Drama Fantasy Romance


What to wear, how to do my hair .. should I go natural or go all out.. all out of my mind is where I'm going.. uhhhhh... How do you date ..I don't know the first thing to do . should I play hard to get or just go for it.. I know , I will just be myself..smh.. nope because myself is crazy.. I'm hopeless.. I'm not going..


Yeap . Yeap yeap I'm getting some tonight.. Get yourself together boy you got this, no you a man .. no you the man.. yeah I'm the man..yeap yeap yeap I'm getting some tonight..I hope hope hope I hope she looking right , if not I don't care nope..yeap yeap yeap I'm getting some tonight..

The meeting

Man.. dam she fine..yeap yeap yeap I'm getting some tonight..

Woman..I knew I should have stayed home..hell no..I'm out..

Woman exits ...

To be continued..


Woman ! wait please..


Why am I stopping.. yes sir can I help you!?.


Im hoping so because otherwise I look like a fool running behind you..


At least we can agree on that..

And drives off..

Woman sitting in park crying and smoking her joint..

I always will find a way to push someone away , what the fuck is wrong with me.. as I pound my head on the steering wheel and exhale smoke and pain listing to what's love by major nine..

Tap tap tap.. on the car window woman jumps.. oh shit it's the cops. Stupid stupid stupid woman mumbled to herself..

Miss can you step out the car.. woman looks up in shock ..

Man your a police officer... Where you following me..


You would like to think so huh.. nope I'm not a stalker, when you so rudely ran off on me I got in my car and heard that it had random honking sounds coming from this way and since I was close I told them I would check it out. And my my my to my surprise I find miss stuck up not so stuck up after all ..

Woman begins to speak but man stops her and says.. you know what I had a crazy day you look like you going threw something so to show you I'm not a total a hole , we can just for get this happened.. have a nice life woman.. and walks off..

Woman still in shock mouth wide open and now her joint has begun to burn a hole in the car seat , shakes her head to snap out of it , gets her self together and drives off.

To be continued.


I need a drink and heads to local bar.

Let me get my usual bartender..


Whats up man !! What brings you in at this hour .?


If I told you I would have to kill you.. laughing.. no I just had the most craziest day ,as a matter of fact make it a double.


Care to share I can use some good conversation at the moment.. and I don't judge.. laughing as he hands man his drink


Oh please be my guest and feel free to judge because I don't know what to make of it..

Man explains what happened..

Bartender replies.. sounds like faith to me I don't much believe in accidentally meeting someone twice in the same day . And what did you say she had on.!!?


A white fitted body dress .chuckles and says she did look nice tho..


Uh huh and how was her hair..

Man in a ball or bun or whatever they call it but it was nice too.. Why you asking like you know her or something..


No I don't know her but I know there can't be to many woman dressed the same way on the same day and y'all meeting for the third time in the same day is not a accident..


What are you talking about!?!?


.. smiling and says look behind you by the music box and tell me if it's a coincidence or accident or faith or maybe it's just the liquor I don't know but whoop there she is.. laughing


Looks back slowly and .well I be damned.. it is her..

To be continued


Is she here alone what is she drinking..!?


Ask her yourself she is right behind you..

Man turns around so fast he almost threw himself off the bar stool ..


I am not following you I didn't even know you were here until friend told me..


Tilts her head downward a bit and smiles..

I guess this time it was meant because I feel I owe you an apology.. I appreciate what you did earlier even tho after the way I treated you I didn't deserve it so I just want to say thank you..

Man and bartender looks at each other and before he can reply ... Woman walks away .

To be continued


Looks back at bartender and says you see what I mean..


Yes ,I do but do you see what I mean is the question...!?

Man replies, Im lost fix me another one...

Next morning..


Wakes up walks to the bathroom turns on the light looks at herself in the mirror and sighs blurting out your going to be alone forever if you don't get it together..tears fill her eyes as she tries to figure out if it's worth getting hurt one night stand after the next just smiling and trying to ignore the fact that I know that men would say anything and everything from your so beautiful to let's get married just to get what seems to them to be a ton of cum that the weight is so heavy that it is crushing down on their brain that has sunk down to the bottom of their scrotum sack has to be because they only thoughts and reactions and actions and energy is totally devoted to releasing that pressure upon any victim that would and sad to say sometimes would not have them but take it any way just to say .... Oh shit.... I'm cumming ... Drops head and says .. this can't be life.. I need to smoke..

Woman walks to her bed grads her weed tray and rolls up...

Smokes in the air as woman listen to closer to my dreams and try to blow out her stress.. she picks up her phone and chokes on the smoke as she noticed that man has sent her a message in her inbox...

To be continued...

August 26, 2020 20:43

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