

'Hey. Won't use the usual 'hope you're well' cliche' - I can imagine you're holding up just fine with everything that's been going on.

Anyway, just wanted to check in with you, I'm hoping you're at least staying warm, keeping healthy and busy.

I'll try and write to you when I can, it gets quite lonely and quiet up here in the cabin.

Hopefully, I'll see you soon?




‘Hi, it’s me again, as promised. Boring joke, I know. You always said I had a dry sense of humor. 

I thought I would’ve heard back from you by now, maybe you’re just busy? Or your internet is down? I wouldn’t be surprised by either situation, I know how busy you are, and with everything that’s happened, I wouldn’t be surprised by not having internet, either. I know of some families that struggled to get water during the panic buying.

But, I’m rambling now. Sorry. 

Guess I just miss talking to someone. I miss the interaction, the small talk, the expressions, the sound of laughter - I miss conversations in general.

Anyway, write me back when you get this. As promised, I will try and write you every week.

Well wishes,



‘Hi, Lisa. Hope you’re well. I still haven’t heard back from you yet - I hope this email address is still active? Wish I could text you to find out, but the cell service has been erratic since Monday. I haven’t heard anything from my family either, but I’m not sure if I should leave and go check on them? Have you heard anything from your family, or are you still staying with your friends?

I know I must sound strange, but to be honest, at this point, I feel like my nerves are starting to get to me - I’m hearing strange noises at night, I’m seeing strange figures outside my window, and I’m not getting enough sleep. I feel I’m losing my grip on reality, I fear if this continues, I may be pushed to extremes that I would rather not even consider.

Please, Lisa, please respond to me



‘I’ve decided to start a blog, a journal of some kind. The quiet is driving me to question my understanding of things I never thought I would question. 

Like human nature. Ethics. Principles. Beliefs. Morals.

Watching the news a few days ago, I saw how the world united against this madness, how everyone is trying to comfort one another, to get through this quarantine together. 

Then, when I dared venture outside to try and get more food and other supplies, I saw a young man push a woman out of the way to reach the little supplies left in a supermarket. It was an act of cruelty, of selfishness - and yet, I understood. I think I would have even done the same.

Who am I, really to judge?

Everyone’s life has been disrupted, everyone’s habits, their routines, their patterns - when thrown out of your comfort zone, your behavior becomes unpredictable. 

I just hope people will be able to recover from this - one thing I have faith in is the resilience of the human spirit.

We will survive.




‘A storm is approaching. I feel it coming, the dark clouds drawing nearer, the rumble of distant thunder, the closing groan of the harsh wind. I feel it coming for me, for my sanctuary here in the cabin, I no longer feel safe and I no longer feel like I understand the world I live in anymore.

I was foolish, naive even, to believe that I understood how the world works, how people will behave or react when placed under pressure. I was so wrong, so very, very wrong. 

But I now know what I have to do, what I need to do to put things to rights. 

I need to prepare, to brace myself for the storm. 

It’s coming, and only the brave will survive this test of endurance.

I hope to see you on the other side



‘The storm has passed. All is well, Lisa. All is calm. 

I can now be a part of society again.’


‘Hi Sam, it’s Lisa. I’m sorry I took so long to respond, I haven’t used this email address in a while. Your messages are worrying, disturbing, even. I’m struggling to make sense of your messages, of everything you’ve mentioned. Where are you, let me come see you and we can discuss this? 

I want to make sure you’re ok, your family has been to see me, they say they haven’t been able to contact you for weeks - then I see these messages you’ve sent me. 

Sam, I know we have history, but let me help you. Tell me where you are. 

Here’s my cell phone number: 074 512 6540. Please, call me soon.



‘Sam, please. Where are you? What cabin are you staying at? 

Your family is worried about you. I’m worried about you. 

Please, tell us where you are. I have my cell with me, you can text me or call at any time. 

I will pick up this time, I promise. You don’t have to go through this alone.

Call me.



‘Sam. Your mother says they’ve found your grandfather’s cabin, and they’ve searched it.

Where did you go? It’s like you just got up and left - all your things are left behind, even your clothes, and your laptop. Please, it’s not safe to be alone in those woods, especially with winter drawing near. I don’t know what storm you’re talking about, there was no mention of a storm anywhere for the past few weeks? 

Just come home, Sam. To us. To your family. To me.

I just want to know that you’re safe.



[21:50] Lisa. I appreciate your messages. Thank you.

Don’t worry, I’m fine.

I’ll see you soon.


Sam, what do you mean?? [21:55]

Where are you? [21:55] 

??? [22:00]

[missed call] [22:01]

[voicemail] [22:01]

Sam, tell me where you are, now. [22:02]


[22:05] I did love you, Lisa, and I still do.

I promise I’ll see you soon. 

I must follow the path I am on. 

Be well.

  • END - 
  • [1037 words]

March 25, 2020 08:14

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