Fiction Sad Drama

Twenty-two years ago – when I was 2 years old to be exact – a woman trusted me with my mother. At that time, Mother and Father had not been blessed with a child. He's been my mother's best friend since high school.

Mother's friend, she is my biological mother. I just found out now. The mother who had raised me all this time was not my biological mother.

"But why did my biological mother have the heart to leave and leave me to Mother? Does he hate and don't want me? What did I do wrong, ma'am? " I immediately asked a series of questions to my mother, while shedding tears.

The mother again explained everything, also with tears like mine. His best friend is of blue blood descent. He has a love relationship but is strongly opposed by his family. Especially his father.

Forbidden, just because her lover comes from a family belonging to the common people. However, the woman still maintains her love and chooses to marry secretly. A year later, I was born into the world.

Yes, a world that alienated me from my true identity. The woman was afraid that her family would find out, now that she is married and has a daughter. She was afraid of being picked up by force, which caused her to leave her husband and daughter.

Happiness in hiding turned into sorrow when her husband – who became my biological father – had an accident at work and died. The existence of the woman and her child was smelled by her extended family. His father immediately ordered the aide to bring him back to the house, but without taking me along.

The woman was very confused, to whom to leave her child. It occurred to him to remember his best friend, his mother. Finally, with a heavy heart, the woman entrusted her child to the mother. Until now.


That child is me. For 22 years my mother has nurtured and cared for me with great love, like her own biological child.

Why is my biological mother's family so cruel? Separating children from their biological mothers, just for the sake of family honor. Really, my common sense couldn't accept it. How could it be?

Just because the honor of the family that I don't want to be tarnished – due to the forbidden marriage of my biological mother with my father – then I, who was young and innocent, had to be separated like that?

Mom flipped the photo. It turned out that not only was clean photo paper without scratches, but it was also full of beautiful writing. Yes, my birth mother's handwriting.

It's a short letter to me. Mother said it. The letter written on the back of the photo was intended for me.

My dear son. By the time you read this letter, of course, you have grown up. I'm sorry Mom, who couldn't watch your growth into a young girl. Is your hair long now, son? Yes, I really like growing my hair. Hope you do too.

At your growing age, I hope you can understand, son. Mother's friend knows all the stories of your life. Listen to the explanation. Love him, like your own mother. I love you, son. Meet mom's family! Go to your grandfather, so he knows that you are your mother's child. Take this photo, son!

That's the message as if Mom was whispering in my ear. Below that is an address. That address? That is the address where I work, which points to the hotel in Puncak where I work. I immediately left for work, and at the same time wanted to find out the address listed on the back of the photo.

Arriving at the hotel, I tried to find information from senior employees. Turns out, the hotel is owned by a family of blue blood descendants. Yes, the owner of the hotel is my grandfather.

According to the senior employee's information, my grandfather lived in the pavilion behind the hotel. Finally, I went to the backyard. Before, I never knew there was such a pavilion.

The building looks like it was made in the 60s. But the pavilion looked deserted, there was no sign of life. Although curious, I left the pavilion and continued to work.


The next day, I returned to the pavilion in the backyard of the hotel. Wow, today it looks crowded. Not like yesterday.

Several hotel employees were also seen visiting the pavilion. Some people who came out of there, seen wiping tears and gloomy faces. I'm confused, what's going on? I rushed through the open door.

Arriving inside the pavilion, my body felt weak and helpless. My tears fell instantly. Someone has been lying stiff in his grave. Oh, that lifeless body is my Grandpa.

"Miss, who are you?" asked a middle-aged man, who suddenly approached me.

“I just want to know the truth,” I said, sobbing, and handed him a photo of my birth mother.

"This photo? Why is Tuan's son in this photo holding a toddler? Who are you? " Said the man, pointing to Grandpa who was lying still.

So that the man was my grandfather's confidant, long ago. He knows all the life history of Grandpa's family, including the story of his birth mother

While wiping her tears, grandfather's confidant told a story. My biological mother is long gone. He died, about 2 years after being picked up by Grandpa's aide forcibly.

Now Grandpa is now dead. I don't have any biological family left. I was about to ask my only biological family about all the truth, but fate said otherwise.

With a heavy heart, I accompanied Grandpa's departure to the funeral. On the way home, I muttered to myself. It is enough for my mother to care for and take care of me. He is enough for me now, as my last family.

Even though she is not my real mother, I love her very much. Let this photo of my biological mother be proof of my history and identity. I still have a mother, who loves me the same since the first

July 21, 2021 07:54

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