
Nowadays it seems like every teen is trying to escape reality. Most teens do drugs but not Alison. Alison is a sophomore in highschool and has experienced her first out of body experience. Alison grew up with a very neglectful ,verbally abusive mother who suffered from very bad childhood trauma herself. This affected Alison physically, mentally,and emotionally. In school Alison would always get made fun of because she didn't look like most girls. She was scared to talk, overweight ,and walked with her shoulders shrugged while looking at the ground . Alison enjoyed summer though because she knew it was the only way she could spend all day in her tree house alone without any consequences. Alison's treehouse was in the quiet secluded woods .The trees house was empty, abandoned and looked almost like a tiny home.While in the tree house Alison likes to write in her journal for hours while staring at the trees. It was the last class period until school was over for summer break and Alison couldn't wait. Once the bell rang Alison darted out of the school to her tree house. Once she arrived she climbed the ladder and sat just admiring nature.As Alison was admiring the trees she started to feel really drowsy so she layed down and closed her eyes. As Alison is laying her body becomes stiff and she is now in a trance. Her heart starts pounding and she suddenly feels vibrations going all through her body then she starts to feel herself rising . Alison quicky stands up and turns around only to realize her body is lying still. Alison then realizes she's a spirit and becomes curious. Alison starts floating around only to see a strange cartoon like figure staring at her . Alison goes close to the figure as she feels some sort of comfort towards it. The figure then guides her up to the sky where she is met with one of her spirit guides. Her guide tells her to, "trust the process because bad times do not last forever" . Alison feels a certain boost of energy and is thrown back into her body. Alison jumps up and looks at her hand she takes a breathe of relief ,grabs her journal ,and writes her experience. After Alison is done she suddenly becomes happier and runs home to be greeted by her abusive mother ,but instead of Alison being hurt by her words she is calm as she remembers what her spirit guide has told her . On Alison's first day back to school she walks in with her head held high and a big smile on her face. Everyone is staring with amazement and Alison is loving every bit of attention . People are coming up to her asking ,"how did you get so confident". And Alison just points to the sky ,smiles and walks away. While waiting in line for her teacher to assign seats Alison makes eye contact with a guy who is already sitting in the back of the class. She remembered seeing him smoking weed on the side of the school last year. His name was Ronald but everyone made fun of him and called him dubiehead. Alison knew what it felt like to be labeled so she didn't find it funny. Finally it was Alison's turn to be assigned a seat she was still hoping to sit by herself . Instead the teacher sat her next to Ronald .Once Alison sat down she instantly smelled a strong scent of marijuana and nearly gagged to death. Alison reached in her bag and started spraying perfume, "hello to you too" said Ronald. Alison just waved she still wasn't good at speaking . Once everyone was seated the teacher asked the class to introduce themselves to their partners. Ronald smiled and said,"Hey I'm ronald". Then it was Alison's turn, "Hhi iii'm Aliiison" she studdered. Ronald recognized that Alison wasn't used to talking and said ,"It's ok I don't really like to talk either". Alison smiled as this comment made her more comfortable "So what do you like to do for fun" said Ronald. "I like to write poetry ".said Alison. "Me too it really helps clear my mind" said Ronald. After that the bell rung and as Alison was packing up her things Ronald wrote down his number,handed to her and said ,"You should call me sometime". Alison smiled as she put the number in her pocket. At the end of the day while Alison was walking home she seen Ronald smoking as usual . Instead of Alison just ignoring it she walked towards him and said, "Hey". "Oh hey Alison". "wanna smoke?" said Ronald. "no thank you " "why do you smoke so much?" said Alison. "It ease's my mind and helps me escape from reality " said Ronald. "I know a place where you can escape reality" said Alison. "Really where?" Said Ronald. "Follow me" Alison said. As Alison and Ronald were walking they started to share stories about their life and realized they had alot in common. "A treehouse?" said Ronald once they arrived. "Yeah come on" Alison said as began climbing the latter . Ronald followed and began climbing too once they arrived Alison told Ronald to ,"Stare at the trees and admire their beauty ". Ronald laughed but realized that Alison was serious and did just that. "I feel drowsy" said Ronald. "Lay down still and trust every that is going to happen" said Alison. While Ronald was laying down Alison left the treehouse to give Ronald some privacy. About forty five minutes later Ronald yelled Alison name. Alison who was sitting below the treehouse climbed up as quick as possible and asked, "Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine" Ronald smiled. "How do you feel?" asked Alison. "I feel very happy and calm" said Ronald stunned. Alison grabbed Ronald's hand and walked him home . At school after the weekend Alison sat next to Ronald and instead of the stench of marijuana it smelled like the nice scent of fresh laundry detergent. "Alison I really want to thank you for helping me you really saved my life" said Ronald sincerely. "It wasn't me Ronald" Alison said while pointing at the sky smiling.

July 13, 2020 05:47

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