
Hobbit ‘O joy, girl nor boy, fondle with my crimsoned dubiously grin. Is’t five times ten, years of younger, old. Fear not knowing what I truly am or how funicular a world I live in. Remarkable yet embarked upon a journey, one that is unknowable, for we must search it first. Due to the fade-away scrimmage tomorrow night at drubbing light, we shall follow the hollow moon, from sea to shinty shine. I’m up but I must amusingly say that I cannot go on. I’ll cringe each storming bridge and then again, against this running water, despite a bad long standing experience. We needn’t be worried or weak but it was not just about leaving, arcing, rowing. Try to induce some cold sleep, the weather has slipped on the scenes, no rest will tell twice. I’m starring at the setting sun and shouldn’t wake no matter what. My skin is furry full of color, pink, purple, blues of all kinds, yellows. I’m so giant, I could fit a truck with myself, humongous! The trees look good to eat, each apple is starry green, grey skies even more snow. Every bite I take, I grow, I growl. My mouth is burning with honey, the bees are at charge, my throat is sorely lacking but I’m sure I’ll have some impossible dreams. I could sail the oceans if it wasn’t so much that it could barely get any cooler. The mist is extravagant, moisturizer solstice, soaking right through me. My friends are strange, downright, and unbalancing. We are heading southbound on a tote that was handmade from string to rope from the boats I’ve peeled and stroked. The searchers have all come to gather. I’ll let y’all do a lot more stuff to do with cesium. I just got to set a tutorial, good not evil, no harm done here yet. Despite the revanchist, is only for revenge, bystander itself. What a lucky sight for this stinking vault, busybodies, seems like a great joke. The jokers who have played their cards wrong are choking on us now. Except the battle is not won until we’ve had some fun. Singer of defense, you’re saying this pension plan could’ve gone too, you’re expensive forward all of the jam on your upper shoe, in a crazed trapping maze. It is amazing your voice among these creatures. Creating new music for an hour and then tennis without a doubt. I’m astonishing but somehow it still bothers everyone. I’ve swam until I’ve sank, I hurt, my character is a tearful page in a book. The bookmark is a double feature, standard, perhaps permanently. The other version was a even more difficult read, exuberant to a pointless heeding, superstations tarnishes nylons. It’s raining so hard that it will never stop pouring, the pounding inside of my ears, comically coming from my headache. It has to be. Zealand island is were I am headed, behold the werewolves are in for a hearty bite, two of them could take down a few us! Nothing is unexpected, it’s unexplainable how so much effort can effect us, using this thing called “rethinking”. Get used to is, I’m diving, this tree here is primatial. Caught in the treehouse of doom, there’s an actual room, filled with warmth. What a terrific way to get some sleep, on the top floor with the leeches, leaves make up for a bedtime. Imagine what I would do if I could fall asleep and see if you’d rather be at the bottom of this tree. I’d rather be at the bottom of the earth facing the center than at its core placement. Tangled in a nesting garden, flowers grew by the time I could reach the ends, ending with my eyes on my targets. My bow and arrow is for hunting, this season is for boutique, I can’t wait! My partner is quirky, quite, catchy. Right now he is helping me catch some foodie. Following up with the gooey butter cheese chocolate dropping off the walnuts that are chewy. Lucid as a result because of the heated snowfall that is bouncing off the hollows. There are several pathways to the island, one is lifting, the other is climbing. I choose walking because of my structure is a struggle. Strictest I’ve made it this far without falling into the fire lava. After it rains I get a bit sick, but I don’t mind, I just keep on going. I have a map for the road, the race gets tiring, so I’m told. I have two gold teeth used for unfolding things. In the past two days I haven’t heard anything from the forsaken forests. The only sounds are the waves lifting over the rocks. Their ridgeway is weakening but I’m flexible enough to get over. The canoes are made from tree trunks, half the size of the treehouses I get my rest in, twice the size of a truck. The woods are fuller now of creatures, taller than me, then if ever I could see them. The blend in with the trees. My shadow is my only companion, my feet are loosing feelings but I keep up with my friends, anyway. I don’t want to go on anymore, so I kept my distance from the shores, and then woke up behaving so boring. We’re almost there! Though I’m unprepared to fight, I figured that there is not enough light, I’ll light a bushel. About time, nevertheless we’re here, remember that. Another key point is to be aware of the attackers! It is important to realize that they are wearing brown coats. We call the The Blind Ghost because the have white toed stockings over their grassy faces. In which any case must be profound, a replacement, for a change. I need to find they stolen key before it is much too late. I roam around, in search, for strength to carry on. There is this one lantern for at once I have to strike a match. Out of nowhere, I can hear chanting, by noon I close my ears. The arm guards followed me down onto a hillside showdown. I’m greatly enhancing my voice, finally it is the king, I have no choice. The battle is on, I think we lost because I listened a little to much, about what they weren’t going to do. I moved quickly through the fight. A sudden tug at my fist knocked my swords of stone three times, out of palms they blur with my sight, as this occurred I ran into a war gun. Luckily made from sticking potatoes into a barrel plugs that plunges them forward. “This is a feast but also for fun,” I said in an awful tone. The morels of wartime has yet begun. So we were taught inside of a ring of fire, with lions and tigers, that went straight through with well encouragement. Now we are stronger than ever before. Movable as I could get, accidentally falling down, on my two feet I howled. The rays offer more color, from high upon the balcony, stars circle bringing crickets to show our night is coming to an end. The raindrops against the wind was the most compelling evidence. I raise my hand to him. ”Calling forthright, The Kings,” They said as the king satisfied me with a second smile! Our king on our side is not an upperclassmen. Though he is wise, his words won’t get all of us out alive, versus life and death. Furtively he lie, for being dead, denying the truth til this day. The queeNs he’d wed would most definitely loved to had been a guest. They would stay in a quest house near the towers edge. Every now and again a visit, I would pay, he reunites to them once every year, I believe? “Here are the arrangements both for evening or night,” She said. On the top floor are bigmouths, pay no mind, hidings are were they spend most of their life. All caves have a burger with flavor a 6 ‘O clock. You will be given a nickname when you reach the bunkers, if the noise continues, the divine medium rare meat should settle them down. Do not worry about the eying from these monsters!

I thirst, I beg for more water, I pout that I own no locker. My motto is contagious but it’s worthwhile everyone, here it is, you’re nevertheless later than option answered. My opinions are widely noticeable, my choices are committed, varied. Act is my bunk buddy. He is large, with six eyeball, all blinking at once. His breath is fowl, I’m his foe, only foe now. No friends of mine wears ten hats at the same time and won’t give both of mine back. He wears wears two on his eyes when he’s sleeping just to feel normal. “I feel the need to be superior, for no reason at all, I call hobbits names out of the blue,“ Act said just as he spit out “Mopped up shroom” at me. “I am not going to mop up this room, I thought to myself, this is not my mess!”

August 20, 2020 08:03

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