Drama Romance

"This is an opportunity of a lifetime." Rylie reminds herself. The elevator doors open and Rylie steps in with the rest of the morning toilers to reach their various destinations. "Good morning" is exchanged all around, a pleasantry that was not extended outside the climbing vehicle. Maybe it's the involuntary proximity that compelled the boxed inhabitants to give a traditional greeting. Rylie watches the fellow passengers exit on their various floors until she is the sole commuter on her way to the penthouse. The doors open with a ding, and Rylie steps into the buzzing suite. It sounds to her like snow on a television, as she makes her way to her office, though a few voices are distinguishable.

"How did Barb like the weight loss feature I pitched?"

"She hasn't gotten back to me" She replies.

"I left the dating feature on your desk Rylie, I hope you like it."

"Thanks, I'll get right on it." She says without a glance.

Rylie opens the door to her office and quickly shuts it behind her. She takes a deep breath and focuses her eyes on the ocean photography on the wall behind her desk. The static on the other side of her office door fades away to the sounds of the ocean lapping the shore. She tosses her purse to a lounge chair and walks towards the water, he is beside her.

"Ready to go in?" He asks with a lifted brow, and Rylie knows he is ready to play.

"Dove right in there huh?" Rylie lifts her head from the abyss of articles on her desk.

"Did you have something to turn in?" Rylie asks the head that pokes into her door.

"No, I just wanted to let you know that it's Bret's birthday today and we're pitching in for an office party."

"Okay," Rylie replies.

"Would you like to contribute?" Asks the talking head.

"Take a fifty from my purse on the couch."

The philanthropic partygoer takes a fifty dollar bill out of Rylie's bag.

"Thanks, I hope you don't have plans tonight after work."


"Cause... The office party."

"Oh, no, no plans."

"Great see you there." The fundraiser exits her office.

Plans... Since arriving in New York City six months ago, to start working on her dream job as a features editor at a popular lifestyle magazine, Rylie recently abandoned the nightlife scene. She found herself at bars surrounded by the young, fashionable, and upwardly mobile habitat of NYC. She attended four years of college as a journalism major for this. Now it all seemed so shallow, so skin deep. The "brilliance" of a runway show or the "virtuosity" of the latest art exhibit is not compelling her. Back in her college town, she waited on bated breath for a new exhibit to pass through the modern art museum. She grabbed him by the hand and pointed out the commentary on deprivation within brushstrokes.

"Gee didn't know starvation could be cured using a different brush." He'd reply.

She was inspired, now she was surrounded by creative strangers who shared her passion, but her fire was gone... left behind... Taking strangers to bed did make her feel something, she felt empowered. She did not know them and had no feelings towards them, or desire to meet with them another time. The conquest was simple and it could be said the cavity extinguished of its flame gave her indifference to rejection, impartial to her consort, and usually a uniform playing field.

"Rylie." The redhead with the dating feature knocked at her door before peeking in.

"What is her name?" Rylie thought.

"Have you had a chance to review my feature?"

"I'm doing that now."

"Okay." She says and leaves Rylie to herself.

Rylie shuffles through the papers on her desk until she finds it, "How to Find one another in the midst of a pandemic. By Jolie Printess"

"Jolie I'll try to remember that."

She reads, "In the thick of a worldwide illness and loss of life, should single people give up on finding love until the end is in sight? Getting to know someone new may be against social distancing guidelines. Let us discover inventive new ways to connect in a remote world."

Connect, Rylie was connected, so connected he was like a second skin that made her feel at home in her nakedness, in touch with her body, in tune with her desires and fulfilled when her needs were met. The match game was a wrap, they had years of dating around only to find one another again. Until the day he couldn't be found.

"Keeping a distance is imperative to our well being." Rylie reads, "There's no getting around it. Finding a solution is arduous and could be a battle."

Rylie was already fighting a battle before differing beliefs on wearing a mask. She fights to stay on top of her game when her heart has floated off to sea. She strives to keep context and meaning in her work. She's an individual, not a counterpart, she must maintain her purpose and he must maintain his with battles of his own.

"It's not like this is what I want. " He said, "and I don't think you want it either, but the war can't be won here. You can't turn down an opportunity of a lifetime, and I always keep my promise."

His promise led him to different ports, as Rylie pursued the dream she knew she always would. Not the love that had taken her by surprise and left her empty in its absence. There's another knock on Rylie's door, it's Jolie again.

"Hi Rylie, sorry to disturb you again, I have Bret's birthday card here, it would be great if you could sign it."

"Of course."

Rylie reaches her hand out for the card and Jolie steps over to her desk to hand it to her. She notices her feature story before Rylie.

"I see you're still reading, what do you think so far?"

"I think it will make a great addition to the magazine."

"Great I was worried it may be too late for it to maintain its relevance, we're so late in the game right now, I don't think anybody really cares anymore."

"You don't think anybody really cares anymore?" Asks Rylie.

"Yeah, I mean its been over half a year, single people aren't going to just stop having sex."

Rylie looks at her incredulously.

"I mean," stammers Jolie, "what would you do?"

"I would do my best to carry on despite ailing circumstances, and possible risk of life."

Jolie is surprised by Rylie's severe tone.

"Oh well, I think my article takes a more light-hearted approach."

"Of course it does." Rylie hands her back the card.

Jolie turns to leave, then remembering she turns back, " We're all looking forward to the party here after work, you are going to come by aren't you? There'll be champagne."

"I'll be there," Rylie replies.

"Great." Jolie turns and leaves Rylie's office.

Rylie stands, she should take the features she's approved to Barb the editor. She turns to look at the photographs on her wall. He comes in on the tides of her emotions, yet he is still lost at sea. He is keeping his promise in battles somewhere in the distance, and she is going to stand amongst the strangers who fight the same fight and drink champagne.

September 18, 2020 21:57

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