The figure

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt




I Was never a fan of the rain why would I leave my nice warm bed to go out in the cold rain I never wanted to be like other kids that would play and make splashes in the puddles it would only give me a cold any way growing up my mother and father would say "the devil beats his wife on a rainy day"

Day 1

 I looked out the window and think to myself "another rainy day " in take a deep breath and let out a long sigh "why can't it ever be dry outside" I watch a rain drop race another against the window seal "yesss" I shout as my rain drop hits the rim first then I noticed something tall black and slim standing infront of my yard not evening moving I quickly go to the door and open it up " hey are you the new mail man " no response from him a few minutes pass and I close the door and head to the window to close the curtains then I realized that the figure has moved closer to the step of my front porch he turns it's head to the point of where it is now facing me I quickly close my currents and take a step back and and let out a long sigh of relief and I think to myself " maybe it's just a bad dream ".

Day 2

"I hate this" here I am walking in the cold rain I walk down the sidewalk with my sock soaked an wet "Ughhhh this can't get any worse " I trough across a puddle then I turn around to the sound of a splash behind me "Huh what was th-" I turn to see a tall figure hovering over me. I stand there shaken in fear drenched in water, soaked clothes what should I do I want to run but I was stuck why won't my legs move then I open my mouth and two questions came out with a shaken voice "Hey who are you? " "what where you doing outside my house? " the figure says nothing not a word I felt something that awoke me from fear a hand on my shoulder black and wide with long fingers I start to back up then at that moment I turn and run. I see the figure start to take slow steps I try to run faster thinking he's just playing he'll run as soon as I let my guard down. I almost trip over a crack in the side walk but that does not stop and slow me down.

Day 3

 "Damn it I can't run any further" I turn to see if I'm being followed " I don't see anything" at this rate I'll pass out from running I look around to try and notice my surroundings I see my neighbors car and I start to pick up my pace and move diligently I finally reach my house quickly open the door and slam it behind me I take short and swift breaths "what's going on who was that" I flashback to the moment [ I was trembling "Hey who are you? "what where you doing outside my house " ] that tall dead poster I shiver "creepy".

Day 4

I look at the window "Hmmm it's raining harder today " I take a sip of my tea then I'm disturbed by an awakening sound *knock knock* I get up to look out the window "there's know one there ?" *knock knock * I start to believe I'm hallucinating and that the rain is the cause of the knocking , I walk back to my chair *BANG BANG BANG * I look up the stairs to my knowledge HE was upstairs. "what should I do think think". Should I call for help and stay down here or run form my life , go next door to the neighbor and say "there's a tall black, slim, figure in my house!" they would look at me like I'm sick in the head and have me sent of to the crazy house I would rather face what's up there then be humiliated that's it I decide that I'll go up stairs and check it out. "am I mad or just plain out stupid".

Day 5

*SHHHHHHHHH* the rain is pouring harder I slowly inch up the stairs step by step clinching tightly to my shirt I realize "what the hell am I doing " going up stairs unarmed what am I Rambo? what if this guy's a serial killer he could cut me up and sell me on the black market I think to myself maybe it's nothing maybe I'm the one that's crazy I'm probably the only one here I counted up the stairs, I finally make it up the stairs the rain pounded faster and louder I see a shadow swiftly move into my room I summed up the courage to walk in, to my surprise know one was in there, Was he playing games "I've had enough come out " nothing happened I turned around to a black skinny figure in front of me at that moment it seemed like the rain stopped I realized that night was my last.


They say every time when it rains that means that the devils beating his wife and that after he's done he realized that he has beaten her to death, so he comes to earth and finds a new wife and when he does it will be on a rainy day dear mother and father I'm sorry for the sin's I have done wish me your blessings for I am now married to the Devil whom once watched me on a rainy day.

Author note.....

Hey guys well this is the end of "the figure " or is it I may make a sequel I'm also going to be making more short stories on here and turning them into webtoons later I really wish I would not have finished the story under the limits but I will try and make it better next time if anyone has any questions feel free to come ask me on my instagram : @baby_pooh77

I Will be sure to respond as soon as possible.

March 28, 2020 03:57

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