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Fiction Adventure

Today was a hard day for my family. Today we buried my grandfather or pops as he liked to be called. Pops was the best guy. Pops and nana were married for many decades. They were so much in love.

Pops was more than just my grandfather. He was my confidant. Pops was there for me more than my own father ever was. I talked to pops about everything. I loved him so much. Now I'm left with a big hole in my heart.

I can't stay with my family any longer. It's painful knowing pops is not here. If there was a time when I need pops the most it would be today.

I'm at pops favorite place, turtle pond. Pops took me here every day since I was a child. I never missed a day. Now coming here won't ever be the same.

I sit on pops favorite bench. I look up into the sky and begin to cry. I miss you pops. You were everything to me. I don't now what to do now. I sit on the bench for a long time thinking about the good days me and pops had together.

It's been five days since pops funeral. I haven't seen nana since the funeral. It's been too painful to go but now it's time. I love nana and I don't want her to think I don't love her.

I made it to nana's house. I take three deep breaths in and out. Okay here I go. I walk-up the steps and knock on the door. I hear nana's voice.

I walk-in. The house is still the same. Pops couch is still in the same place in the living room. I remember pops sitting on the couch me next to him watching tv or pops telling me crazy stories.

I walk around the living room looking at the many pictures of pops and nana. Pops and nana were a very cute couple.

I come upon one picture of pops and nana. I pick up the picture. This picture looks like pops and nana were just teenagers. Then I notice upon closer examination a crease.

I'm curious as what is on the other side of the picture. I take the picture with me and go sit on the couch. I open the picture frame and take out the picture. I unfold it. There is pops and nana. Who are these people next to them?

I turn the photo over and look at the date, 1942. Pops from what I can tell is wearing a Marine uniform. I know pops was in the Marines.

The thing is pops never talked about his time in the Marines. He was calmed up anytime we mentioned it. Nana always agreed with pops. The past should be left in the past.

I kept staring at the picture wondering who these people are. How come pops and nana had the picture folded? Pops and nana look happy in the picture. I'm so lost in the picture I don't hear nana calling me.

"Sky." I look up and see nana looking at me. I ask nana about the picture. She hesitates but then she sees my pleading eyes.

Nana tells me the two people in the picture are their best friends Arthur and Carolyn Palmer. Nana takes the picture from me and begins to cry. I hug her.

Nana keeps staring at the picture. She doesn't say anymore. She hands me back the picture and leaves. I'm left with more questions. I don't press nana anymore. I don't want to hurt her.

I get up from the couch and take the picture with me. I go hug nana goodbye. I look at the picture closely. In the back ground I see planes and the ocean.

Where was this picture taken? I turn the picture around and look closely at the back. There are some faded words. I can read one of the words, Philippines.

Pops was in the Philippine in 1942. So was nana. Was pops a POW? I run home and some research.

Oh MY God! I look up pops and Arthur's name and there to my surprise are the names of the POW's who were rescued. Pops name is there but not Arthur's.

New Castle, one thousand miles from my home is a memorial honoring the POW's from World War 2. I have to go. I pack my belongings and leave my home.

I get into my car and begin the drive to New Castle. I'm still wrapping my head around pops, the sweetest most caring man being a POW.

I wonder what happened to nana after this picture was taken. Asking her to relive those memories is too hard. I don't want to add any more pressure on her. I have to find out myself.

I stop at the gas station for gas and a snack. I got everything I need now I'm off to New Castle. This is the first time in a long time I'm leaving home by myself. I'm on a journey for the truth. I love pops and nana but I want to know more.

The open road feels so good. I always remembering telling pops one day I'm going to explore the world. Pops would always tell me to go where the wind takes you. Pops always loved that I was a free spirit. He encouraged me to do what my heart desires.

I listen to the play list I made with pops. He loved music and dancing. I sing-a-long to many of my favorite songs. I can't decide which one I like.

Three hours on the road, my stomach is growling for food. I stop at a road side diner and grab some food to go. I get my food and go back to my car. I begin to eat my food thinking about the picture.

I wonder what happened to Arthur and Carolyn Palmer. Why was this picture hidden? Are they dead or alive? I finish eating and continue on my journey to New Castle.

I get back on the road. I never knew how beautiful the U.S. really is. I've been stuck in Maple Grove for way too long. Many hours later at 11pm, I arrive in New Castle.

I find a hotel and rent a room. I go to my room to relax. Tomorrow is a new day. I open the door, walk-in, put my bags on the floor and lay on the bed.

I close my eyes and fall asleep. I wake-up the next morning take a shower, get dress and go eat breakfast. This was the best breakfast I ever had. I pay the bill and leave. I begin walking through New Castle.

New Castle is beautiful. These little stores are amazing. I found the people to be really friendly. I have a map of New Castle. I look for the memorial. There it is. I walk to the memorial.

The World War 2 memorial is huge. I walk-up to the memorial. I look at all the names one by one. There is pops name Charles Shea. Now I'm looking for Arthur Palmer's name.

One side of the memorial is for the POW's who survived. Arthur Palmer's name is not on the survivors list. The other side is the list of the POW's who didn't make it. I look down the list of names one by one and I find Arthur Palmer's name.

Pops best friend didn't make it. I'm so sorry pops. Tears begin to come down my face. I take a photo copy picture of pops and nana, Arthur and Carolyn and place it on the memorial.

"Charles, Mary." I hear someone say. I turn around to see a woman staring at the picture. I ask her "You know them?" She nods.

I tell her "I'm Sky Collins. These are my grandparents." The woman looks at me and tells me her name is Carolyn Palmer. The same Carolyn Palmer from the picture.

I ask Carolyn about the picture. She tells me the picture was taking in the Philippines. The last day they saw their husbands. Carolyn also tells me that she always regretted cutting ties with pops and nana.

I couldn't say what I wanted to say to Carolyn. She just walked away from me. I tried to call her back but she didn't listen to me.

I look up at the sky and say to pops. I went on this journey for you to find the truth about why you never told us about your time in the Marines and in the end you and nana were right, the past should be left in the past.

I also discovered something about me that there is more to life than Maple Grove. You helped me and so did this picture. Thank you pops.

July 10, 2024 20:32

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1 comment

Linda Kenah
23:14 Jul 17, 2024

A very touching story. I could feel Sky’s raw emotions.


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