

        The ship travel is rough with the seas angry fits and the siren's calls that keep me up at night. I've been sick much. But we shall make landfall within the next few days and then they'll leave me to do my work. Most excited. Miss my wife and children a little but honestly it is nice to be away and on an adventure.


        First night on the beach. Built tent, fire, and cooked a fine meal as I watched the ship take to the sea again. Dark now and night animals have begun to sing. Looking forward to sleeping as the night lives around me.


        It’s been an adjustment to be the sole human on an island full of exotic beasts. It's been humid and raining most of the day, a surprisingly nice relief from the tormenting sun. I made many notes and took many photos to document the various flora and fauna

that grows here. At night I swear I hear voices and music but it's most likely either wishful thinking or carried from a distance on the Northeast wind. I'll be moving on from the beach tomorrow to head into the forest.


        The forest provides much cover from the unpleasant weather, but it breeds many creepy crawler’s and makes me wish for the warm, dry sun cover of the beach. I haven't found a single undocumented animal yet, but I have faith that I will. It's amazing how a typically unsocial creature such as I is longing to listen to useless chatter or have a pointless polite conversation with a stranger. I thought last night I smelled spicy cooked meat and the smoke from a fire that was not my own... then it was gone. I'll dream of that meat while I finish my canned beans and curl up to sleep.


        I found it! I found a spider that, after researching all my notes and books that I’ve brought with me, I cannot confirm has been discovered yet. I studied it in its natural habitat for days, took notes and photos, before I tapped the spider in formaldehyde to preserve

it for future study. Can't wait to get back to civilization to see if this can be verified or not. Tonight, I dine on pork and beans with glee.


        There's something in the darkness. I can hear it while I lay in my sleeping bag and try not to let the sounds make fear bloom in my heart.


         I've moved deeper into the forest on my trek to the opposite side of the island. I believe I found what looks like remains of a treehouse or some sort of ancient shelter. This is disappointing to think someone else may have visited this place before, but I found no positive identifiers to who was here. I documented the evidence

for further study and moved on. Tonight, I am making a small fire and camping overnight. But I'll be on the move again tomorrow at first light.


        I fell into the river today. Think my ankle is fractured at least so I've bound it with a brace from my field kit and taken some pain relief. But my biggest issue is that I've lost my pack that had most of my food in it. So, for tonight, I'll dine on dried beef sticks and a single package of crackers. Hopefully, I can hunt or forage food. Maybe I’ll embrace the nature of man and live like a wild beast myself.


        Starving is a real feeling these days. I am unable to make it as far through the woods as I had been because of my ankle. It's ugly, hot, and swollen. Perhaps, coming in here without help was a poor decision on my part. Running low on pretty much everything, including faith.


        So hungry. Tired. and... sad. I may die here.... If that happens and someone finds this journal tell my wife and kids, I love them and wish them well in life.


        I..........want to die and be done with this suffering. My head is dizzy. My time is gone. I'm going to lay down and let the darkness take me.


        I'm in a prison of wood and rope but they've fed me, bathed me, and saved me for some reason. I'm not sure how long I’ve been here or where I even am. If I peek through the only window out of this place, I see shadows around a fire. They feed me through a slot and never speak when I ask my questions. Perhaps they mean to kill me or maybe they mean to keep me as I'd kept the poor spider. A novelty. An experiment.


        There's a beautiful woman who saved me today. They'd dragged me out of the cage to cook me, if their fire was any indication, but she met my eyes and smiled. Her dark eyes were accented by the black line tattoos on her cheeks and her lush lips were pinkened from the berries she was eating. She sat with a huge man with similar features, and she wore crown made of flowers and thistles. When one of the beastly men went to hit me with a club, she stood and spoke a single word, quietly, before leaning down to whisper into the head honcho's ear. He then barked an order, and I was dragged back into this cage.

Maybe 1/1 now? Who knows, anymore.

        They've moved me into a hut with the beautiful woman. She is patient with me since I don't understand her language but forceful enough for me to understand that I am hers to do with what she pleases... not that I'm complaining about most of that.


              I watched them from the woods, hidden with the rest of the tribe, as they searched for my pack, tent, and clothes. I could have called out that I was here, and I was alive... but Ryvinna rubbed herself against me and I had zero desire to return to my life off this island. With the silence they’d been teaching me, we all snuck away from the search party and back to the safety of our village.


        I married my new wife, Ryvinna, this afternoon by the fire surrounded by my new tribe. Her father officiated. I sometimes miss the life I'd left behind but it's hard to when I look at Ryvinna.


        It's been a few years since I've written in this journal. Ryvinna is currently laboring for all to see as she brings our fourth prince or princess into the tribe. My father-in-law has passed away and now Ryvinna and I are the chiefs of the tribe. Maybe I should feel guilty for leaving my former wife and kids behind to stay here with Ryvinna... but I don't. According to the papers, I was pronounced dead, and they got a windfall from the insurance. My former wife

re-married a senator and had another two kids. They’re fine as far as I can tell from here. And I get to spend my days studying the wildlife, ruling the tribe with a gorgeous wife who never turns me down and continues to give me beautiful babies, and live free of rules and law that are not of my own making.

It's good to be king.

Posted Apr 22, 2024

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11 likes 1 comment

Laurie Spellman
00:49 May 02, 2024

Cool idea for the prompt. Good twist at the end.


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