Cross country misadventure to San Diego comic con

Submitted into Contest #40 in response to: Write a story about friends who wind up on a misadventure.... view prompt



Melissa’s prov

Where should I begin, it all started off fine in the beginning on our journey towards San Diego, just us girls. Though granted it is not just us that is going, it is us and the boys from work also, but my mom does not know about that part. See I told my mom that it is just going to be me and a group of my female friends that driving up there and splitting the hotel bill for a week. Granted I have never lied to my mom like this, but a girl must grow up sometime. See I am 25, still a fucking virgin, and the best part is that there is no more Carona virus!

           We made plains near last Christmas saying where we are going to meet up, who is driving, and where the boys are going to stay.

           “I think the boys should stay with us, it’s cheaper and it’s safer.” Said Swanny.

           “You’re just saying that because you want to have sex with your boytoy. Melissa what do you think?” asked Carrion.

           Then Swanny gave me those puppy dog, to say please agree with me. I sighed heavily.

           “Oh, you guys please don’t get me in the middle of this.”

                      “BUT CARRION, SHE NEEDS TO GET RID OF V-CRAD!”

           “SWANNY!” we said in unison.

           “Please don’t worry about my virginity, please.”

Carrion’s Prov

           I was relieved for her to say that.

                                  Maybe I do have a chance after all.

           We were not out of Michigan yet, and we are already having this discussion. I looked up at the mirror looking at Melissa in the back seat, I knew she was probably uncomfortable of conversation, I felt bad.

           I need to figure out how to divert this situation, but how.

           Then I thought up an idea. I saw the perfect opportunity while she was not looking straight outside, she was paying attention to Melissa.

           Good, now it is my chance.

           The from out of nowhere I swerved the car to make it seem we were in trouble.

“AHHHHHH!” screamed Melissa.

           “HEY, WHAT THE HELL CARRION!” said Swanny.

“Hey, Ass whole! That fucker almost hit us!” I said fakely started hyperventilated.

           After a few seconds of pure silence, then Swanny looked me in the eyes.

           “So, what about you Carrion? Do you still have your V-card?”

           “That’s certainly none of your business!”

           “Your insecure about something, you’re hiding something.”

           “No, I’m not!”

           “Let me guess…...”

Oh, no…. please don’t

           “You’re a virgin aren’t you.”

           “Uh, yeah that’s it, you caught me skippy...ha,ha,ha……” I laughed nervously; I felt my cheeks heat up.

           “Are you ok, Carrion? Swanny can we please change the subject; you’re making Carrion uncomfortable.”

           “Oh, fine I was just having fun.”

           Thanks, Melissa.  You were always the sensible one. That is the reason that I fell in love with you…. Well not the only reason, you’re funny, charming, and…..god I’m trailing off.

           I looked back at her from the mirror, she was smiling looking out of the side window listening to the music from her phone, my heart fluttered as she unknowingly started to sing. Swanny and I were both in an aww. I never heard her sing not even once. She stopped as she noticed us staring. She blushed heavily, as she slunk back nervously.

           “Oh, you heard that?! I’m so sorry!”

           “Sorry for what?! That was amazing!” I said smiling.

           “Wow, that was so beautiful Melissa. When did you learn how to sing like that?!”

           “Oh, I learned over time by my cross overs covers, and parody’s!” said Melissa as she beamed with glee as she said this.

           “Oh, nice bro.” I said blushing slightly.

           It finally went quite for a few hours until we got into the nearest gas station.

           Swanny’s prov

           She has been acting weird since we discussed the idea of going this convention with Melissa, though maybe it was when I thought about bringing my boyfriend, and the other boys, due to their company. It cannot be……does she have a crush on Melissa?!

           I noticed she was always keeping an eye on Melissa, like constantly. It is kind of cute, though it is going to be sad that she’ll have to find out that Melissa doesn’t swing that way. But I did hear from a little birdy that she likes one of our managers, and he agreed to come with us. Then suddenly people started yelling and screaming we look back to see three crooks that wanted to rob a gas station, let me repeat to rob a gas station.

“Hey, boys why rob a bank, while ya can rob a gas station.” Said presumably the leader of the robbers.

           “But Boss what if we rob the store and have the whole store hostage.” Said the 2nd robber.

           “Nah, that’s the stupid right Boss…. Boss?”

           “Hold up Bozo, I think Lumpy Right it would be fun to steal the money, and who doesn’t say that having hostages might not be fun.”

Then we heard his laugh echoing though the store. I pulled Carrion and Melissa aside as we tried to leave the gas station. We almost made it out the door, until someone stopped us as they put a gun to our head.

           “Where are you going pretty ladies. You know since the Corona virus; I hadn’t had any fun in a while, if you catch my drift.”

           Then all three of the robbers put their nasty hands all over us as we screamed.  We were tied up and were thrown into the back hold of the station. I was worried that we would never get out of here, and I was losing hope that no one would find us here. Just then we heard yelling and gun shots rang though out the station. Then the door to the back burst opened as it was kicked off its hinges.

           Then the cop looked down and talked into his walkie.

           “I found three frighten girls in the back storage.”

           “Ok, stand by.”

           “Ok, over…. So, how did you guys end up back here?”

“We needed gas and we stopped here, then a few minutes later we were attacked by the three robbers!” I unknowingly yelled.

“Ok, ok please don’t yell.”

           “Oh, sorry. And that’s it.” I said.

           “Oh, are you sure, you guys weren’t involved?”

           “No, sir we’re just innocent by standers!” said Melissa.

           “We not from around here! We are on our way to San Diego.” Said Carrion.

Then the cop pulled out a knife and untied us. Then Melissa pulled out something out of her pocket. She handed him the order form for the tickets, and her license. He then looked at her and her license. Then after a few minutes he gave her back her license.

           “Ok, what about you guys.”

           I felt hurt that he would second guess us, since I am Mexican, and Carrion was mixed black. But to prove that we were who we say we are, so we can go back on the road and get to the comic con a lot faster. Then I pulled out my I.d and Carrion pulled out her i.d. He took a look at them for few moments until he gave the all clear.

           “Alright girls you’re free to go.”

           “Thank you, sir.” Said Melissa.

I can see why Carrion loves her, she’s smart, funny, very nice, caring, and she’s very easy going. But I know what you are thinking. Do you have a “Thing” with her?! No, no I don’t but she is a very good friend.

 We’ve known each other for a while, and plus I don’t swing that. We’ve been driving for awhile now and I’ve been driving for the last 8 hours, we’re halfway there I just pray nothing else happens.

Melissa’s Prov

We finally stopped at another gas station; we were on guard when we went into the store.

Well at lest no one went to the hospital.

 We then got gas everything was fine until Carrion collapse on the floor, and we called the ambulance to take her to the nearest hospital. When we got there the Doctor said that she might have to stay at lest overnight unless there’s complications. I was worried about Carrion, but now we have nowhere to stay the night. I started to think maybe we should stay the night with her. I noticed Swanny was on her phone.

           “Yes, I found something that’s near here. And it’s not that far.” Said Swanny in victory.

           “You can go if you want Swanny, I’ll stay with Carrion.”

           “Are you sure, Melissa?”

           “Yeah, plus it’s cheaper for one person than two.”

           “Ok, call me if anything changes.”


She left as it became dark, I watched as she slept. The next day she woke to see me staring straight at her “Zombie” Style. I might of black out for maybe a few moments.

           “Melissa?! Melissa are you ok?”

           "I should be asking you if you’re ok!”

Then she took a long look around and got confused.

           “Melissa, where am I?”

           “Carrion you passed out yesterday. I called the ambulance.”

           “Where’s Swanny?”

           “She’s at a nearby motel.”

           “Swanny, huh? I thought of her as a hotel type.”

           “Oh, she is but she couldn’t find one, so she settled on the one 5 minutes away.”

Then after I said that the doctor came into the room. He came in looking at her test puzzled. Which I was nervous because she’s my friend.

           “What’s wrong Doc?!”

           “Humm…. I don’t see anything wrong.”

           “That’s good.” She said.

           “Thank, God! Does that mean we can go?” I asked.

“Yes, but before you do, I just want to know a few questions.”


           “Ok, have you been sleeping well?”

“Well, not as of late.”


           “Well, I’ve been stressed since after the carona virus crisis. Since you left Melissa things got bad, and my time clock is out whack.”

The Doctor and I was in shock. Then he looked at her, the to me.

           “Ok, you guys are free to go.” Said the Doctor.

           “Thanks Doc.”

“Yes, thank you sir.” I said, as we walked out to the lobby.

           “Oh wait. I need to call Swanny.”

           We stopped near a chair. I pulled out my phone and called Swanny.

           “Hey, Swanny, Carrion is out of the hospital……..yeah, she just need some rest……….yeah, we’ll meet you out the parking lot…..ok, bye.”

Then we went out to the parking lot. Then Swanny switched seats with me and then we left straight to San Diego, California. We finally got there two days later from the start of the con. We meet the boys near the entrance, where I noticed Tony staring at me. Dan was a jedi, Tony was a pokemon trainer, and Swanny was Anime girl from demon slayer. I blushed heavily, as Tony came near me.

           “Hey.” I said blushing.

           “Oh, hey.” He said awkwardly.

           “So, I’ve got a question. Do you have a girl friend?”

“Oh, um, well…..”

“Oh, you do, don’t you.”

“Hold your horses, I didn’t say anything yet, and no, I don’t. Why, would you like to be my girlfriend?”

           “Is the pope catholic?!”

“So that’s a yes?”

“Yes, yes, yes! Ur…um, yes.”

Then we walked into comic con. I can scents that Carrion was hurt by something.

           “Hey, are you ok?”

           “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“No, something is wrong, what’s wrong?”

She then looked at me deeply in the eyes.

“I should have told you this before, you hooked up with Tony but I….I loved you, I always have.”

           She then closed her eyes, waiting for an answer. first of all I was stunned, second, I didn’t what to say.

           “Ok, that’s not good you’re silent.” She said as she looked up.

“Oh, Carrion I love you, but as a friend, and I don’t swing that way. But if I did, you probably be the one for me.” Then I kissed her on the cheek.

           “Thank you.” She said quietly.

Then we walked into the comic con.

May 08, 2020 14:54

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