I think he's the one

Submitted into Contest #29 in response to: Write a story about someone falling in love for the first time.... view prompt

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I walked into a coffee shop and I accidentally bumped into a guy. We got to talking right away, his name his Ben. I did apologize to bumping into him and he said there was no need to apologize. We exchanged numbers and begin talking every day. We made plans to hang out and just get to know each other better. We'd already been friends for about six months. One day, he asked me to go to the movies with him and dinner. I didn't think anything of it, I just thought it was going to be just like every other time we'd hung out, but man was I wrong.

Ben had this whole thing set up. We went to the movies and I could already tell something was up, he was acting weirder than normal. He barely talked to me, he would smile at me and everything but he wouldn't talk. Once the movie was over and we were on our way to dinner. I said "Ben what's wrong? haven't said one word to me all night." He responded with "I know. I just have been thinking a lot." As we pulled up to the restaurant, he still wouldn't say anything to me. I was quite scared, but I needed to talk to him about something. Over these past couple of months, I think I may have started to fall in love with him.

I haven't felt this way with anyone else like ever. He's the first actual boy I have felt this kind of thing with. So, we got into the restaurant and got our table. He looked a little nervous and I wanted to ask him what was wrong but he didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it. So, we ordered and didn't say a word to each other. He then begins to talk "Lucy, I have something to talk about and ask you." I said " okay, what's up? I'm all ears." he told me "I know you probably don't feel the same or anything, but I love you and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" I was quite shocked.

I finally responded with "Yes, Ben I'd love to be your girlfriend. I was wanting to tell you how I felt this whole week." So, we carried on like normal and had fun together. We hung like we were still best friends and everything. I feel like we've gotten a lot closer and our relationship will go somewhere. I hope it goes somewhere. I don't want to lose him, he's the first guy I've ever loved deeply.

February 21, 2020 03:00

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1 comment

Fred Aiken
19:26 Feb 28, 2020

I could really relate to the awkwardness of teenage love. It was a very nice piece, you might want to just tighten it up with regards to grammar and the general flow. But overall, it was a nice sentiment to a very common sort of experience a lot of young people go through.


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