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Carol knew that she had to be brave not only for herself , but for the other women that were depending on her to get them out of the situiation. It was a warm night in August and carol had decided to go for a walk to clear her head. It was late so her mom told her to not go to far and to only stay out for a few moments. Carol bagan walking and thinking about everything that had happened that day. By the time she had stopped walking she was at least six blocks from home and it was really dark. She turned around to head towards her house. The next thing she knew she was waking up in a room that was not familar to her and she had a terrible headache. While trying to get her bearings she heard someone crying. When she opened her eyes again and looked around she saw several women crouched down on the floor looking scared. Where am I she asked. None of the women would say anything at first. after a few moments on of the women finally spoke. We don't know where we are, just like you we woke up here not knowing how we got here. Carol stood up and tried to see if she could find a way out, but to no avail. What is going on why are we here ?. After asking questions and getting no answers she just stopped asking and started trying to think of a way to escape. About an hour someone finally came and unlocked the door. All of the women scrambled to one side together in fear. A big burly baldheaded man entered the room and looked around the room at the women. He was holding some food in his hands. He threw the food on the floor and told the women to eat and eat fast as they were going to be moved soon. The women all hungry grabbed the food and began eating loke they had not eaten in days. Carol stood up and watched them feeling sick to her stomach. another hour or so went by and the door opened again. This time there were three men all with their faces covered. They told the women to form a line against the wall. the men took their time looking over each woman and finally picked out two and told them to follow one of the men out of the room. Carol decided to ask what was going on. They only looked at her and smiled then walked out of the room. She asked the ladies if they knew what was going to happen to the women. At first the women all turned their backs on her and said nothing. A few minutes later one of the women told her that they were taking the women to a place where they have to perform sexual things for men that come to the hotel. Carol realized that she was about to become a sex slave. then and there she vowed to not only get herself out but the other women also. she began asking questions of the women to find out as much about the comings and goings as possible. The ladies said they all tried escaping at one time, but were beaten for it. no one wanted to be brave anymore and try escaping because they were told that if they tried again they would be killed and their bodies would be dismembered. After hearing all this and seeing the fear on the women's faces carol knew that she had to be strong not only for herself but for all the women in the room if they wanted to be free. She went to a corner to think. Being a big chested woman carol often put her phone in her bra. This night she didn't want to talk to anyone while she was thinking so she turned it off and stuck it in there. She totally forgot about it until she felt something sticking her. It was her phone, it had shifted to another area. She knew she didn't have a lot of battery left because she had not charged it for a day or so, but she felt that maybe there was enough power to contact the police and let keep it on so they could track her. No matter what she was determined to be strong for everyone. She huddled the women together to ask if they knew of any cameras that may have been placed in the room. No oe was sure so they all started looking around until they were satisfied that there were none. Carol the pulled out her phone told the women to act normal so not to have them come back in because of the excitement. while a few women were the lookout carol typed in a message to her mother telling her to call the police and to track her phone because she and more women were in danger and diudn't know where they were. Some of the women wer shaking and crying because they were scared that they would get caught and possibly killed. Carol assured them that she would not put them in any more danger. all the while she herself was sacaed she knew in order to get through this she had to show bravery to the other women. She had to stay positive at all times. she would bereak down later when she was back home safe in her own room. she decided to ask the women things about themselves to keep them talking and not thinking about the situiation they were in. she began by tyelling them about her mother and her family. Another person spoke up and before she knew it everyone was talking and the mood lightened a little. She began to see the women calm down and try getting some rest. Even though the mood had lightened a little she still knew they were all scared, but she knew that she had to stay strong and be the one to show as less fear as possible for the women. She is not sure how many hours had passed because she and all the women had drifted off to sleep. They were awakened by someone beating on the door asking if anyone was in there. All the women began screaming were here. They were told to stand back from the door. A few seconds later the door was kicked in and all the women began running out of the room. Carol looked up and saw it was the police. Once they were outside getting looked over by the paramedics all of the women came over to carol and thanked her for being so brave and making them feel safe and believing that she would find a way to get them out.

July 08, 2023 15:56

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Andrey Trofimov
18:26 Jul 20, 2023

"no one wanted to be brave anymore" especially stood out for me


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