both. They said we have 3 days to surrender. I don't know what to do, Mother said we'll go into hiding. She seems confident, opposite to what my father seems to feel. We heard our parents arguing last night, Father said we weren't ready and we should wait to see if the Knights were actually aware of where we were, but Mother screamed and said We'll die here if we stay a minute longer. Then she barged into our room and told us we'd be leaving at dawn.

I didn't get to sell the brushes but thank you. I'm sure I'll get the chance to. If I survive.

It's strange, I saw the little brush flash and turn red when I touched it. I swear it was blue before. I'll take it with me when we leave, perhaps it'll give us some luck.

This might be the last time I will write to you, and you to me.

P.S: Helen says hello.



Dear Macon,

Huh. It was blue before, maybe it was your abilities that changed it. The knights are probably bluffing, I've heard something like this before, they do this to see which people move away or look most scared. Tell your mother to stay put, and act natural. You'll be okay Macon. You'll be just fine.


A day after Donna sent this letter, the knights arrived. And right in front was, Donna. She led the knights as they destroyed the house looking for the children, but by then, it was too late. Macon, Helen, and their parents had escaped just minutes before the knights came. What Macon didn't know was that Donna was behind the hunt for the children of the prophecy, because she knew a chant that would take the powers of the children and give it all to her. but the victims would need to come unwillingly if it was for the chant to work.

Dear Macon,

Where are you? I heard about the knights attacking your home, I hope you're all right. Are you in the forests? And why did you leave the brush I gave you?


Dear Donna,

I ... uh, got your letter though Mother said not to tell anyone where we are. How did you know I left the brush? Regardless, in all the chaos of trying to escape before the knights came, I dropped it. It's long gone.

We're okay though, I'm writing this, not sure if you'll ever get it but I hope you do. I'll disguise myself just in case and take it to the post office.

Everything is fine here, we're planning on going to a nearby village! Where no one knows us, we finally might be safe.


After receiving his letter, Donna alerted the guards to search every village nearby for Macon, and most importantly, Helen. She could never forget the day Helen learned who Donna was. Donna was able to erase Helen's memory, temporarily for exactly three months. After that, it'll wear off and Helen will once again know that Donna is the one behind all the knight attacks on her and Macon. In minutes, Helen's memory will return and Donna's chance to capture the children will be impossible, pointless to continue the search. Like trying to sift water in a screen.

Macon sent Donna this letter exactly 41 seconds ago, 6 minutes after Helen's memory returned.

To Donna,

Who are you?


Thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed it :)

August 24, 2023 00:40

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Tsion Dawit
23:18 Aug 28, 2023

Awesome Story!! Thanks for sharing :)


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Liya Dawit
18:14 Aug 26, 2023

Hi Everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read my story, it means a lot :) This is a conversation (through letters) between two people, Macon and Donna. Macon and his sister are blessed (or cursed?) with unimaginable powers. And Donna wants it all. She became Macon's friend as she planned a way to steal their powers. But Helen saw her for who she was. Donna could simply not let Helen survive. So she sent the knights after them. And you might be confused about the brushes? There was a tracker device inside of the small brush. Hope this answe...


Tsion Dawit
01:37 Aug 29, 2023

Hey Liya thank you for following me am following you as well Keep up the good ideas again thanks :)


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