
It was customary for us friends to ask each other and plan our trips back in college when the tour period ends. That is, when the colleges are opened. At that time we did not want to stay in the game reserve. We are so relaxed mentally and physically. Students we like to ask each other where we are going on last day. We are also going to do what to relax the mind and body. We often miss our parents and siblings and especially our little ones. Local friends to us and many others. Before we leave it is common to go to the market to buy clothes and gifts for our dowry at home. It was as follows:

“What time do we go to the market?” It was Patrin’s voice as we left the dormitory on our way to the dining hall. The silence passed and the inquirer repeated the question “Why are you so quite? What time are we going to the market?” My companions and I laughed out loud “Patrin, you are so amazing. Who do you think is missing out on going to the market? Here we must all go and buy clothes and gifts for our little ones. Look at all of us here we don’t have nice pants and new shoes. We also haven’t shaved our hair. We are like prisoners! We must refine ourselves. Jose also said “Why are you only talking about market stuff, talk about food first. In the market we will just go. My friends I think I am right” We all agreed.

 We entered the dining hall to get food. While we were eating one of the cooks had a crust on the plate. She walked up to Patrin and handed her a plate full of rice crust. Patrin was really happy to see crust of rice. Shan is also a rice crust lover but she is crawling, she doesn’t get a crust of rice because she used to see it only at home. Shan got up and walked over to Patrin. She sat down next to him and asked him “Patrin! Who is that chef who brought you a delicious  rice crust? I beg you and I may eat and I swallowed the saliva due to it.” Patrin replied “That chef is a friend of my mum. She often brings it to me when am in dining hall. Welcome to eat together, Shan! You are my friend don’t be afraid.” They began to eat slowly. Soon Nabo came quickly and attacked and began eating without rest. Patrin and Shan were left wondering just what they could do to let him eat until the food ran out. They pulled just a little bit. Patrin asked Nabo “You are a glutton and a glutton, a glutton and a drunkard; what if there was poison in the food. Today we were burying you. Not a good habit.” He spoke angrily. Shan calmed Patrin down because he was already nauseous. Nabo left the scene embarrassed without speaking.

When we all finished eating we went back to the tents and started preparing to go to the market. We did not take a long and later in the taxi our way to the market we passed a shortcut and in the distance Rock City Mall appeared. It was a sunny day with moderate coolness. Now we were inside Rock City Mall. Patrin, Shan, Joel and I used to choose clothes and shoes to buy as well as socks. Jose was also buying gifts for his younger siblings. Strangely Nabo disappeared. We didn’t know where he went. We left everything and started looking for him where he was going. We divided ourselves into two groups I the search for him everywhere. Jose tried to call him but could not be reachable. We had to find by walking. We visited every corner of the market and did not see him. Finally we met the place we promised. We did not succeed. Shan came up with the idea that would be the place where they sell food because Nabo likes to eat. The challenge comes that he will be in the market or out of the market. We had to split again in two groups. Jose, Shan and I went outside. We met our dear friend Aidson shortly after we were off the highway. I asked him “Sorry you have not met Nabo, he is missing, we are looking him. He replied “I have not met him, maybe we should find him.” We continued to search for Nabo with no success. Joel phoned Patrin and asked him if they had been able to see Nabo. Patrin replied “Even us have not been able to see him, let us continue to seek him.” Joel despaired and begged us to leave Nabo because he is a man of his mind. Aidson added that “He will come himself if he will.”

Patrin and his panel returned and reunited, and we entered the market to buy some items. We finished and boarded a taxi to the bus stand to pick up a ticket the next day to go to college. It was the last day of being on vacation and I had to prepare for college. On our way home from the bus stand we met Nabo eating fried bananas on the side of the road. Patrin asked the driver to stop the car so they could take Nabo. Shan jumped out of the car and quickly crossed the road and pulled Nabo while telling him to cross the road. They crossed quickly and got into the car. Nabo was truly ashamed of us because it was if he had disturbed himself. No one spoke to Nabo. We headed home, we arrived safely. We got out of the car and we said goodbye to each other that we would see each other tomorrow morning when we left for college.

I headed home and was received by my younger siblings. They ran to me and pulled me to my chest and then I grabbed them hard. I entered the living room carrying my little Ester and Tano. I grabbed my bag and opened it and handed out all the gifts to my little ones as we ran around the table. Our mother was in the kitchen when she heard a noise. She came and found us playing with my younger siblings. It was so much fun that day.

On Nabo’s part, he had a schedule challenge as he had a lot of things to do if time was not enough. He didn’t even have presents for his little ones because he didn’t buy them instead he ended up eating fried bananas and other. It was evening, Joel phoned Nabo and asked “My friend! Do you have finished the last assignments left by rector Kather?” Nabo shocked and replied “No my friend! Thanks for reminding me, I am working on it.” Shan also sent a text as an invite for dinner at night. Nabo got confused due to his glutton on eating. He tried more and more to finish his work.

Patrin reminded also about the night club. Nabo accepted to join with him. He was a man who aspired to do all things regardless of time. These were the hyenas’ desires to miss it all. He did nothing more than think of what to do until sleep overtook him. In the morning he was late and shocked to hear the phone ringing. It was Shan calling to ask him five minutes before the car left. Nabo prepared as soon as he had time for the car to leave. He was successful but he was very rough. Indeed! This is wonderful. He didn’t finish his assignment. Even washing his class suits nor brushing his teeth.     

August 06, 2020 21:25

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Sue Marsh
15:38 Aug 15, 2020

Aidan, good story line I enjoyed it. Would you please my story the Autumn of my Life


Aidan Mahanga
19:53 Aug 15, 2020

Thanks Sue! We are together. That is what we have, support is our base of success 🙏🙏


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Shangwe George
08:41 Aug 12, 2020

It is perfect I like it


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Aidan Mahanga
01:40 Aug 12, 2020

I liked the event when Shan took Nabo onside of the road and entering the car. It was a shame to Nabo


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