Suspense Mystery

The bass dropped, sending a vibration down Caleb's body. This was the time to be alive, at least for him it was. The people around him hooted and cheered, their jumping made the ground feel like it was rumbling, which it probably was. There were thirty people at the part in total, Caleb only knew six of them. But that didn’t stop him from having a good time, after all, he was the owner of the house’s best friend since they were young. Even if the party was a drag, he wanted his friend to feel like he had organized an amazing party. He looked over at the larger group of people, they had been loud, but not too loud. 

Caleb sighed, going back in the house, Sarah was leaning against the counter. She looked up at him, standing up straight. “Hey Caleb! Did you hear about what the dj is gonna have Mike do as a final act?” She asked him, smiling. He raised an eyebrow, “No, I haven’t. What is it?” Sarah sighed, rubbing her face. “It’s hard to explain, just know, there is a fake knife, and a ketchup packet.” Caleb already knew what was gonna happen, he grinned. “Do the others know?” Sarah shook her head, giggling a bit. “Of course not. I only told you because Mike is your best friend, I think seeing your friend apparently dead is a bit scarring.” 

Caleb nodded, it made sense. He thanked her, telling her he was going to find something to do. And so he walked through the house, aimlessly wandering, when he finally noticed the time. Mike had to be going out now, the party would end in half an hour! He turned, running out and to the pateo, where the party was truly alive. And sure enough, Mike was standing on the table, thanking everyone for coming. He then pulled out a knife. Caleb thought to himself, “Is that the fake knife? Wow he’s rushing through this.” He sighed, sitting back and watching, Caleb knew he was gonna jab the knife into an open ketchup packet and make it look like he stabbed himself. 

It’s an old trick, everyones seen it. These people will probably fall for it though. And sure enough, he plunged the knife into his pocket, and ketchup squirted out, but something else came with it. It was a slightly different tint. Caleb got a bit concerned, and as every one was chatting, the laughter fading. Clearly they knew it was a prank, or at least it was supposed to be, but something was wrong. Mike collapsed, that’s when Caleb got up, a feeling of dread washed over him, creeping down his back, putting weight on his shoulders. “Mike. The gigs up.” Caleb yelled, though Michael didn’t move. He stepped forward, grabbing the knife from Mike. It was supposed to be a fake knife…

This was real

Caleb shivered. Someone had replaced the fake knife with a real one, but who had done this? Caleb looked out at the shocked party go-ers. “This is murder… someone changed the fake knife for the real one!” People gasped, sobbed quietly, or sighed. “No one is leaving until we find out who did this!” Caleb finished his sentence, which really got a reaction from the people. And not a good one. Caleb looked down at the knife, knowing it was the knife that took Mike’s life, which he’s not dead! 

Caleb called the police, telling them the situation, before shutting his phone off. “Help is on the way. I hope you're all aware of the fact we’re all suspects.” Caleb said, wiping his face. A few moments later, sirens could be heard, growing closer. “They’re here.” Someone said, breaking the silence. And as they walked in, questioning almost immediately began. Hours passed, and the questioning grew exhausting. 

But as this went on, something dawned on Caleb. Sarah wasn’t out there. They had searched the house, and didn’t find her! There was a secret compartment in the attic, Mike only showed it to him and Sarah. He shot up, looking directly at the officer questioning yet another party goer. “Sarah is in the attic! Come with me!” The officer looked a bit confused. “What?” The officer asked, a puzzled expression plastered on his face. “There’s a secret compartment in the attic for hiding.” The officer nodded a bit. “Show me.” Caleb ran in the house, waving the officer over. He followed, and they quickly made their way to the attic. Once they got up, Caleb scooted a wardrobe out of the way, sweat dripping from his head like dew from a leaf. 

There was a door, Caleb grabbed the handle, swinging the door open. Sarah was inside, looking up at the two. “She wasn’t outside when it happened, she also was the only one in the kitchen moments before. She couldn’t have known it happened if she wasn’t out there. So she’s hiding because she did it!” The officer nodded. “It makes sense. Ma’am. I'm gonna need you to step out.” Sarah slowly got out, snarling at Caleb. The officer eyed Caleb, speaking to him as he hand-cuffed Sarah. “Your friend is getting taken care of. He should be fine.” Caleb nodded, smiling. “Awesome.” They made their way back down, and saw that everyone had gone home. And so Caleb got in his car, driving to the hospital. He went into the room Mike was in, he was awake. 

“Caleb! Good to see you.” He said. He was energetic, which was a great sign. “Good to see you Mike. Sarah was the one who replaced the knife.” Mike's expression faded to a sad one. “That is really… unfortunate.” Caleb nodded, looking at the floor. “It is. But, what can you do? People betray you, it’s natural.” He said, looking back up. Mike let out a long sigh. That’s true. The two went on rambling, until visitor hours were over. “See ya tomorrow.” Mike said, “That’s when I get to go home.” Caleb nodded. “Cya Bud.” He slowly walked out, shutting the door behind him.

May 13, 2021 13:24

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