Fantasy Romance Fiction

I had a dream… I saw the man I have never met there. His eyes were shiny like an amber, his blond hair were reflecting the sun… And those dimples when we was smiling… Man… Cowboy hat, old, faded jeans, white T-shirt… What a view it was, ahh… But I had no idea who he was.

Until I met him… Yes, the dream became the reality eventually…

So, it was a sunny summer day few years ago. I met him during the party at the beach. He looked remarkably familiar to me… But he wore a grey tracksuit just like me, so we were matching (soul mates at first sight!). It was a bit colder day… Then I realized that I have already seen him… In my dream. I couldn’t say it at first, of course… I was also too paralyzed to come up to him and say ‘hi’… So, I’ve just spent the entire day and night staring at him…

I know, it sounds unbelievably bad, but this is not how this story ends! Because all my wishes and prayers have been heard… He came to me first. And this is how it all has begun.

– Hi, how are you? … Do we know each other…? Because I feel like we’ve already met… – he said.

‘Oh my God… So, I’m not the only one?! Maybe he saw me in his dream too…?’, I thought.

– Umm, hi… I don’t know… Maybe we’ve already seen each other somewhere before… – I said so casually.

– Maybe… My name is Gwidon, and what’s your name?

– I’m Lily… And wow, what an unusual name!

– I know… I hear it from everybody – here he started laughing lightly.

And this is where we shook our hands and started talking about the beach, party, this beautiful city called Miami, and we were wondering where we could have met before… I couldn’t say the truth the whole time… But it was a very fruitful meeting because he left me his number in the end. And… Yes, that’s it. We never met again. Well, almost…

I thought for a minute that it might be the sign from universe that I met the love of my life… But it just ended like that! But well… Not quite. Because ever since then… I can see ghosts… I mean… Especially this one that looks like Gwidon, but he got brown hair… And how it could be possible…? A ghost?! What might it all mean…?! Am I losing my mind for this love?!

Yes, we’ve been texting for a while… But it stopped when the summer ended… But the ghost stayed with me… It made me wonder… Is he dead…? And that’s why I could see his ghost, and he couldn’t talk to me anymore…? So, maybe I’m not mad after all…?

The next summer and the same beach in Miami brought me answers…

I went there like I always do, but dressed fancy this time… But it was a very ordinary day… No beach party. I was simply in mood for it… And that’s when I saw him again… But he wore clothes similar to those from my dream… Just the hat was missing… And Gwidon really looked differently! He had brown hair! Just like that ghost!

He noticed me right away and approached me.

– So, we meet again… It must be destiny – he said laughing and hugged me.

– Yeah, good to see you again… Tell me why haven’t you been texting me back for the last few months…? – I asked him casually like always.

– You know… I’ve been just… Busy – he said.

It all was very suspicious… Was he hiding something as well…?

We’ve spent the rest of the day together, and it was utterly amazing to hang out again. We feel so good in each other’s company, but… I honestly felt like he had some secret which he tried so hard to hide from me…

In the end we had to go home… Alone… But… The next morning, I got a message from him that was like: “I can’t stop thinking about you… Sometimes I feel like I leave my body to just be with you… We’ve known each other for a while, so I thought that you should move in”.

What a fast man! But I honestly loved this idea… And this message was so romantic, ah! So… I texted him back giving him restaurant details, and we met there a few hours later… His proposition was a profoundly serious move, so I felt like we needed to be completely honest with each other before we decide anything… I also thought it’s time to ask… Did he have any secret…? Well… I had to ask him eventually…

– Listen, I feel like you hide something from me… Tell me what it is now if you really want me to move in…

He was very uncertain, but in the end, he said:

– You’re always so casual around me that I just feel like you don’t care… And I really wanna try… I really like you… That’s all.

I couldn’t believe my ears! So, it was just all about me…? And my attitude? But he was so wrong all along! How couldn’t he notice the way I look at him…? Man!

– Wow, it’s all a big misunderstanding because… I think we may be made for each other… – I leaned in closer to him and whispered: – I saw you in my dream before we even met…

I said it straight into his eyes. We were looking at each other like that for a moment… Until he smiled and kissed me… Yes, it was out first kiss.

This way we got to know each other’s secrets… I can predict the future, and he can be a ghost… But that day we also found out who we were… Because we never talked about work somehow! He turned out to be a musical actor playing in theaters (that’s why he was so busy and mysterious! And that’s why he changed his hair color! How could I not know this before…?!), and I told him I’m an accountant… I also decided that day to quit my job to work for him… Don’t actors need this kind of work I offer…?

So, we live together now, and it’s been three years since the very moment when I saw him in my dream... It’s a very funny story because we never told anybody about these magical things… I can always see his ghost no matter where I go, and he knows I know his sweet secret… And he knows I predicted all of this…

My dear Gwidon… You will be my secret until I die. I will never tell no one… What happened between us… Before we met… And after.

September 13, 2024 07:21

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