Adventure Fiction Kids

“Hey! Can you help me find my dog?” Justin asked, nearly out of breath from running next door to his best friend Dreaden’s house. Justin and Dreaden had been friends since they were five when Justin moved in next door. Even though Dreaden was homeschooled and Justin went to public school they were inseparable when school let out.

“Again,” replied Dreaden. “What does this make, three times this week?” Justin had a hard time remembering to close the front door all the way when he left the house. It was usually at the sound of Cooper’s barking that got Justin’s attention. He would look back but it was too late. The family dog was out the door and making his way towards the wooded area where the two friends would live out their weekend adventures conquering kingdoms afar.

“Are you gonna help me or what?” Justin said, now starting to catch his breath. “I have actually been waiting all day for you to come over!” Dreaden said with a huge grin on his face. “Of course I’m going to help you! Don’t I always help you?

“Yeah, I suppose you do.” Justin said in a grateful voice. “Want to go to the fort and gear up for a search mission?” 

“What are we waiting for?” Dreaden said, closing the door behind him and taking off full speed toward the woods. 

Both Dreaden and Justin loved to begin every adventure at the fort. It was a place just deep enough in the woods that when you looked back you could no longer see the everyday life of society. There was no more homework or chores to do. It was a place of freedom. A place of imagination.

Three years ago, Justin got a hammer and nail set for his tenth birthday and for the past three years now the two friends have been piecing together a fortress. Every piece of lumber, every door hinge, every wooden shipping crate they could find went toward building the fort. It was built into the side of an old tree near a creek.

Dreaden was always a little faster at running than Justin even though they were the same age and it was usually Dreaden that caught the dog when he got loose. Kicking up leaves behind them on the trail the boys ran to the fort. 

Just inside the fort there was a table with large pieces of paper and black markers for drawing treasure maps. Sometimes they would draw out plans for a secret mission.

Just underneath the table there was an old tin coffee can where they stored dog treats that were used to lure Cooper near enough to grab him. Justin opened the coffee can and drew out four dog treats and gave Dreaden two of them. Dreaden grabbed a black marker and a piece of paper.

Dreaden began to draw the fort and the nearby creek. The detail that Dreaden put into his drawings in such a short amount of time always impressed Justin. “I swear you can draw faster and better than any thirteen year old alive!” Justin said, putting one of the dog treats into one of the pockets of his jeans. “You tell me that everytime I draw something, but thanks!” Dreaden said. Wiping some dust from the page and capping the marker, Dreaden began to lay out some plans.

“You go north along the creek. I will go south. Cooper couldn't have crossed the creek. The water is up because of all the rain we’ve been getting. Let’s try to meet back here with or without Cooper in 15 minutes.”

“What do you mean with or without him? You know we always find him by the creek playing at the edge of the water?” Justin said. “I only meant to add a level of excitement to our rescue mission,” Dreaden responded with a smile.

Justin thought to himself about how smart Dreaden was. He always had a good sense of direction, he could draw better than any kid he had ever met in public school, and how he could turn an everyday task into a mission of a possible no return. Justin enjoyed every minute he spent with Dreaden.

Justin wondered if all this talent was because he was homeschooled. Maybe it was the fact that he was homeschooled by parents who were guinesses. His dad worked with computers and his mom was some kind of strange biologist that was retired and stayed at home with Dreaden most of the time.  They really seemed to love Dreaden, given how much time they spent with him.

“Hey! You awake!” Dreaden shouted. Justin seemed to be spaced out staring at the ceiling of their fort. “Are you ready to execute this rescue mission for Cooper who just happens to be lost in enemy territory?” Dreaden said, grabbing Justin’s shoulder and smiling ear to ear.

“Sorry. I guess I zoned out for a minute. Let’s do this!” Justin said. They both started out the door of their fort. Justin going North along the creek and Dreaden going south along the creek.

As Justin walked along the creek side calling for Cooper he looked at his watch to get an idea of when he should start heading back to the fort so that he would meet Dreaden at the end of 15 minutes. Justin thought about how Dreaden never wore a watch but always seemed to have a good sense of time. 

Justin admired his friend Dreaden as he thought about all the adventures they’ve shared in the woods. Mostly at the fort. He always came up with the best ideas and the most elaborate of quests. Their friendship was like no other.

“Cooper! Cooper! Here boy! Where are you boy?” Justin shouted out, throwing an occasional rock or stick into the creek. He noticed the wind starting to pick up. The trees started swaying as he walked on.

A few minutes passed and a light sprinkle of rain started to come down. The clouds started getting darker and the wind started blowing even harder than moments before. 

Justin thought about how they had been getting a lot of rain in the area. He looked at the creek and noticed the current picking up speed splashing against branches that had fallen along the bank.

Thunder sounded in the distance like the sound of a shotgun. Justin checked his watch and even though he had a few more minutes until it was time to head back to the fort he decided to head back early due to a storm coming. He hoped that Dreaden had already found Cooper and was waiting for him to get back since he was usually the one to catch him.

Making his way back toward the fort the rain began to come down thick and heavy. Justin was soaking wet in a matter of minutes. He began to waver back and forth between fear of what his mother would say coming home soaked or if he would even make it home at all. 

If he could just make it back to Dreaden, he thought, he would know what to do. He always seemed to know exactly what to do. 

Lightning cracked the sky nearby, letting out a boom which made Justin breakout into a full sprint. The rain was really coming down in thick sheets now. 

He could see the fort ahead. A moment of relief came with the thought of Dreaden being inside. Being around his friend always made him feel at peace. Something he desperately needed at the moment.

He reached the door of the fort just as Dreaden was coming around the other side of the fort. He was just as soaked as he was. In a moment of relief in seeing his friend he shouted out through the heavy rain, “Did you find Cooper?”. “No! Did you?” Dreaden shouted back.

“We’ve got to go back home, Cooper will be okay until the storm is over! I will help you again when the rain stops and we get into some dry clothes!” Dreaden continued. “I can’t leave without Cooper! I just can’t!” Justin quickly responded.

“Hey! Did you hear that?” Dreaden called out. 

“I can’t hear anything in this downpour!” 

“There it is again! Listen!

Justin turned his head to face the same direction Dreaden was facing in hope that he would hear what he heard. There it was, the faintest barking sound. It seemed to make its way into his ear through all the rain and the thunder. 

“I do hear it! Justin said. “Where is it coming from?”

Dreaden looked at the fort and said, “I think it is coming from the fort!”

Justin opened the door and rushed in to see Cooper under the table that held the paper and markers now somewhat wet from the rain coming in through cracks in the roof. Dreaden was about to enter behind him when a bolt of lightning struck the tree shearing off a limb which came crashing down on the doorway of the fort blocking the entrance keeping Dreaden out and Justin and Cooper trapped inside.

Justin began to panic! “Dreaden! Dreaden! Help!” Cooper started barking even more all the while shaking from being soaked just as much as Justin and Dreaden. Justin could hear Dreaden calling back, “Justin! Are you okay?”

“I’m okay!” Justin shouted out. “I will see if I can find something to pry against the pieces of wood blocking the doorway!” Justin started looking around for anything he could put together to give him leverage. At the back of the fort he saw creek water starting to come in the fort from the flash flooding. 

Justin yelled out in a panic, “Dreaden! The fort is flooding! Help!” The rain continued to pour and the sky continued to flash with lightning. The roar of the wind pounding on the walls of the fort caused Justin to fear for his life. Why was Dreaden not helping me he thought as his body began to shiver.

From the opposite side of the fort Justin began to hear loud banging. Louder and louder. Bang! bang! The wall started cracking. Justin grabbed Cooper and crouched in a corner staring at the wall. Bang! Bang! Fear had overtaken him completely. His skin turned pale and his lips purple from being wet and cold. The water from the creek was getting higher and higher.

Bang! Bang! The wall burst open and Dreaden pushed through. “Justin! This way!” Dreaden shouted. When Cooper realized what was going on he stood up and carrying Cooper he ran through the opening that Dreaden was somehow able to make in the wall of the fort.

Coming through the other side of the wall they took off running toward the edge of the woods. Justin was so glad to be free from the fort carrying Cooper in his hands. As the boys ran, Dreaden just ahead of Justin, Justin noticed Dreadens hand. Something wasn’t right about it, but it was hard to make out what was wrong through the thick rain and the darkness of the clouds.

Passing through the last few trees they came into the clear that was between the woods and their neighboring houses. There was more light in this area and Justin got a better look at Dreaden’s hand. “Dreaden!” Justin shouted. Both Boys came to a halt in the middle of the clearing.

“Dreaden! What's wrong with your hand? Justin asked. Dreaden drew his hand from behind his back and extended it forward where Justin could get a better look. “No one was ever supposed to know,” Dreaden said. “I couldn’t just leave you in the fort so I started punching the wall as hard as I could. I had to get you out. I have always been there for you and couldn’t let you down. You are my best friend! I am sorry I didn’t tell  you, but know one was supposed to know.”

The skin on Dreaden’s hand was torn open. His skin was ripped strangely and the light from a nearby lamp post reflected off of what looked like metallic metal fingers within the flesh.

 “What are you Dreaden?” Justin asked.

“You were never supposed to know…  My parents… they could never have kids so they created me.” Dreaden said, looking at his hand.

“As your best friend, Dreaden, I need to know. What are you?” Justin asked again. 

“I am a machine. A robot induced with artificial intelligence. I know this is a lot to take in Justin.” Dreaden responded.

Justin was confused, and slightly freaked out. He had known Dreaden all his life, or did he? How could he have not known? Every weekend chasing dragons with sticks that they pretended to be swords. 

And yet, in a strange way it all made sense. His sense of time and direction. His ability to create the most perfect and imaginative adventures and games. His ability to draw with accurate detail.

Staring at his best friend Justin thought about how Dreaden had always been there for him. Always helping him find Cooper. How he never got tired of playing. This was Justin’s best friend and he was an A.I. Robot. 

Then he smiled and thought, how cool is this!

Justin took a deep breath, the rain was already starting to let up, then he said, “Dreaden, thanks for saving my life back there. I was so scared for my life. I promise not to tell anyone our secret. You're my best friend! Of course, I have a lot of questions. Can we meet up again tomorrow?”

Dreaden smiled and said, “Of course we can! We have a fort to rebuild, destroyed by the storms of battle. I will see you tomorrow.” 

That night Justin couldn’t sleep. He laid in bed staring at the ceiling. He thought about all that happened and how his best friend was some kind of A.I. android. He was so glad to be safe and back at home and it was thanks to Dreaden who was willing to risk exposing his secret to save his life.

The next morning after breakfast he rushed over to Dreaden’s house to find him waiting outside on the porch. “Are you ready to head to the fort?” Dreaden asked. Justin looked at Dreaden’s hand and it looked somewhat normal. His skin was sewn up with several stitches. 

Justin smiled and said, “Let’s go Rescue AID.” Dreaden, not too sure what Justin meant by that, asked, “Why did you call me Rescue AID?” Justin, smiling ear to ear and looking into Dreaden’s eyes, said, “As in, Rescue A.I.Dreaden. Thanks again for saving me last night.”

“Let’s cut the mushy stuff and catch us some dragons!” Dreaden said.

Justin reassured Dreaden that he would never let their secret get out and teased him about being his personal Rescue A.I.D. They shared a couple of laughs then they headed off into the woods to their next adventure and with many more to come.

July 26, 2024 14:25

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