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Fiction Adventure Speculative

Boxes and more boxes were everywhere. Roma sat in the middle of room on the floor contemplating her next move. Pen and paper in hand she had just started this task. What was her task, more likely could she complete it. This was Romas first official job as a curator/caretaker of collections. Roma knew since she was eight years old that she wanted to be in charge of a museum a curator just like her father. Her father was Walter Hames the famous curator of the Boston museum collection. Her father often took her to work with him on the weekends he showed her the delights and hidden gems in the museum how best display these items so people could see and understand what he was looking for in his pieces. Roma loved the artwork and the anthology section, and the priceless pieces of artefacts that adorned the halls and rooms of the museum. Roma learned how precious each piece was and how to catalogue and value each item. Once Roma had finished secondary studies she automatically enrolled in and was accepted at Boston University undergraduate curator program obtaining a bachelor degree with a major in a relevant area, such as classics, fine arts,  history, cultural studies or anthropology, as well as a relevant postgraduate qualification. It had been a tiring 4 years but Roma had managed to be an exceptional student. She flourished at University and made her mother and father exceptionally proud by graduating with honours. Now she was ready to explore the world. Her father had offered her a job at the Boston Museum as a Junior curator but Roma wanted to make it under her own steam and not after her fathers name. She had recently come across an advertisement in the Boston Times newspaper requesting a deceased property evaluator. The position was a live in for approximately six months. Reading the article Roma knew she was more than qualified maybe this could be her start. You have to start at the bottom and work your way up isn’t that true, she thought to herself so she had made the call to the Lawyers firm who placed the advertisement and gained a interview. Roma felt a little bit nervous she didn’t know why she felt on edge, it was a run of the mill interview which she had completed plenty of them, university had encouraged students to participate in mock interviews. She had her list of questions to ask. Arriving promptly at 9am at Tesslers and Tesslers Law firm Roma was shown into the interview room. Seated at the large half moon table were three important individuals of the Law firm. Each introduced themselves to Roma who was seated directly in front of them. Trying not to feel awkward or pressured Roma exhaled a few short breaths before relaxing and answering their questions. Once the interview had been concluded Roma was advised that this position is top priority and the successful applicant will be advised by the end of the week. By Friday morning Roma was a bunch of nerves she realised she really wanted this job. It would be new and exciting making her forge her own career path. From her room Roma could hear the phone ringing downstairs, she raced almost sliding down the banister. Stopping in her tracks she picked up the phone and introduced herself to the caller. Standing in the middle of the hallway, her face seemed pained maybe she wasn’t listening or comprehending what was being said. Did Mr Tesslers just say the job was hers and he will be sending over the legal paperwork for her to sign later that afternoon. She will commence her appointment with the firm Monday. Her mother and father congratulated her on her success and her father offered her his assistance should she require it. Monday morning Roma drove out to the address she had been given. She was to meet Mr Tesslers at the home at 9am. She had packed enough clothes and toiletries to last awhile. I’m sure the house will have a washing machine, that was the least of Romas problems. Approaching the home, Roma checked the address again. Yep 2011 Ralley Drive. It wasn’t just a home but a sprawling mansion, with sweeping lawns, gardens that would rival Bucharest gardens the place was gorgeous. Waiting while Mr Tesslers arrived Roma walked around the house. Surely Roma though one person didn’t live here alone, Mr Tesslers had arrived and taken Roma around the house before they continued inside. Insisting Roma called him George they both sat down in the drawing room while George advised Roma on her role, duties, responsibilities. She was allocated a bedroom on the second floor which had its own bathroom and a luscious view of the gardens. Roma had been provided an expense account card and was to use it for any necessities . Meals could be ordered in or if she liked Roma could utilise the large kitchen. George advised Roma that she could explore the mansion today and commence her duties tomorrow. Packing away her belongings Roma set off to explore, crossing the expansive lawns Roma located a tennis court, an indoor swimming pool and a pagoda that was shimmering with the sun. The complete mansion was breathtaking. Spending her first night at the mansion was a little daunting, but she settled down and slept like a baby. After a breakfast of toast and coffee which Roma had brought with her, she set herself a target each day she would try and complete one room’s inventory and value register. George had also given her a dozier of the Duke whose home it had been. Apparently he had been a widower without any children to inherit this beautiful property not to mention the artefacts and gems that will be discovered. The Duke had left strict instructions on his personal charities and fundraising activities that will be recipients of his estate. Roma was searching through a number of boxes in the anti chamber, noting each item and a value she had almost filled up her A4 notepad once this note pad was full she will transfer all of the information to her computer database. It was easier to work like this. After a few weeks George came out to check on how things were running, Roma knew he just wanted to get out of the office he loved the outdoors and they conversed via telephone every day. Visiting the local store Roma grabbed a few essentials and a jam and cream cake for morning tea. George was thrilled to see that Roma had been able to make headway with the inventory.

they sat in the drawing room and went over their prospective plans and evaluations. George had advised Roma that a Mr Michael Low will be joining her in the home, his job will be to do the inventory and evaluation of the library. He will be arriving tomorrow morning around 9 am. He will be set up in the same way Roma has, with an expense account, his room will be on the first floor closest to the library. George stated that Michael was a comely gentleman who really was dedicated to his work and they should get on rather well. The next morning Michael arrived at promptly at 9 am. Roma showed him to his room and they did a quick tour of the home. Michael went to explore the library advising Roma that he will meet up with her at lunch time. Time flew bye it was 1:30 pm when Roma and Michael managed to grab a cup of tea and make a sandwich. Roma asked Michael what he would like to eat for dinner she said she was going to order Italian food from the local restaurant, her favourite dish was chicken parmigiana with vegetables and she will splurge on a bottle of red wine if he would like to join her. So they made a time to meet in the drawing room for dinner, Roma had ordered the meal, set the low table with napkins, silverware and wine glasses. The meal arrived at 7pm. They both sat down to dine, chatting between bites there conversations flowed easily. Roma spoke about her life as did Michael. They were of similar backgrounds and age. Roma felt that a friendship could be forged. Week after week Roma and Michael became more ingrained in their work. Meeting up for meals and cups of tea. Passing on tidbits about what they had found in the library, attic and other rooms. The valuation collection was becoming quite substantial. Michael commented on day on how lucky the recipients of the Dukes estate are going to be. Roma walked into the library to find that Michael had removed all the books from the shelves. They were laying on the table in little piles picking one up Roma asked Michael if the Dukes library collection was extensive. Michael responded there are some great books here but unfortunately no first editions. That doesn’t mean that they have no value. People perceive books in their own way. What is of value to one person may not be valuable to another. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Michael and Roma were firm friends by now more like brother and sister they were very comfortable being in the same house. Early one morning Roma heard Michael yelling from the library Roma, Roma come quick Roma ran to the library standing at the door she looked at Michael what’s going on, I thought you had hurt yourself Roma responded. No just come closer and look at this, Roma moved closer to Michael ok what am I looking at. See that slot there next to the shelf, can you put you fingers into the slot and press down on the shelf. I think there is a hidden shelf behind this one. Roma slipped her fingers into the groove and pressed down. The shelf moved and swung open. Looking inside between the shelves they both could see an array of other books in glass cases. Michael opened up the shelving wider it was like a mini room. There were three books each encased it it’s own glass pyramid. Grabbing the torch from the table Michael shone the glow of its light over each glass casing. No way, no way Michael was rumbling to himself, what is it Michael Roma asked. Michael was still muttering No way. His torch lit up the first book Shakespeare’s First Folio bending lower to see what he was seeing was correct Michael’s voice squeaked, it’s worth about 5.2 million dollars, it’s in mint condition tracing the torch over the second pyramid the book illuminated by its light the first edition book of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Michael commented to no one in particular this book is precious, but even more so due to its rarity. Only 2,000 copies were initially printed but were quickly recalled due to the illustrator’s unhappiness with the original drawings.

There are only 22 known first-edition copies of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, with one copy being auctioned in 2016 for an estimated price of between $2 and $3 million. Turning the light towards the third pyramid Michael looked ashen he wobbled on his legs what is it Michael Roma asked, Michael she repeated his name again. Ugh umm The most expensive book ever sold is the Codex Leicester, purchased by Bill Gates in 1994 for $30.8 million. But here it is here. Michael I think we better phone George and let him come and see for himself. I’m going to phone Daddy and ask him to come and take a look. Michael I think we’re going to have our 10 minutes of fame.

May 22, 2024 08:55

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00:22 May 31, 2024

Hi Jennifer, good story. Some technical feedback, I see from your bio you have just started writing. Your paragraphs are really long, it bogs down the reading. Breaking the writing into smaller bite-size sections where each paragraph talks about a particular thing would make reading quicker and easier. Some people find it helpful to look at their favourite books and see how they are written. Keep practising, we never stop learning. Well done. Cheers, Christine.


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