Breaking Tradition

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Write about a character preparing a meal for somebody else.... view prompt


Drama Fiction High School

September 25, 2016

7:25 Am

Rachel was barely waking up to her crashing of plates and pans, lots of voices as well, Though Rachel was confused as to hear so many sounds in her house the young girl got up anyway, she grabs her slippers and opens her door.

"Goodmorning," A very chirpy, too chirpy, voice said.

"Goodmorning Gloria, wheres my mom?" Rachel said stepping over the broken plates and past the people who were trying to pick them up, she has never seen them in her life.

"She went to go get paper plates and cups," The woman said setting down a glass of water next to the young girl "And pick up Brianna" .

Rachel's head perked up.

"It's her birthday remember," Gloria said as she watched the people walkout.

"Right, were you making the meal for her and the people?" Rachel looked over at the messy countertop where she assumed Gloria was trying to cook.

"Uh well yeah but-" Gloria stammered.

"I'll cook, just tell me what you were trying to make" Rachel rolls her sleeves up to her elbow and grabs a hair tye to tye her hair up to a bun

She wasn't the best at cooking but she was decent and, definitely, better then Gloria, Gloria couldn't even cook an egg without ruining her stove.

To think that Rachels mother left Gloria to cook.

"That Ravioli pasta your mom makes" Gloria looked at the paper Rachels mother had scribbled the recipe onto.

Rachel took it from her and looked over it for a second, she told Gloria to get out then she began to clean up.

While she cleaned the mess that Gloria had made her mind wandered.

Rachel had always been close to Brianna, ever since they were kids..

Now they're both 17 and... not as close, Brianna had begun to be a bit abusive.

Ever since Brianna figured out how naive Rachel was, Brianna definitely took advantage of that.

and to think that here she was, cooking a meal for her and her friends, well she assumed friends, Brianna was never alone, she always had a bunch of friends with her, honestly, it seemed like her friends didn't have any homes considering how much time they spent with Brianna, Rachel has met them a few times but they might as well be strangers to her, Rachel was quite the opposite of Brianna, Brianna was loud, outgoing, and extroverted, Rachel was quiet, shy, introverted, Brianna liked to do new things, go out and have fun, Rachel well she would rather curl up and read, or call her friend from Australia, even hang out with her two best friends and play video games.

Sure it may seem boring but

To Rachel that was fun, that was all she needed.

Brianna made money by going out to interviews.

Rachel, well she made purses and entered writing contests.

Sure, Rachel's way of doing things weren't so effective but they made her comfortable.

But she was comfortable doing these things so that was all that mattered to her.

Rachel snapped out of her thoughts when she accidentally dropped a spoon after going to wash it.

She must have been really zoned out if she couldn't even pick up a spoon.


She really has to get a hold of herself.

As she looked around the countertop she felt pleased to see that it had been cleaned up.

She washes her hand and opens the cupboard, it's cooking time

 Before she grabs anything she checks the paper that she had grabbed from her aunt Gloria

"1 package (25 ounces) of frozen cheese ravioli" she reads out then grabs said item putting it down on the counter.

"1-1/2 pounds bulk Italian sausage" She mumbled and grabbed the Italian sausages from the freezer.

"1 container (15 ounces) ricotta cheese," she says said cheese from the fridge putting it on the table "This is a lot of freaking cheese" she mumbled.

"1 large egg, lightly beaten" She grabbed two just in case she drops one, just as she put it down, she does says thing "Well frick".

She laughs it off and goes onto the next item on said list "1 teaspoon dried basil" She grabs a teaspoon and the spice shaker of basil "poop leaves as Aurora calls them".

She puts the shaker and the spoon down then looks at the list again "1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning" she grabs the seasoning from the cupboard and put it down.

"2 jars (one 26 ounces, one 14 ounces) spaghetti sauce" She mumbles and grabs two of 24 ounces and a measuring cup putting it down.

"2 cups shredded Italian cheese blend" she grabs it from the fridge and puts it down.

"Alright then baby let's get cooking" She smiled "Alexa play playlist 1".

Rachel cracked her knuckles and begun to follow the instructions on the paper "Alright then".

She reads the instructions out 

"1-Cook ravioli according to package directions.

2-Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350°. In a large skillet, cook sausage over medium heat until no longer pink; drain. In a small bowl, combine ricotta cheese, egg, basil, and Italian seasoning; set aside. Drain ravioli.

3-Spoon 1-1/3 cups spaghetti sauce into a greased 13x9-in. baking dish. Layer with half of the ravioli and sausage. Spoon ricotta mixture over sausage; top with 1-1/3 cups sauce. Layer with remaining ravioli and sausage. Spread remaining sauce over top; sprinkle with shredded cheese.

4-Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake 5-10 minutes longer or until cheese is melted. Let stand 10 minutes before cutting."

She huffed and began to cook the ravioli right after preheating the oven at 350°.

After finishing the ravioli she puts it aside. 

She grabs a large skillet and cooks the sausage then drained it in a small bowl and combined it with the ingredients in the directions.

 She set it aside and drained the ravioli, she then puts the spaghetti sauce into the baking dish then layered it with ravioli and sausage and put ricotta mixture over the sausage, topped it with sauce, layered it with the remaining ravioli and sausage, and put the remaining sauce over the top along with shredded cheese.

She covered it and put it in the oven.

After the baking started she huffs and sat down on the floor "Alexa stop" and the music ends, silence flooding the room.

She lays her head against the fridge and sighs out "I should probably get dressed before they get here".

She gets up and dusted herself off and goes to her rooms.

She grabs a binder, some leggings, and a tank top from her room.

She gets changed and grabs her phone on her way back to the kitchen.

She plays on her phone for a while but as soon as it hits thirty minutes she takes the lasagna out and hears the main door open.

Minutes later her mother along with a group of five kids her age andBrianna walk in and are all talking sitting down and not even seeing raachel sitting there.

Rhel was quick to get annoyed and walked past everyone out onto the street.

She sat down on the sidewalk and sighs.

"Hey V" 

She looks up to see two very tall males.

"Lucca, Joseph, hey whats up I thoght you guys had work today" Rachels face brightened up and stood up hugging them.

"Wanna hang at the park?"

Rachel was quik to nod and the three musketeers walk to the park.

June 30, 2021 19:51

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