Drama Romance Adventure

October 7th, 2005

“Ollie I love you.”

“I do too”

“Then marry me so that we can be together forever.”

Some words stick with you forever. Like a stain on a cloth. I'm not perfect, I've never been. My name is Olive Dalton. I'm a famous actres. Everyone just assumes being popular is amazing and fun. Almost like a dream. But like a dream, it’s never reality. Just like the other day all I want to do is go out and have some fun take a drive somewhere. So I hop in my car. I have started driving. I don’t even know where i'm going. I don’t care. I just don’t. I got a call from my agent. 

“Where are you?”

“I'm sorry I skipped the shooting today ok. I just need to get away. Sometime to myself.” 

I hang up. I just abandoned everything. I don't care. I just want to run away. I need a new life. I throw my phone out the window and drive off. 3 hours later I find myself in the small town of Fenwick, Connecticut. I pull up to a gas station on the side of the road. 

“Good afternoon Ma'am. The gas station clerk calls from across the room. 

“Um-hi I need to use your restroom.”

“Oh sure the code is 7785”

“Thank you.”

I go into the restroom and take out my scissors and chop off my beautiful long blonde hair. Then I dyed it black. I get out of the bathroom and hand the key to the clerk.

“Thank you” I say.

“No problem Ma’am” The clerk says.

“Have a nice day.”

I get out of the gas station and hop in my car. I start to burst out in tears then it becomes a sob as I drive away into the dark autumn night. After 2 more hours of driving I pull over on the side of the road and sleep. I get up around 7 AM the next morning by the sound of a honking horn passing by. 

“RIGHT BACK AT YOU BUDDY!” I shout right back as I too am honking my horn.

I turn on the radio for some tunes. Nothing just static. I drive and I drive. Until this small town in South Carolina gets my attention. Here is the place I'm going to start my life. I'm often haunted. Not by Ghosts and Goblins and such sort. But by my memories. One that really haunts me is when I was 14 I was in love. With Josh Banks. When I was 16 he asked me to marry him. Now my parents hated Josh. Absolutely hated him. So when he asked me to marry him he told me that we would run away and be lovers till the day we died. So I agreed and said yes and we got married in secret we would never tell anyone about it until we both turned 21. We lived happily together. The day before I turned 21 me and Josh were going to tell everyone that we were getting married so that I could finally wear my ring and have a real wedding. That night on his way to pick me up for a date to look over the city. It was raining that night. 20 minutes away from my house when he was driving next to the cliff. A drunk driver hit him from behind and he fell from the cliff to his death. I told the minister the news and to still not tell anyone. I was heartbroken I still am. Sometimes I even wish it was me instead. I stop for gas and this time when I go inside something changes. I go inside.

“Hello.” The gas station clerk calls.


“Do you have any jobs available here?” I ask.

“As indeed we do. The clerk says. 

“When can I start?” I ask 

“ Well you need to get an interview first.” 

“I can get you one tomorrow at 2 PM when the big boss is coming in.

“Ok, I’ll be there.” I walk out happy to get my new start. I show up to the gas station the next day.

“You must be Olive here for the interview.” The Big boss says while giving me a very strange look.

“Yes I am.” I say.

This man I just can’t wrap my head around it but he gives me deja vu.

“Do I know you?” I ask the man.

“Wait Ollie?”

“Joshie it can’t be.” I replied.

“You died in a car wreck 5 years ago.” 

“Hear me out let me explain. Says Josh.

“I was heartbroken,” I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

“I did it for you, See when we wanted to run away we had no money so I went to the shady part of town and I did a drug deal so we could have money. So I did it. I collected the money then he threatened my life and everyone I was close to if I stopped working for them. So I faked my death and ran out here.” Josh says with regret. 

“ You could have called me anything.” I said.

“I had to make it realistic.” Said Josh

“I love you Josh,” I say.

“Let's settle down and start a family here.” Josh says

I'm so lucky to be where I am today. With a daughter, an amazing husband. No drama or paparazzi. I live off the grid. It’s peaceful. Every morning I teach my daughter little facts and how to live an amazing life. She loves to hear the story of how me and Josh reunited. Am lucky to be where I am today. Right now sitting with my 2 year old son and my 7 year old daughter by the fire telling the story.

“It’s time for bed guys.” I say gently.

“AW but- but I wanna stay up longer.” Says Audrey, my 7 year old daughter.

“I know but you have to sweetie.” I say gently as I hand her her favorite corn husk doll and I tuck her in with her brother. 

“Good night” I whisper to them both.

“Good night.”

August 29, 2020 03:39

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Allison Haynes
07:14 Aug 29, 2020

I hope everyone enjoys my story!


12:07 Aug 29, 2020



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