
I was watching horror movie of Genie. And then suddenly my eyes on calendar, I was talking with myself 'okay so finally tomorrow is Christmas' Hurry!! So I prepared a list of things which I had to buy for Christmas, then I watch outside from my window, that was too cold outside. The whole road was covered with ice, like an ice skating ground.

It was already 7:32 pm, so I quickly went out for market. I was going on and on in joy of Christmas and suddenly I realize that I am not able to see my footprints on the ice.

I got scared, a sudden thought came in my mind, I noticed that 'the Genie' also hadn't legs in that movie. So I correlate my footprints with the Genie, I stand up for a few moments like a statue. I spoke to myself, 'am I also a genie'?? 'Am I really not a human'???

I ran out faster and faster after a few moments I reached near the magician, for finding out that, am I really a Giene. I told him about everything which happened on the way and asked him to do quick. And suddenly he starts laughing louder and louder, I got more scared due to his laughing. After laughing a lot, he told me that, as the ice was fully frozen, it was not fluffy then how it can be possible to see any footprints on that. I felt shame on my madness, I said him sorry for wasting his time and then I went for my shopping again. I bought many things for decoration of the whole house.

After shopping I went to my home and started decorating my house. Next day I invited my all friends on party. We all enjoyed it till the midnight. After end of the party all the people returned to their home. I clean up my house and went to bed as I was feeling tired. It was 2:12 am and I was sleeping suddenly I woke up in a weird manner, I looked up my face into the mirror, and suddenly I screamed very loudly. Actually I saw a horrible face of mine in the mirror just like a vampire. I don't know how, but after watching such a horrible face I was still standing up normally and then I went to the kitchen in search of water I drank it, and again I went for sleeping, wait...... this time I saw a knife on the table of my kitchen I took the knife in my hands and splashhhhh!!!! Next morning I found myself on the bed and everything was well but the knife which I had seen that night was fallen on the floor. The glass from which I had drunk water was a little broken. I was still unknowing from these weird and horrible things.

January 06, 2020 07:33

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