Written in response to: Write a story where time functions differently to our world.... view prompt


Science Fiction Mystery Fantasy

A stone was discovered from undecaying clump of organic material beneath the coastal plankton as if frozen in time. On the stone, were engraved symbols, of unknown language perhaps. The plankton were lining the coast of a neglected island, perhaps because it had nothing specific of allure, no special species of animals or plants, nor were there attractive beaches. But may be a scientist that discovered the stone, figured why the island unlike many of its kind wasn’t alluring to investors or researchers. May be there was a time in history when there existed an advanced civilization that was later ravaged by severe war and rendered the ecosystem there virtually extinct and dull. And yes it happened as he hinted, and below the land surface of that isle laid a tremendous collection of mysterious archeology yet to be discovered.

The scientist and his crew of five subordinate members took to observe the retrieved stone and It was hard to tell what message it carried. His name was Mulong an archaeologist, and his son also member of the crew was Ditrick who was a military quiter. The crew decided that the stone be circled to remarkable linguists and philologists to find out if anything could be hinted from the stone’s ancient imprints. The stone was beautiful, translucent in state of a blue color and inside it, were grains of glittering materials as if stars celebrating in the cosmos. Linguists and philologists wracked their heads about the stone symbols for decades to no avail and then Mulong decided to store it away in his basement and closed its activity.

Years passed as everyone had already forgotten about it but the scientist believed sometime in the future, technology and evolved human intelligence could help unravel the mystery.

But future didn’t arrive before the crew noticed something.

Mulong’s house was a riverside home of five member family including Ditrick who migrated from downtown apartment after refusing to stay at the millitary quarters even after the his official quitting.

It was this one Tuesday, between afternoon and evening; actually late afternoon when heavy clouds severed sunlight, morphing clear weather into windy and dusk-like atmosphere around Mulong’s house and nearby. Quiet lightnings electrifying distant clouds. And then few minutes later it was raining hard around Mulong’s house, and Mulong was in his own garage trying to change his car’s tyre while some of his colleagues having coffee at the porch.

All of sudden, a lightning went from the sky and fiercely stroke near a random royal palm which left everyone shocked. And then an enormous loud bang, followed by more rain pouring.

“Hey mom, come watch it, it’s happening again!”

Shouted Sophie from the sitting room who was with her brother Aron, she was the last born child of an archaeologist and retired engineer, Mr Mulong.

“Don’t sneak out, it’s raining storms out there”

Her mom replied from the kitchen trying to threaten her daughter not to be rained on.

“Hey dad, would you come listen to our music”. Sophie slid the window and loudly spelled to his father who was now done with the tyre but on phone.

His father muting phone’s mic with his hand replied. “ I am coming daughter, hang on a second”

Mulong was very fond of Sophie and was always attending to her attention.

Not knowing exactly what was happening inside, Mulong prejudged it could just be some new downloaded music.

He sprinted in the rain to the door on the porch. “aren’t you guys hearing anything from inside, coz I don’t hear a music my daughter told me about “ Mulong with a voice of confusion threw a question to his colleagues.

“No, we haven’t heard a damn note of it”. Replied Derick with a dull smile after sipping from the coffeecup.

Sophie was always listening music from the subwoofer but today’s music was awkard.

Mulong opened the door, and did not expect to see and hear what was inside there; A beautiful bluish aurora possessing the room with a very pleasing hum.

Mulong studied the spectacle for seconds with awe and so much curiosity and rushed to the kitchen.

“ for how long has this been happening in here?, I mean since when did you start recognizing this happening” He asked his wife who was frying bananas on a stove and who was confidently receiving a question.

“for as long as it rains, and especially when lighting strikes near our house “ she replied confidently turning her head to her husband.

“I mean, years? Months? Decades?” he asked again

“I don’t know exactly, may be as long as lightings have started firing near our home” she replied with uncertainty.

“But you had to tell me about this, it's important”. He politely told his wife caressing her shoulders from her backside.

“ I have been knowing lightnings cause some crazy things, so I knew this was its product and children are making fun of it.” She again replied with a soothing style, morphing her face from frowning to radiant.

“Okay” He reasonated with a smile.

They went to observe it in the sitting room trying to distract children from asking anything about it, and he went outside when rain was over.

All this time Ditrick was in his room in a house nearby , reading his dad’s research pamphlets and watching some national veterans releasing their movie.

“let’s have some ride, shall we? .” Mulong suggested to his fellows.

“sure” his colleagues all replied in unison.

“ I am in” Ditrick replied from his porch who was wriggling his feet into sandals.

And so they drove away!

Every time when lightning during rain strikes near his house, bluish aurora appears as if eminating from beneath the floor may be from the basement, with a tranquil hum lasting for hours and then everything comes to normal. Mulong thought, may be the enigmatic stone was causing the mysterious aura and sound in his house.

And so during this ride he explained everything to his workmates and Ditrick and that he thought the stone was causing all that. And so he pledged to his workmates to work on that.

And then one day when it was raining strong and relentlessly, and when everyone wasn’t home for a visit on an ill relative who was now getting better except him, he went into the basement, took the stone and put it on the basement floor waiting for a jaw dropping incident and may be a pivotal discovery in human history.

As he was guessing and visualizing any potential scenes from the stone, a powerful lightning stroke outside and the stone crackled and erupted making those symbols float in the air as if of a hologram, and a strong appealing aura of bluishness possessing the basement with an exotically musical hum rising, suggesting grandiosity. And then seconds later, those symbols began to dance and arrange themselves forming a world map of faint blue outline, with that island outlined in rich blue color, and then the hologram-like scene went static. Mulong pondered what to go on further with that, and nonetheless decided to take his two hands to the island on the map and tried to zoom it in and yep it zoomed in and filled a considerable space and then there were three beeping hotspots on the island. The island map didn’t have kind of satellite imagery but had clearly understandable landscapes and marks, so the scientist could figure out where those Hotspots were located on the island. The scene lasted for three hours in a row when the scientist was studying the map landscape and then everything reverted to form that very same stone.

Mulong secured the stone in a robust container within his room’s safe vault, protecting it from lightning energy.

When his family arrived home, he gathered them together with those workmates and explained everything he observed and they couldn’t believe him. Because it was a spring season, it was occasionally raining and so not so late did it rain than a few days later, when kids weren’t at home and he took the stone onto table in the sitting room and everyone was eagerly waiting to see a wonder that defies physics as far as of the limit of their knowledge and education. But may be it was physics except it was just more complex beyond contemporary human intelligence capacity.

When everyone began mumbling, lightning stroke outside and the stone bingbanged followed by a hologram-like scene and then Mulong did everything he did the day he first observed it.

“That’s awesome, aren’t we supposed to be abducted by al..” Derick spat out

And quickly Mulong snapped at him “Aliens” and continued. “ what if its not a property of the extraterrestrials, what if it’s a tech relic of an advanced ancient civilization that was thriving there and went extinct due to some adverse catastrophe or war”. And he went further. “may be it’s a property of the extraterrestrials who were mingling with a human civilization there, by that time”

“that’s what I was talking about”. Derick clarified.

And this was Sunday of 2017 June, Mulong and his three member crew arranged to revisit the island, for exploration of the hotspots. Mulong processed every compliances for the voyage and they sailed to the isle.

On arriving, they parted ways with their maps, Mulong heading to the southeastern Hotspot and the rest into the middle of the island. He reached his location, and his compass’ needle was moving erratically on the dial. Beside where he stood was an enormous tree and then he started digging the area for more than six hours when he encountered a surface of neatly arranged rectangular stones, size of normal blocks. The stones were loosely packed and he began removing them until he found himself in a perfect rectangular pit with walls and a surface neatly built by stones, they may be were interlockin blocks because they didn’t have any building material in between.

And one short wall had kind of loose stones which when he removed, found a cylindrical enigma dial.

Father sat on the floor studying it for seconds untill he decided to roll discs on it and luckily a portion of the opposite wall opened.Now it was around 2 AM midnight He went inside, and as he was making steps, lamps were coming on automatically until he reached a wall. As he was pondering what to do next, the stone block he stood on trembled and descended him down to a hall. The stone he stood on acted like a hoverboard hovering him up to the center of the hall where there was a free pedestal and suddenly an enigma dial snapped off his hand and flew onto the pedestal and then…! The dial emitted bright intense light. After Mulong was tired shading his eyes the light went off and suddenly the hover board-like stone sharply took him through layers of blocks straight up to the surface and the earth’s opening didn’t shut before a hoverboard like stone was swallowed in, leaving Mr Mulong on low meadow undulating with wind. The surface wasn’t as he left before he sneaked in there. At the surface was a beautiful meadow with neatly arranged trees and countless ornate buildings afar, a beautiful city and where he was standing hadn’t bear an sign of any ancient ruins.

He took his phone trying to reach Dit who went to the other hotspots but signals were all off, but his watch indicated 8 AM. He peered through some Clear sky and he didn’t believe what he saw: he literally saw the sun moving with a noticeable speed all the way to the midday noon.

At first he believed, that was a teleportation but Nope, he was literally in a parallel universe.

He rubbed his eyes again and looked up and the sun was still moving, noticeably.

He didn’t know exactly what was going on especially when his satellite phone didn’t catch any signals. And decided to take a lane leading to the street and on the way he met a granny passing by him.

“excuse me mom, what time is it now” Mulong anxiously asked the woman and now the sun was on his head.

“I am sorry I don’t have any phone here, but I think it’s around twelve noon” the woman replied

“excuse me, and the date, what date is it? “ he politely demanded another answer

“is something wrong? Its eighteenth December 2017” she replied looking at him with curiosity and walked by.

“And..” He started it but didn’t finish before the woman snapped at him “I am getting late, and I wonder seeing a reputable Mulong wandering in our island today without a caravan and with low beard.

“ But who am I, really?” he murmured to himself

But he wondered about the date that woman spelled.

As he was talking all that to himself he could see his shadow moving, and now the sun was approaching the horizons, and the shadow moved even faster. By the way, his watch told him it was 11 AM contradicting against his real world.

He got into the town and went into one of this beautiful restaurant. And now it was already dark.

“Excuse me sir, how can I help you with tonight” a waitress elegantly posed a question to Mr Mulong.

“Aah, any pleasing dish for the night, but before you go for that, do you know a place called Nedville” he replied hiding any suspicious gestures.

“Yes, it’s an elegant street in the mailand”

She made a majestic replying.

Mulong already knew he was on a parallel universe and which was operating on an eight hour day.

He peruzed his phone watching videos and playing games, and when it was morning he sailed to the mainland, and then to his home. And he didn’t believe what he saw from a distance.

He saw a very beautiful mansion in a fence. He went to knock at the gate, but found a ringer.

The gate opened.

“ what the hell!! don’t tell me the government has cloned me! ” Mulong in a parallel universe shouted

And then looked at his watch making gestures as if he was getting late and now he embarked on some mystery to unravel.

“what is it? what is happening there, honey?” his wife replied from inside.

“It’s okay we are trying to figure something out” the normal Mulong outside the gate shouted back to the woman.

And he went on with the other Mulong at the gate inside “ I know this may sound crazy but we need to talk “

The normal Mulong explained everything from the mysterious stone to when he finally found himself on the meadows at the island.

“ Ooh, that’s very weird but interesting, I thought the alternate universe is just some conspiracy to cheer up science fiction, but here it is. It’s a real thing” answered the parallel Mulong who was watching his alternate Mulong sipping from a glass of beer, all seated in a sitting room.

“Yeah, and now I am forever trapped in an eight hour day format in your world”

He answered and finished with giggles.

“by the way, how do you manage living with it” he added.

“but how is the day in your universe going like?” the parallel Mulong asked before answering.

“it’s a 24 hour day style” the normal Mulong replied.

There seated four persons in the room with the normal Mulong as an object of study.

“we are used to it, working on a pair of first eight hour day and the other eight hour day sleeping” the alternate Ditrick who now was a working militant answered the formerly overlooked question, and then clarified “a pair of day and night working and another same pair sleeping”

“ I can’t imagine seeing a gloomy world when sun is shining but it isn’t awkward seeing a busy night, because in our world there are cities that are as busy at night as it’s in afternoon”. Normal Mulong explained his experience.

The conversation lasted for two and a half hours before sunlight rendered into more golden hue through curtain slits at the window. It was dusking.

Mulong got along well with his alternate universe family trying to cope with the day-night hour format and cooperating with the alternate Mulong on how to get back to his universe.

The Mulongs were busy figuring out ways of finding way back to the normal Mulong’s universe for more than three weeks and one day they made to the island and did a meticulous procedure they analyzed and the normal Mulong returned to his universe.

March 29, 2024 09:09

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