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Holiday Romance Happy

"Wait, wait, wait. Your positioning is wrong! Let's start from the top!" Daniel Stewart sighed as he heard the ever-famous and rising star, Chris Peters, shouting throughout the dance studio they had rented near the concert's venue.

Daniel looked around and saw how his dance crew, who are also his friends, sighed in exhaustion. But no one could really blame them, they've been working on the dance routine since the morning and it's already past 9 PM in the evening. It's not really his crew's fault why they've been repeating this, it was because of Chris who's currently having a hangover and continued blaming the mistake on them. 

Well, the rising star wasn't usually like that, he'd been working with Chris for half a year already. As the leader of the dance crew and the main choreographer, he could say Chris was a kind-hearted and dedicated one, not the one they're seeing right now. Maybe it was because of the pressure and stress from the industry, especially when the demand for the idol is getting higher. 

It's already the 6th concert this month and they've been roaming around the world since two months ago and he's miles away from his home. Before he could reminisce, Chris called their attention and they went back to their starting position. 

He gave a pat on the idol's shoulder and he started leading the counting for the dance. 


Daniel closed his eyes in relief as they finished the concert successfully and smiled as he heard Chris shout in joy and thanked his dance crew multiple times. Chris also apologized for his behavior yesterday and he just gave him a pat on the back before deciding to go out at the venue's rooftop. People were too loud for his liking and he needed some air tonight before going back on the car that would bring them to the airport later for another concert tomorrow at the other side of the country. 

He breathed in and out deeply as he felt the cold air outside splashed onto his face. He scrunched his nose up at the coldness and rubbed his gloved hands together to warm himself more, after all, it's already December and snow is falling gradually. 

He scanned the rooftop and luckily, no one was out there. But who's in their right mind to even stay here in the middle of winter? Clearly not him but this was better for him rather than staying inside where everything was too loud and chaotic. 

He leaned on the railings after brushing a layer of snow away and sighed as he made a visible puff from his mouth. He smiled as he remembered his habit as a kid every winter where he enjoys puffing air with his younger sister. 

They also used to build some snowman in their backyard and ice skate in the park three blocks away from their house. They live in a small, peaceful, neighborhood in the city. They would also buy snowcones despite the weather and they would be amazed by the change of color of their tongues. 

Their mother would always scold them when they went home, always reminding them they should warm themselves up and at the end of the day, their mother would make them hot cocoa with little marshmallows in it.

Ah, he missed his younger sister who's still studying back in his country. He wonders how is she doing in high school. Are her studies going well? Is she's having fun with her friends as he used to at that age? 

He then remembered the friends he left behind in the country when he pursued his dreams. He remembered the times they would sneak out at midnight to skate around the neighborhood and the time they drank for the first time on the beach. He remembered the pranks they did to each other and the times they would choreograph their own dance by the club room. There were also times that they would just hang-out by the park and talk about random things and that is enough to live.

He suddenly felt guilty for not contacting them as much as they did to him until he drifted apart from them. Have they also pursued their dreams after high school? Have they been meeting each other? Are they well? Do they have their own families? 

He sighed again, knowing it wasn't the time to miss his high school friends. After all, he's the one who hasn't kept in touch with them since he was too fixated on pursuing his dreams of becoming a dancer and now he has his own dance crew that would help idols like Chris. 

But at least he has his best friend, who is his lover too, who stayed with him through his ups and downs. If it wasn't for his best friend, he wouldn't know where he would be now especially when he used to breakdown a lot.

His best friend and lover is his solace, where he felt accepted despite his flaws and imperfection and someone who he could call his home. 

He checked his phone and tried calling his lover but lead him to voicemail. He thought maybe his lover's catching some sleep after long shifts in the internship of becoming a doctor in a renowned hospital. He left a short message and an 'i love you' before keeping his phone back in his pocket. 

He fixed his eyes on the horizon where a sea of city lights could be seen as if it's infinite. It was the first time he went to this place and would probably the last time since they will be roaming around the world more even after the holidays. 

He sometimes regrets following his dreams, especially when it takes a toll on him just like what he's feeling lately.

Dancing used to be an escape from reality, where he could express his emotions without uttering a single word.

When words are vague, actions are clear and his clairvoyance was through dancing. 

Yet now, it comes to the point he wants to take a break, especially when holidays used to be a time for him to relax. 

Traveling around the world may sound good in others' ears but in reality, it's ripping his body physically and emotionally, especially when he wants to spend his holidays in his hometown where everything is the opposite of the life he's been living now. 

He closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around his body, rubbing his hands on his arms to heat himself up. If only wishes do come true, he wanted to go home already, may it be in his apartment where his lover is probably sleeping already or in his hometown where everything is peaceful. 

He smiled as he saw their faces in his head, laughing and welcoming him home.

If only he could give up everything, he would do it just to be with his loved ones for the holidays.

But reality hits as he heard one of the dance crew, calling him the car has arrived and knocked him back to his senses. With a last sigh, he turned around and started walking back with his colleague inside.

Hopefully, he could be with his family or his lover in his dreams as he took a nap at the back of the car traveling towards the airport. A smile stayed on his lips throughout the trip.

December 23, 2020 15:30

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1 comment

Lavinia Hughes
22:00 Dec 30, 2020

The life of a dancer who has to go on the road certainly endures many sacrifices, something we, as the audience, don't see, as "the show must go on." I could feel the dancer's exhaustion.


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