Lavinia Hughes

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2020

14 Stories

451 karma pts


Author bio

Lavinia M. Hughes, a native New Englander, is the author of 3 collections of paranormal short stories entitled "Enter Through the Crawlspace," "Enter Through the Bulkhead," and "Enter Through the Alleyway." She is currently working on her 4th book to be entitled "Enter Through the Porthole." She has also written an instructional cookbook entitled "An iGen Cookbook for the Unskilled". She is the co-author of three novels: "Newtucket Island," "Training Ship," and "Cape Car Blues." All books are available at BN.con (Barnes and Noble). She has also co-authored seven screenplays: Cape Car Blues, Freeport Fred’s Valiant Summer, Get Together, Golf Cart Ranger, Plimsoll, Training Ship, and What We Can’t Know, synopses of which are available at She lives and writes with her husband Richard Hughes in their Waquoit Village home in Falmouth, Massachusetts.