Urban Fantasy Creative Nonfiction Crime

Chelsea still asleep as there is a continuous music playing in the background. The room is just like all normal rooms. A bed by the left side of the room, the tables and chairs in tandem with the bird. The wardrobe is at the right side of the room where there is at the side but 6 inches apart is a bathroom. The room is painted blue and every color otherwise corresponds with the blue. Chelsea’s mp3 is on the table and there is a phone also on the table. That is where the background music is coming from. The room seems to have the light turned off. The phone is rings the alarm. After that words of encouragement comes assistant in the phone comes.


“Chelsea wake up. I Know you are asleep but you have to wake up. You have a lot of plans today. You have a meeting by 12 and you have to be at work by 7:00am” Oh I forgot you have prepared your note for the pdf. So I have merged it with your work documents in our android so you won’t forget okay. Stand up and tackle today’s challenges”.


“Oh shut up, I’m tired. Didn’t you see I slept late today.”


“But you have to wake up. What about (Sadhguru ) that sleeps 3-4 hours a day. You don’t need 7 hours of the day to sleep. Trust me you don’t need it. You will soon have to agree that time is of the essence”.

Chelsea stands up from the bed and tries to put her shoes on.


“Who does that? Just 3 hours sleep. You can only talk cos there’s no work doing for you.”

Chelsea moves to the bathroom to take her bath.

Android assistant calls Lolu, Chelsea’s chef


“Lolu prepare breakfast”.

 She calls on Chelsea’s maid


“ green tea today”.


“Oh and tea please”

Chelsea comes out of the bathroom and looks at a man who lives around the area zooms of in his car I'll be like

Chelsea watches the man zooms off  with his car from the window.


“I had plans on checking today”


“oh yes, I  did not store it on the phone cos you did not want me to. But I have the it in my memory. You have plans on spying on him. You…”.


“ shut up, you are connected to a bluetooth. Just shut it. urghhh

Chelsea switches off the phone out of disappointment. She turns it on again after dressing up and going for breakfast.


“I just need tea. You can have the rest”.

Chelsea is done with breakfast and moves to the room to get her things to move for work


“Work ready so are you documents and file for presentation.”

Chelsea reached her work place as she comes out of the car the breeze moves with her and music plays at the background. As she is working confidently to her office, every one who works at the open venues of the company gazes are her. As her fragrance diffuses around the vaccinity. She reaches her office and makes an order.


“Green tea please”.

As she sits and begin to work. It becomes evening and time to go home. She puts her cell phone.


“Good evening it’s been a thousand years”

Chelsea laughs


“really, at least you rested for a thousand years”.

Chelsea drives home. She takes her evening bath.


“Lolu prepare tea”

Chelsea comes out of the bathroom and sees her neighbor whom her instincts directs her to spy on.


“ Assistant want to spy”.


“Spying mode activated”.

Chelsea moves out of the house with only her android. Through the secret parcel. They move and  carefully try  to track the movement of the other neighbor.


“I know I am crazy. Like seriously crazy. How am I suppose to track him now. Suspicious cracks”.

She goes around to search for him. She sees a bank door and walk past it. Then she sees a shadow around the arena of the bank. Then she goes back to check. More carefully this time.


“Map of Oriental bank ltd”


“Thank you”.

She uses the map and tries to look at places where she could find secret entries through the main entrance. Then suddenly the light switches off.


“You want me to give you opposite directions. You are not following the ones I provided.


“Yeah please”


“We have discovered an uncommon entrance”.

Chelsea looks through the phone and follows the map”.

She enters the bank although it was not easy to come through


“Show m e where I can find the vault”.


“The vault”




“No map available for this location”

Chelsea moves slowly but steadily and sees a place where light is. She slowly but quickly filled the light direction. There she sees robber. She videos them as she watches them

Robber 1

“ Someone is there and  it’s a woman.

Chelsea quickly runs and tells her Android


“I might be in  danger, quick call someone”.


“Hello ma Chelsea is in a dangerous situation”

Leader of the Gang

“Jerry pack all the money quickly”

Smackry go check and ensure the panel for departure is safe. Duck put some money on the managers drawer. I and Tacha will look for the person.


“Call the 956,fool!

Her phone falls of her hand as she turns to carry it, Tacha  grabs it.

Tacha laughs as the leader joins her.

Leader of the Gang

“Tie her”

Chelsea tried to run and definitely gets pursued by the them. She is caught and she is tied up.

Chelsea wakes up confused

“where am I,oh boo I’m in trouble”

She tries to run and the robber pushes her to the floor

Robber 2

“You are so blind”

As the gang leader takes his smoke to put in his mouth and makes signs which signifies  he should be left alone with the criminal. He looks at her and begins to laugh


“Say your last prayer”.


“What do you mean”.


“Of course you are dying tonight you can’t leave past tomorrow. You know I use to admire you from afar, from my little window. Oh don’t you think I deserve to have been watching you with a bigger and nicer one. You know, So here I am working, hope to get it soonest.


“it’s illegal”


“I always have illegal thoughts of you and two other female neighbors. You know you three are so beautiful. So we can have something this night before you are gone love.

Moves closer and begins to romance, throws his smoke away and leaves the room.


“It’s, kill her”

Police siren


“The police are here, how do they know this place”.


“what about her,how are we doing this”?.

Tacha shouts gently


“forget about her  let’s escape”.

(6 hours ago)


“Chelsea what is the issue”


“Chelsea says she might be in danger”.


“Are you a human being?”


“definitely taking the prettiest lady, thank you”


“Weird ( she says to herself). Where did she go to last”


“As a security agency formulated by government for the protection and security of lives “.

I will give you the information of her last visit. The oriento Bank, through a  secret entry passage. Her visit was by 1:59am.


“How did you know that?” what was she doing there  at the time?” We are coming soon And endeavor to send the details of the bank administrators.




“Hello there is a person in  Your bank who claims to be in trouble. Is she a staff? I will send the information I got about her.”



Manager searches a particular file


“Chelsea is not a staff. After hearing all that has happened she came to rob our bank.

Manager in   the bank (After all have occurred)


“Chelsea I  really thought you were a robber. Those ingrates kept some money on my table. Enough is Enough of their foolishness”. We must find them.

Chelsea laughs


“You need to let go cos they didn’t take much, you know, you just need to fix a little things up. The company will run normal again.

Bank Messenger

“Is this the one?”


“ Yeah she says elatedly, thanks it’s my android. I am the owner of it”.

Chelsea puts on the android.

Android Assistant

“It  is time to get to work get up”


“Your android has been useful, been really useful”.


“She has always been totally useful. She hugs her android as she smiles.


“They have been caught, So more information…”

Chelsea works out of the scene as 956 is talking to the manager.

Chelsea is driving home.


“how many meetings do I have today”.

Android Assistant



“whoops! cool”


February 26, 2021 20:44

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