Mystery Drama

It all started one Tuesday morning, my alarm went off at 7:30 am, the sun was rising up high in the sky as I slid out of bed. Suddenly, I realized that my phone was blowing up with notifications from every social media platform! Oh my gosh, did I accidentally post something embarrassing on my Instagram page!? Phew, it wasn’t that. I was getting millions of comments saying “I love your music”, “when are you coming out with your next album” or “you're such a great singer!” all my pictures on my social media pages had over a million likes on every picture. First of all I don't remember having any interest in singing or in this case music at all. I decided to just brush it off and get ready for school.

I put on a coral shirt with a light gray jacket and dark blue jeans. I went downstairs and ate some pancakes and eggs, grabbed my bags, put on my black converse high tops, and opened the front door, immediately cameras started flashing and people started interviewing and questioning me! “What is going on?” I wondered to myself. I managed to get into my car and drive to school. At school pretty much the same thing happened! Everyone was asking me to sit with them at lunch or to autograph their notebooks and shirts, even the teachers were taking pictures and they called on me every time I put my hand up! In the hallway people were also taking pictures of me and asking me questions! Finally school was over and I could go home and figure this all out! I walked to my locker to pack my stuff up. People were even taking pictures of my locker! I got my backpack, notebooks, and pens, walked down the hallway and out the school building and I think you can guess what happened, cameras clicked and flashed and interviews started.

  Finally, I got into my car and people still had their cameras out taking pictures. I got into my car and started driving. People were honking at me and rolling their windows down screaming ‘can you pull over and take a picture with me! I'm a huge fan!” and many other things like that. At last! I pulled into my driveway. “I hope I can get into my house without anybody interviewing me or taking pictures of me”I thought to myself. That didn't happen but i did manage to get into my house. I walked upstairs to my room and opened the door. I was so happy that I could lay on my bed in peace and quiet. I got out my laptop, logged in and searched my name on the internet, millions of pictures of me popped up and articles saying “American Singer Madilyn Quinn”, “since when did I become so famous!” I read a few of the articles  they said that I have written over 750 songs! decided to go to bed and get this all off my mind. 

That night I had a dream about going to the beach with my best friend Katelyn. We went to Hawaii and swam with sharks. Then we went surfing and watched the sunset on the beach. We then went back to the beach house that we were staying at and went to bed. The next morning we woke up at 9:00am then got dressed and went to get breakfast. After we ate we went to some of the shops on the beach. When we finished shopping we started walking to the beach, that's when I woke up. 

I woke up from my alarm at 7:30am again, I picked my phone up off my night stand to see if there were any notifications on my phone. I only had one notification from my best friend Katelyn saying “good morning” so I sent a text back saying “Good morning! remember how crazy yesterday was?” she responded and said “No, are we still wearing our best friend shirts?” I responded saying “yes”. Was this all in my imagination or something? I decided to get dressed and go to school again to see if everything was back to normal or if it was still going to be crazy like the day before. I got dressed. I wore black leggings and a shirt that said “I'm the one who gets us out of trouble'', Katelyn wore a shirt that said “I'm the one who gets us into trouble”. We bought them at the mall together last week.

 I ate avocado toast and some bacon for breakfast and grabbed my checkered vans, put them on, grabbed my backpack, school stuff and my car keys and I opened the front door. I didn't see any people besides my neighbor Mr. Gray and he just waved to me like on any normal day. I then got into my car and drove to school. When I got to school everything seemed normal. I sat with Katelyn and some of our other friends at lunch, not one person asked to sit with me or for me to sit with them. I didn't autograph anyone's stuff because no one asked me to. When school was over I packed up the things in my home work, binders, and my other things and walked out of the school. I didn't see one camera flash, and no one was running up to interview me so I got into my car and drove home with no people rolling down their windows and yelling at me. I arrived at home in less than 20 minutes! That was about the time it took me everyday.

At home I took my shoes off at the door and went upstairs then I did my homework.i decided to look up my name on the internet again and nothing popped up. “Hmm, this is weird”, I thought to myself. “am i the only one who remembers yesterday?”. All I know is that on Tuesday August 13, 2013 I was famous for a day for doing nothing.

September 05, 2020 03:09

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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

Bring your short stories to life

Fuse character, story, and conflict with tools in Reedsy Studio. 100% free.