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It wasn't Theo's intention to face anyone but himself tonight. Neither were the intentions of three others standing in front of the same window he had been thinking about jumping out of. Instead, his thoughts consisted of something quick and straightforward, and he had already written only but a short note to his father, who would only find it after returning from his office job in the city. It sounded like the scene was out of a movie, all four of them coming to the same spot at the same time, yet there was a band of teens, looking the same age as him, maybe a bit older or younger. At first, Theo thought that they possibly knew each other, and he was the stranger in the group, but eventually, through incoherent mumbling and general awkwardness, he knew they weren't friends at all. He wasn't the type to initiate conversation, pondering leaving the treehouse and make a desperate attempt to retrieve the note before his dad could find it, but you knew there was no point. His dad would be arriving home in fifteen minutes tops, and Theo wasn't sure if he could beat him there. 

The air was filled with an awkward silence until a short boy with freckles approached Theo with a weak yet assuring smile. Though he was looking down to greet the stranger, Theo almost pinned himself to the scratch wooden wall behind him. "Hey, man." he calmly exchanged as if he and Theo went' way back'. With the boy's words, Theo caught the two other girls, standing right by the glassless window, the other moved to the small wooden seating that had been installed into the treehouse, and exchanged a slight grin before turning back to their shy views. Theo barely managed a "Hey," before the boy had already begun to continue the one-sided dialogue, "What are you doing here, isn't this place for kids?" Shoot, Theo thought, knowing full well that he didn't want to share that, not with a bunch of randoms, but he knew he was a lousy liar, so it was better to dodge the question. In a smug foreign tone, Theo pinged back, "I could ask you the same thing, hm?" Though he didn't think his 'quick-witted' response was going to be successful, he could see a fluster moment from the boy, quickly covered by an uncertain smile. 

Abruptly, the girl by the window, --- removed her arm from the ledge and spoke up in a cold but powerful voice, "Well, you know what. If none of you will, I'll be honest. I'm here to jump out of that window right there." She pointed at the space, wind howling loudly. Though he remained silent, Theo was genuinely surprised. He knew he was there for the same reason, but it was impossible that the blunt girl was right. But nobody disagreed as they continued to maintain a silent air. "You know what," she smiled bitterly, "-you all probably know why already." Once again, Theo was confused, that was until the boy who had approached him first chuckled softly, "Yeah, the whole school does, Jasmine." That's where Theo had recognized the girl. Though he didn't even attend her school, she was all anyone talking about the past couple of weeks. He hadn't heard much, only knowing some secret of hers had been revealed, leading to talk amongst all the town's teens. 

"Oh shut up, Jared," 

The silent girl sneered, showing a visible sign of resentment towards the boy. The boy seemed surprised, not at the other girl's sudden words, but more as if he knew her. Maybe all these people go to the same school, Theo thought, wondering how they all were connected if they were. The boy hesitated as if he was going to say something, but stopped. Shocking even himself, Theo mumbled in a shaky voice, "Do you all go to Thornton?" The boy and the blunt girl nodded affirmingly, but the silent girl, shook her head, "Paxton." Theo was surprised, though he wasn't the most observant, he figured he would have recognized her from his own school, but alas he had no clue who she was. 

Suddenly, Theo heard a light alert come from his jeans pocket. He forgot his phone was still there and instinctively pulled it out to see a text message from one of his classmates, a robotics kid named Eugene. 

Hey, Theo, right? Did u hear what happened with that girl from Thornton? Jasmine, I think.

Theo looked guiltily up at Jasmine who was still staring into the floor. Don't do it, he thought.

No, what?

Here just look at this.

Sent 1 Attachment

Theo clicked the play button as he saw the swerving view of what looked to be Jake Fischer's weekend party. Both students from Thornton and Paxton were invited as they were neighboring schools. Of course, Theo wasn't there, as barely anyone knew him, especially not Jake. The video showed hordes of teenagers, some on the counter drinking in red solo cups, while others sat huddled around Jake and another boy Theo could' t tell. "Ooh what's in here?" yelled whoever taking the video, obviously tipsy, opening one of the doors in the house. It was dark at first and Theo got scared about what he was going to see next, but then he saw the same tall girl, Jasmine kissing another girl.  

Though disgust was not apart of Theo's reaction, surprise definitely was as he once again took a quick glance at Jasmine to which he saw the opening of her eyes, her recognizing the soft audio even from her distance. Without a word she snatched Theo's phone away from him, scratching his hand in the process. Jasmine held the phone, angled ready to throw out of the window, until the volume got louder once again. "-Yeah, I know she's a freak, what's her name, Emily?" said a nasty female voice. That got the other girl's attention as she stared at Jasmine for a second before beginning to tear up slowly and softly. 

Unexpectedly, the one to go to her side was not Theo or Jasmine, but rather Jared, who's mean demeanor had separated him from the group in Theo's eyes, but maybe not in who seemed to be Emily's. "It's okay, Emmie," he whispered, as he hugged her closely. Though he had seemed like a mean guy before, he treated Emily completely differently. Theo and Jasmine shared a quick glance before Jared shot straight up and switched back into his jerk version, disassociating himself from her. Emily stuck her head up, facing Jared with a pained expression. "You're no better than them," she said on the verge of tears again, "Those who torment me at every second they get, daily," she flashed a red scar across her ear, "You're just like them. You know what, I'm glad I won't have to see you ever again." With that, she silently buried her head back into her arms. 

Jared did not get back up from this one, instead just staring at the wooden floor ashamed. Theo couldn't help but feel as if he was intruding and he sensed Jasmine felt the same as they all awkwardly stood in silence. Abruptly, clearing the silence, Jared began to chuckle once again softly, "You know what, Emily, I have my own problems. Yeah sure, I might be 'popular' but you don't even realize how lonely it is. Nobody even cares about me." he smiles sadly, "I guess that's what money does. I'm rich so I must have friends, right?". "As if", he said before rapidly covered his mouth as if he was possessed to say that. 

Jasmine and Emily looked back at each other before rushing to hug Jared, though Jasmine was hesitant at first. "I'm sorry, but you need to be nicer too," Emily cried, in the jumble of the three as they broke up slowly. Jared agreed, before apologizing to Jasmine. "Jasmine," Theo mumbled once again. "Forget about anyone else for a second, just live life your way." She nodded smiling softly. "You too, Emily, stand up for yourself." Emily nodded back as well, the four of them just sitting in silence before one-by-one climbing out of the treehouse, as if nothing had happened, knowing full well that much had changed, as they all had one another on their side now. When they all went their separate ways, Theo, anxiously started his trail back to the treehouse, now dark and cold. He climbed the familiar creaky steps until he stood face-to-face as the moon shined bright. Even they forgot about me, Theo thought, sitting on the ledge of the treehouse, only his hands holding him up now. But as he was ready to let go of his grip, a swift hug pulled him backward. "Don't, it's not worth it, a kind female voice said. He looked up to see two girls and a boy, a concerned yet caring look upon their faces. 

July 18, 2020 00:23

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Grace Schmid
15:55 Jul 23, 2020

Wow. Awesome story! Great work


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