Romance Drama Mystery

"It's been twenty minutes where have you been." I asked him.

"I woke up late I'm so sorry!" He said as he looked down with a frown upon his face. 

"It's okay just arrive on time when we meet again okay?" I smiled showing him that it's okay.


"Bro it's literally three pm in the afternoon. We agreed on meeting at twelve pm." I said sounding a bit annoyed. We are supposedly getting lunch together but it ended up with me waiting for him again. 

"I'm so sorry! I had another extra two hours of practice." He defended himself as he smiled shyly.

"I promise I'll be on time next time!" he added holding his pinky.


"Dude I'm at the park now where you at?" I asked as he answered his phone after me calling him for the hundredth time.

"Uhm I'm gonna be late again. I'm so sorry there was a sudden traffic and it's gonna take me like ten minutes before I arrived there." He replied.

"Okay I guess I'll just wait for you here," I said and hung up the phone after he said he's sorry. We were planning on visiting my Dad's grave since it was his birthday today. Dad passed away when I was four and my friend haven't met him once since we became friends when I turned six.


I stood at the train station still waiting for my friend to show up. We agreed on meeting here and explore Tokyo together. His mom - Aunt Tif - works here in Tokyo as a CEO of a company. Last week his mom surprised us on a trip to Japan and here we are now at Tokyo wanting to go to an anime café.

I'm already used to him being late all the time. He kept saying 'i'll be on time next time' or 'I promise I won't be late anymore' but I already know he'll still be late so I never expected anything from him and his 'promises' on not being late.

"It's been thirty minutes already where is he?" I mumbled out loud as a guy suddenly tapped my shoulder.

"Excuse me? I'm guessing you aren't from here. My name's Jason." the guy suddenly spoke. He's wearing a white shirt and a black jacket with black jeans paired with black and red converse. 

I smiled politely as I took his hand. "Hi uh, Karith? I'm Anisha nice to meet you." 

"Anisha, nice name. So you're waiting for somebody I assume?" he asked.

"Yes I am but it's been thirty minutes and I still can't find him anywhere," I answered while looking around. "He said he'll be here."

"That makes the two of us I guess." he chuckled slightly as he took out his phone. "I'm also waiting for my friend but unlike you, I've been waiting for about an hour and a half." he added and shoved his phone back to his pockets.

We talked for a bit joking around saying we'll prank our friends because they made us wait for too long. 

"I was thinking of to change their ringtone into something bad and call them in public." he suggested.

"Wait how about we put hot sauce in their ice cream and give them milk also mixed with hot sauce." I suggested while imagining the look on my friend's face when I pull the prank on him.

"I like the way you think. You know I could use a right hand with my pranks." He stated while smirking mischievously.

"Hmm, what's the catch?" I asked.

"I'll buy you food every time we pull a prank." he suggested.

"Tempting offer my good sir." I joked.

"Then what about helping you with your friend?" he added. I was shocked for a bit but maybe I was obvious when I started talking about him to Karith.

"I'll give you more time to think." He joked and suddenly his phone vibrated. "My friend is already here so I guess I gotta go now?" 

"Well see you when I see you." I joked and waved at him as he jogged towards a person wearing a blue jacket.

I was about to call my friend when he suddenly appeared right in front of me. "How long have you been waiting?" he asked as guilt was seen in his face.

"About an hour now but it's okay. Shall we get going?" I asked.

I could see a bit of confusion on his face. I would lecture him every time his late before but I don't feel like lecturing him right now. Besides I meet a new friend because of his tardiness.

"Uh okay let's go!" He cheerfully said and grabbed my arm." 

We traveled around Tokyo after successfully eating at an anime café and forcing Aren -my friend- to wear a cosplay for a whole day.

The whole cosplay thing went like.

"Hey is that Nezuko? From demon slayer? She's so pretty!" I giggled.

"Yeah, but I'm prettier." He joked and flipped his imaginary hair. 

"Oh really?" I questioned as an imaginary light bulb appeared in my head and a smirk formed in my lips.

"Well since you're prettier I dare you to cosplay her!" I announced.

"I'll pass." He said while looking around the shelf. We're currently in a bookstore.

"You cosplay her and I will forgive you for losing my air pods," I said.

"No way- wait how did you know?" 

"I have my way dear friend now let's go get you changed." I started laughing loudly causing people to look at us.

And here we are now eating at McDonald's with him in his cosplay. I was also in my cosplay, sadly he found out that it was me who poured ice inside his shorts when he was sleeping. 

"You look so handsome naruto." He compliments hiding his grin.

"Yeah, yeah now hurry up I'm so sick of waiting for you." I groaned and stole one of his fries.

"Hey! That's stealing and for the record the next time we see each other I'll be waiting for you." He said.

"I must say that's a lie cause the next time we see each other I know that I'll have to wait for you longer than usual," I stated.

'There was a hint of sadness and pain in her eyes and I don't know why. Was it just in my imagination?' the boy thought.

"I guarantee you I'll be first." He said.

"Nah I know you'll be late," I said while looking down.

"You alright dude? You sound off." he joked but still sounding concerned.

"I'm fine but you gotta buy me pocky for making me wait for you!" 

The rest of the day went by and we had loads of fun. I mean even though I end up waiting for him all the time I couldn't help but like him even more.

"And this is my stop," I said and stopped in front of the hotel. He is staying with his mom and I kindly declined the offer of staying in their house so I found me some hotel.

"I kinda like you." I said having all the courage in me.

"Well, that makes both of us." He answered quite immediately. "But you know the whole arrange marriage right?" he added.

"Yeah I know one day we have to split ways. I just kinda wanted to get it off my chest." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I guess see you soon?" He said still in shock of what happened.

"Yeah but not too soon I hope." I replied and entered the hotel.

I stared outside the window as the moon shined rather brightly tonight. 

I already know that we will never be together and it hurts knowing that one day I have to go down the aisle and see him standing there looking all happy but not because of me but because of the bride. I know that when that day comes as I walked down the aisle I won't go beside him cause I know my role will be his 'maid of honor'. 

As tears roll down my eyes I smiled bitterly.

"I guess I'll have to wait for you again." 

Years have passed and everything went downhill for Aren. He didn't know anything about the sudden goodbye but he learned to accept it and move on. He knows that she'll be out there waiting for him once more.


I smiled widely as I stand here waiting for him in my white dress. It's been so long and finally, we can see each other again.

I've been waiting for quite a long time now when suddenly I was attacked by a hug.

"Sorry I was late." He said.

"I'm happy that you're late." I answered truthfully.

"But you know it pains me knowing that you waited for me, for more than a decade." a frown was now visible in his face.

"It's okay cause now we can be together." I smiled brightly as I take his hand.

"Now let's go to the gates of heaven okay?" I cheered.

"Men even in the afterlife you're still waiting for me huh?" He joked.

"Of course you're always late anyways, and I always end up waiting for you but this time it was a choice. Now c'mon, let's hurry up I wanna introduce you to my Dad."

July 04, 2020 08:06

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