Finding Safe Haven Together

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt


Fantasy Romance Science Fiction

The land had been riddled and left a vast wasteland from the war between the revolt of creatures. Long ago their had been peace among creatures such as vampires,werewolves,elves. However humans feared such things so riots and fights broke out. War had begun between species. Humans fearing the things they could not understand set off nuclear war heads. Leaving the world in ruins only few structures stood now. Survivors fought for recources keeping their own territories while some were mutated from the war and nuclear blast. Creatures kept to their own places while humans did the same.

One girl though set out to help others and to find the safe haven from which her brother had went. With the help of a vampire she had rescued from a few raiders who were about to kill him. The two stuck together like glue although they didnt get along at first.

Her name was Anna Thorn she was a pretty and slim young girl with long curly brown hair and eyes as blue as the sea. Her skin tan from the long journeys under the sun. She stood under a old broken down building looking to a homemade map examining it closely from the location they were at. She wore a green tank top and brown cargo shorts with boots on her feet with a backpack strapped to her back. "According to the map we should be close to the safe haven once we make it there we can be safe." She told the tall vampire that stood nearby who hair was slicked back and black as night itself slightly spiked in the back. He wore a trench coat and black pants. His skin pale like porcelain while his eyes were crimson a piercingly dazzling. He was unaffected by the sun despite being a vampire and only drank animal blood and could eat human food well recources they could find anyway. As his gaze looked to the girl. "Yes but we have to be careful we are cutting threw nasty pixie territory those guys are not friendly and I dont want you to get hurt." He told her stepping over looking over her shoulder at the map. Anna could feel his breath against her skin. Looking down with shyness but smiled up at him reassuringly. "I can handle them. As long as we get their together thats all that matters Bane." She told him softly while she felt the vampire kiss the top of her head before he embraced her so close. Lately feelings had sprung up between them dare Anna say love. She cared for Bane and he cared for her. Bane smiled with a fang showing against his lips. "Well I dont doubt that. Lets get going." He told her softly letting go slowly while he held her hand stepping along threw the path keeping Anna close to his side.

Anna could tell Bane was protective over her. He had been ever since they had kissed under the stars during a cold night so many nights ago. Stepping along quietly she kept close to his side as she froze hearing something glancing back to the sounds of twigs breaking. "Did you hear that?" She asked Bane quietly who nodded in response before pulling her behind him in a instant from a mutated pixie crawling out onto a boulder its figure hideous and grotesque its skin blue and as broken mutated wings on its back as it shrieked with teeth as a sharp as needles its eyes like black sapphires in color but in a instant it ran at them sneering fangs drawn as Bane pulled Anna away drop kicking the Pixie clear across the ground grabbing a machete that was strapped at his side. "Come on!" He picked up Anna bridal style with one arm running at quick speed threw the dessert lands as more shrieks of pixies would pierce there ears as Bane sliced threw one that dare try to attack slicing them into turning them into black dust from cutting them down dead while holding Anna protectively in his other arm running toward the direction of the so called safe haven he spotted a markings on rocks that matched the map running toward them as the mutated pixies were hot on their tales a horde them like zombies chasing them except these were ravenous mutated pixies way nastier. All pixies knew was too eat anything and everything. Some pixies were normal but these were ones that were long since mutated and turned into monsters well more monstrous than they ever where before. Bane jumped down a whole in a instant with Anna sliding down a mostly covered tunnel holding Anna losing the pixies from jumping down the hole. The tunnel they slide down seem to go on for ages as Anna held onto Bane with all her might until they fell being submerged in water swimming up Anna looked around not seeing Bane! "Bane!" She called out as he soon popped up from the water coughing his hair wet as was hers from the water. "Im here dont worry." He swam over to her touching her cheek before looking around. "The secret underground water like on the map. Its untouched by the radiation." He mumbled looking around. Anna swam up to the cave shore standing up soaked she waited for Bane to swim up as he got up out of the water. Anna stepped along until they reached the end of the cave she gasped. "We made it.." She mumbled softly while her eyes adjusted to the sunlight and the vast civilization filled with green and life along with huts built into the trees and and different passageways into the rocks like this cave that lead into the safe haven. Bane stepped at her side smiling from the sunlight against his skin looking to Anna smiling. "We made it together." He mumbled softly leaning in pressing his lips against hers in a passionate kiss. They had finally made it to their new home.

September 21, 2020 19:04

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