Submitted into Contest #30 in response to: Write a story about a character experiencing déjà vu.... view prompt





Forty-year-old Salome Ughani realized the power she had over young diplomat Eddie Ramsey, just twenty-seven. Romance between them crystalized from the moment she walked into his office at the Embassy one day and they locked eyes. The older woman and much younger man became lost in a sea of love. There were times when she could not bring herself to that disposition, when she felt stripped of all reason because of her compelling love, a married woman for another man, and someone as young as one of her two sons. On this particular evening with the two of them in his nice, cozy apartment, she rose from the bed after they’d been wrapped in demanding, commanding love-making.

“Ed, I have to say this. We have to end this relationship.” He looked perplexed.

“What brought this on? I love you, Salome, you know that. What did I do wrong? I thought you loved me, what are you saying?” he said, feeling confused, deeply hurt. “I can’t recall any conflicts between us. What happened?” he seemed near tears. He never found a woman he’d felt as comfortable with as Salome Ughani. Not only did her astounding tall, smooth, slender looks draw him to her, he found her even, calm, compassionate personality appealing. Plus she believed in fighting injustice of any kind. Having grown up in a poor village near Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, witnessing hunger, and harshness of life for girls and women all around had made her sensitive to the misfortune of others. Her sisters and female cousins and the other girls she’d known had been forced into marriage by the time they were twelve or thirteen. Good fortune was on her side and made it possible for her to have schooling something that was not the case for most females. The English-operated school taught the students well. And then, she earned a scholarship to attend a secretarial college. That was how she’d landed the job at the Ethiopian Embassy, and at twenty became the wife of fifty-five-year-old high official Abdul Ughani.

“We cannot continue this affair. It would be dangerous for you and me if my husband found out. We’re taking too many chances. You must leave the embassy, return to America and form a new life for yourself. It’s over for you and me.”

    A bomb explosion could not have hit him harder, turning away from his deep love for her, feeling no one could ever take her place. He’d just experienced the worst condemnation ever, and felt as though hopelessness and dejection had spread a tent over his life.

    As much as he tried he felt he couldn’t exist unless he made another attempt to reconnect with Salome. At the new job assignment at the State Department in Washington D.C., he requested, he couldn’t focus. Nothing about his life made sense. I have to see her, if only to hold her for a moment, feel her next to me, and maybe reawaken something. Two months since the break-up he planned a trip to see her. The plan would remind her of the love they’d shared, and she’d want him back, willing to risk everything to establish that amazing romance they’d had once again. He’d do this in spite of her negative response when he’d called her often and spoken to her. ‘I can’t talk to you. It’s over. We can’t resume anything. Good-bye, Eddie.’ Essentially, that’s how she’d respond every time he called.

    The flight to Addis Abba went without any problems, and he sat in a rented car on a street within eye sight of the estate. Since that morning he’d sat unseen in an area behind tall shrubbery that hid the car. Finally around 2pm he saw her tall, beautiful form leaving her home. His heart began to pound with anticipation and love. It became difficult not to jump out of the car and go after her, embrace her, remind her of everything they’d shared and lost. Nevertheless he sat there and watched her go to the garage, back out and leave the premises. He eased his car away and slowly followed. I’ll go to where she goes and then make myself known. He had to take precautions for both their sake. He worried what the consequences might be if anyone noticed them together, and it got back to her husband. Finally, after a very long drive, perhaps five miles, she turned down a tiny road. After driving for about a mile she pulled into a small restaurant parking area. She left the car and went inside at which time he instantly got out of his car and followed her. The moment he entered the tiny restaurant, his heart dropped. She leaned over and kissed a very young man sitting at a table. As a matter of fact, he thought the man looked younger than he. This can’t be, he thought deeply disappointed.

    “Salome, what are you doing?” he told her, crushed and sounding panicky. “Who is that?”

    “This is my lover. Sorry Eddie, but he is my lover now.” She almost sounded matter-of-fact. I’m so sorry. I didn’t expect you to come see me. I kept telling you it was over between us. But you didn’t listen. I’m sorry.”

    “So, this is what you do. You’re always looking for someone younger, and you think is better. I get it.” With that, he turned and left the restaurant deeply hurt. That incident left a wound on his heart that would be difficult to heal, but he never tried to see her, or contact her after that.

     Nonetheless, for the sake of her life, not his, he quit the Ethiopian Embassy and returned to Philadelphia, carrying her heart with him forever.




February 27, 2020 17:13

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