Just Before Dinner

Submitted into Contest #16 in response to: Write a story that involves love at first sight.... view prompt



Ally and I climb the stairs to go to the Social Media class.

"I think this is gonna be great!" whispers Ally as she sits down. I agree and pull out my notebook and pens. I glance around. Lots of people from our church are in this class. There's Chloe, Addie, Sarah, Ava, and... "Who's that?" I wonder, "He's...kinda cute." After the class ends, I make my way over to Ava and her "companion". Ava wants the signature of the class leader (Dillon Chase) so, I decide to talk to the guy she's been sitting with.

I learn that his name is Cristian, and that, like me, he wants to go on the camp zipline. We chat, but I'm not really listening. I'm falling for him like a ROCK. He's really cute, and also has an awesome sense of humor. When Ava finally comes back, we find Addie and ask her to come too. I'd promised to go with her anyway, so it turns out great. Cristian and I take the lead, and we have to run to get to the meeting spot for the zipline.

After we go ziplining, Cristian suggests leaving Ava and Addie (they've gone off to talk to some guys), so we do. We still have an hour before dinner, so Cristian and I hike up the mountain. We make it to the lookout about 15 minutes later.

"Wow, Cristian. This is really beautiful up here. How'd you know about it?"

"I heard some adults saying we should come up here. I didn't really know when I would though. But I'm glad you wanted to come. We're supposed to stay in pairs you know."

"Yeah," I laugh. "I think we were supposed to stay in same-gender pairs though."

He wraps his arms around me, and says, "Yes, but I wouldn't have been able to do this, would I?"

And then, ever so gently, Cristian leans down and kisses me.

November 22, 2019 21:56

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