Fantasy Fiction Mystery

 It was about the daybreak. Davey was confused about the place that seemed to be an orange field because it smelled orange blooms. He could barely see the beam of early sun through the crowd of leaves. It’s been 12 hours since he fell from the collapsed helicopter SE202 of the Southeast Army. He can’t muster up the energy to stand .He can feel each and every single joint of his body aching. He couldn’t recognize the place. The only thing he understood was he was somewhere in an island because he could hear the sound of the calm ocean. He could feel the soothing heat of the early sun showering his whole body.

 Mr. David McCarthy aka Davey is a young army man of 23, with sharp look and ravishing smile hidden under a serious army man look. He is serving as the lieutenant of the Southeast Army. He is currently stuck in an isolated, old island somewhere to west. It was about 12 hours since Davey is stuck in the little island. He was still wondered that such a place existed in this huge world and thought of never being able to go back to his house.

Davey was trying to wake up but he couldn’t. He lay down devastated. He thought that he was losing it. But suddenly he noticed something. He saw the thin beam of lustrous sunlight sparkling the tiny dust particles, travelling right into his left eye. He could see the edges of the leaves illuminating as if it was the sun. He saw a tiny array of rainbow through the baby water drops clinging the the ends of the leaves of trees that almost touched the upcoming sun. This soothed his collapsed mind and made him calm and gave him a slight hope. He closed his eyes trying to recall something. He heard chirping of the birds, the sound of the calm water. Suddenly he heard the chit-chat sound that seemed to be of human talking but wasn’t clear. He was overjoyed for a moment that he found someone. 

He called mustering all his potential together:

“HELP…...” he sighed and tried again.

“HELP PLEASE!” There was no response.

But Davey could hear the sound of gentle footsteps maybe of a lady, whatever “come fast” he whispered to himself.

Davey saw a figure approaching him. It resembled to that of a feminine character. Through the narrow but bright sunlight, fluctuated by the swinging laves in a soothing breeze, Davey saw a beautiful girl directing to him. His eyes went straight into her big bright green eyes with thick and long eyelashes sparkling in the blaze of the sun. He could see both curiosity and fear co-dominating those mysterious eyes. The long brown loose hair flicked over her face in the breeze. She was wearing an old-fashioned baby pink gown that stopped just above the ankles. She had a mud pot full of water in her hand. He couldn’t stop starring at her.

“Excuse me?” She asked politely with a nervous tone.

Davey was still lying looking directly into her eyes.

“Can you hear me?” She asked a little bit boldly.

“Oh, Yes…” He broke out his freeze and replied.

“Is that you who called for help?” She asked with utter curiosity.

“Yeah, it was me. I can’t wake up. Can you help me out?” Davey said.

“Sure. Come on wake up” She kept her pot aside and managed to wake him up and sit upright.

“Who are you? How do you reached here? Where are you from?” She kept asking continuously with uncontrolled curiosity.

“Wait…wait…Can I get some water first.” He pleased.

“Oh sorry, Yes” She took a big fresh leaf, curled it up and fixed a twig through its middle and made a natural cup. She took a little bit water in it from her pot and washed it off. She then took a full cup of water in the leaf cup and gave him. He drank it with immense thirst and asked for more and washed his face with some of it.

“I am Lt.David McCarthy from Australia” said Davey.

“Lieutenant means army man right?” asked she with wonder.

“Yes, I am an Army man. My father was an Army man so I choose to be the same. I am the part of the Southeast Army. We were taking part in a rescue operation and travelling to the west by a helicopter. It collapsed due to engine malfunction and we four army men took the parachute and jumped off it and I reached in this place….

(David sighed) by the way which is this place?”

She was hearing each of his words with most care and wonder as those things were new to her.

“This place is an Island called ‘Rosewine Willocliff’. This is one of the orange fields. Helicopter means the flying thing like the birds right? My grandpa used to say army stories. He was an early retired army man. He reached here accidently and met my grandma, fell in love, got married and never gone back. Where are the other three?” said her.

“I don’t know where they are….maybe somewhere near. Is there any mode of transportation or communication means present here?”

“This Island has only around 150 people. There is one ship ‘The Good Shepherd’ which sails from Rosewine Willocliff to Marywood in Southeast. There is also one telephone and a post service within my grandpa’s.”

“Okay, Thank you Mrs.……I’m sorry what was your good name?”

“Its okay, my name is Ivania Kizzie. You can call me Ivy. Are you feeling okay? Should I need to call the Doctor Uncle…I mean Dr.Steven.”

“Nice name and I like your eyes and I am okay. I just need a shower. I am feeling too damp.”

“Thank you Sir. We can go to my house. We can also ask grandpa about your return and Dr.Steven about treatment if needed.”

“No no no need to call me’SIR’. You can call me Davey.”

She smiled and supported Davey to stand up and they set off to Ivy’s house hand in hand. Davey was so impressed by Ivy’s nature and really liked her. Ivy too liked Davey’s boldness. The sun was already up and was shining his best. 

“By the way your grandpa’s lovestory is so nice and where is your parents and what are you doing?” asked Davey breaking the silence.

“Everyone in this Island loves grandpa and his lovestory. Unfortunately my parents and my grandpa and the 24 other people who lived here died 12 years before in a tsunami. I am living with my grandpa and I am professionally a dancer.”

“Oh that’s sad. So you are a dancer. Hope that I can you see dance before leaving.”

They reached at Ivy’s. Ivy’s grandpa called Dr.Steven by the time. Davey was refreshed and was healthy. Ivy took care of him. Grandpa was trying to contact Southeast Army. Davey and Ivy talked a lot and get together well. Davey really fell for Ivy and couldn’t take his eyes over her. While they were talking Ivy told Davey about an old mansion at the centre of the Island and the mysterious stone hidden there. Davey was able to walk and they were about to invade the mansion that afternoon. The mansion was so mysterious that none of the Island residents have entered the mansion even Ivy’s grandpa. There was a myth that if you enter the mansion and failed to get out of it they would be trapped there forever. But Ivy was longing to get a companion to invade the mansion as she thought that something was between her and the mansion that she felt her heart throbbing each time she passed near it.

Davey and Ivy went to the old mansion and Davey was stunned to see such a rich mansion in that old Island. Davey cracked the gate and let Ivy in first then he entered. Ivy was so happy that she could finally reach where she wanted to. She could feel her heart throbbing and she could hear it in her ears. She told her feelings to Davey and they were hurrying up to get inside as they were afraid about the believed myth. 

Ivy stepped into the mansion and was so excited to explore it. She went to the hall to see the specialized Chiaroscuro paintings and her eyes were so bright. Davey watched Ivy and in is heels of love for her. He wondered that the year old mansion was still fresh as if someone kept it. 

Ivy ran to the upstairs calling Davey and he too followed her. She was a huge room with a huge mirror and large wool cushioned bed. The room seemed like it was kept clean by someone. She inside the room and saw a royal closet and opened it. She found many royal dresses both of men and women. She called Davey and he was also stunned by it. Ivy took one of the male dress and asked Davey to wear it and Davey chose a red gown for Ivy. They both changed and was stunned by seeing each other.

Davey thought that it was the best time to reciprocate his feelings for Ivy. Ivy stood near the window where afternoon sun soaked her. Davey went near her and he looked into her sun kissed eyes. Ivy looked exactly like the Chiaroscuro painting of a princess they saw in the hall. The sunlight evenly spread over her that she was glowing and Davey could feel it . Ivy looked him back and winked as if she was expecting something. 

Davey looked straight into his eyes , hold her by her waist and whispered

"I love you Ivy"

Ivy's eye got brighter and her heart started beating so hard. She realised her heart longed for him.

"Be mine forever" said Ivy sunk in Davey's love.

They kissed in the sun. It was about the twilight.They had a good time together. Until they heard someone else inside. They went to where they heard the sound. They were surprised to see Ivy's grandpa in a royal dress with the mysterious stone that they heard about and Davey was right it was Ivy whom he saw in the painting. They hid from Ivy's grandpa. Ivy told that grandpa would be angry if he know about them and decided to leave. But Davey was curious about the stone and negotiated her to stay. 

They went to grandpa and grandpa wasn't surprised to see them.

"I knew that you both were here and you both developed feelings for eachother in this short span" said grandpa calmly.

Ivy saw the illuminating green stone and was attracted by the stone.Davey was about to take it from grandpa. But he insisted not to as it was the stone of death and asked to leave . He explained that he was waiting for Davey to make Ivy secure and destroy the stone which was really dangerous to the Island and thereby embracing death by himself. 

Ivy couldn't control her tears and begged grandpa to leave the stone and come back while Davey promised to take the whole Island to Southeast. But by some reason he doesn't agree.

The sun was ready to say bye and the light was sucked by the ocean. Grandpa yelled at Ivy and Davey to go back as the stone was about to burst out.But they weren't ready to go. Davey was wondering how this manison, stone , grandpa ,Ivy and he was related.

"Grandpa is this manison yours? How this is stone is related to you,Ivy and me? what are you doing with the stone?" asked Davey.

"Everything will come to you" replied grandpa with a mysterious smile.

But everything was about to the end. The sun was out and the Island was under dark.The darkness was do deep and mysterious.To be unfortunate the believed myth was true about the mansion.

"Boom.....boom" the mansion shut in dark.

Davey opened his eyes.found himself in a dark orange field.

He awaited the upcoming day!

May 07, 2021 15:33

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John K Adams
13:11 May 11, 2021

A fascinating story cast as a prophetic dream. Lots of unanswered questions, which the best dreams have. The several errors could be fixed by reading aloud before posting, or having a friend look at the story first.


Angel Merin
04:56 May 12, 2021

Thank you so much John for your feedback. I will definitely work out your suggestions. Your feedback for my first story will be always special. Thank you so much😊😊


John K Adams
18:07 May 12, 2021

considering the story, a certain amount of verb tense confusion is acceptable. But you have to use it judiciously. We are all learning. I am glad to share what I know. We writers have to stick together. Keep writing!


Angel Merin
08:24 May 13, 2021

Thank you so much😇😇🤩🤩


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