LGBTQ+ Adventure Historical Fiction

Seven days of travel. Seven. They had to be the longest seven days I'd ever experienced. Looking back on them now, they're just a blur of hitchhiking and thievery. Lots of thievery.

Odd to think that now I'm waiting to face the King of Sparta for attempted murder. And for what? For a lowly misthios to look my way? I don't blame him for being disgusted with me, I don't deserve even the gods attention.

"Are you sure Xanthos isn't of more use to us? After all, the items he stole were said to be difficult, if not impossible." That had to be the advisor.  Does that ring any bells? My heartbeat quickened. No, I don’t think it does.

"I am not fully sure if he is or not. Whilst it would be beneficial for him to--"

"General! Please, wait!" A more panicked voice. For some reason I recognize this one. Why is it familiar?

"What Spyridon?" Spyridon. What a wonderful name. 

"Sir," The source of the voice is panting. He must have sprinted a long way, "I've come to make a request of you… If I may.” 

A wordless moment passed, as if this general had already heard the request and was taking a moment to consider it. They also were no longer moving in the corridor. 

“You may.” The general spoke clearly but his voice was lowered to a quieter volume. 

“I request Xanthos be pardoned, on the condition that he aid me escorting the King’s daughter to Elis… well, to Olympia. I believe his skills will be beneficial, considering the King does not wish to send soldiers to guard her on this journey for fear it will draw unwanted attention from the Athenians.” Spyridon came across less panicked now, and not as rushed. Another moment of silence passed, this time the void was filled with the sounds of rustling. 

The mice are back, can you hear them? That pesky voice is back along with the mice. I am not pesky.

“Why Xanthos?” The general had a right to question the real motives behind Spyridon’s request. 

“He was raised by a misthios with good moral values. I do not believe he would’ve done all that he has without reason.” 

“Has this request been brought to the King’s attention? Does he know you wish to bring a criminal along as an escort to his only daughter? The same criminal who nearly killed his son?” The general spoke accusingly. “Or did you plan to do it without his consent?” 

“Oh no, I have an audience with him later today to discuss everything. I just wanted to stop you from needlessly sentencing Xanthos. He still has use, and I intend to get all I can from him. Not everyone who steals from the Gods and lives.” Spyridon’s tone came across a bit more harsh than before. The general only gave a grunt in response.

“Do you mind if we attend the audience with you? I’m sure King Archidamos won’t mind if we observe.” A chill ran down my spine, causing me to shudder. That man wants to see life fade from your eyes. Thanks I guess.

“I do not mind. We should go then. He'll be expecting me.”  As soon as the words were spoken I could hear them walking quickly down the corridor. After a moment or two, the door creaked loudly and slammed closed. They were gone. I felt myself relaxing. I hadn’t slept in a few days, and it was beginning to catch up with me. 

You may sleep. They aren’t going to be back for a few hours. I couldn’t bring myself to argue with the voice this time. After all, he was right.

A loud banging sound brought me out of a deep sleep. The door. They are back.

“I can’t believe he granted you permission!” That voice belonged to the man the voice said wanted me dead. 

“I knew he would. After all, I had a rather sound argument as to why I needed him.” Spyridon seemed rather calm. 

The man has a knife. The general is not with them. Stay on your guard. Right then they rounded the corner, and boy was I not prepared for Spyridon’s appearance. He was slender, muscular really. His skin was a gorgeous dark olive and appeared to be blemish free. His eyes were a striking green that seemed to pierce right through my very soul. Spyridon’s chocolate colored hair was braided and pulled up onto his shoulder. He wore a dark green chiton with a black chlamys draped over his left shoulder. 

“It is rude to stare, you know.”

“I…my apologies.” I directed my gaze to the floor then. I hadn’t even gotten a moment to glance at the other man who had come in behind Spyridon.

“He has no manners Spyridon! How do you expect to have him help you escort Aspasia to Olympia?” Look up. Raise your head. Slowly I brought my gaze off the floor and immediately growled. The other man was named Kostas. He is the same man that placed a bounty on Dioscuros' head. The same bounty that got Dioscuros killed. 

“You…” Please don’t. “You killed him…” The words slipped from my mouth, causing Kostas to take a moment to stare at me. I could see the exact moment it clicked. 

“You’re Tigri.” He drew a dagger from beneath some of the folds of his own chiton and thrust its point towards me. Spyridon stumbled back and away from Kostas. 

“I am. And you wrongfully accused Dioscuros of murdering the archon of Arkadia! You placed that bounty! You killed him!” I spat the words like venom, my blood was beginning to boil. The man I saw as my father was practically slaughtered in front of me by seven different misthios. 

“He had earned the right to die! Just as you have!” Kostas lunged at me, attempting to drive his blade deep. Move. Attack. Do something! 

I feigned to the right and did my best to kick Kostas away from me. He grunted as my foot collided with his side. Tigri! Run! Get out of here! The scene of Dioscuros’ demise. A false bounty on a false crime. Kostas clambered to his feet and charged at me again, this time however he was nailed in the head by one of the clay pots that sat outside the cell. He collapsed to the ground.  Standing behind him was Spyridon, his eyes were wide, and he was breathing a bit heavily. He was also shaking. 

“Oh gods… I killed him, didn’t I?” Spyridon’s eyes met mine, he truly was afraid. He hasn’t seen this type of thing before, be gentle, like you were with the little boy on Delphi.

“No, Spyridon, I don’t think so…” I knelt down by Kostas’ head, and felt his neck. He had a steady pulse, Spyridon had only knocked him out, nothing more. “It’s… In my best interest that he dies though.” 

That was not gentle. Not at all. 

“But… he’s… someone of importance here in Sparta… You’ll… they’ll put a bounty on you…”

“Not if they believe it to be self defense, of which you could be my witness. He attacked me, I defended myself. In the end he was killed by his own blade that I managed to get from him at the start of the scuffle.” I pulled the blade free from his hands. He’s bleeding. I think he actually landed on his dagger… Upon inspection, the voice was right. When he collapsed to the ground he managed to land on the dagger, although it did not get driven through him, it had sliced across his chest and slightly into his stomach. “Actually, he’ll probably bleed out before he even regains consciousness.” 

“I killed him then…” Spyridon’s voice trembled as I slid the dagger back under Kostas. I felt immense pleasure in knowing he’d slowly bleed out and die, especially considering by moving the dagger he’d bleed at a faster rate.

“No, you didn’t. I did by moving the dagger away from the wound. We need to go get this princess and leave.” I moved toward the cell door, then looked back at Spyridon. “Are… you alright?”

He slowly looked away from Kostas, and over to me. He is not okay. He’s… upset at the least.

“I… I… Don’t know.” He drew in a shaky breath before continuing. “We need to report this to King Archidamos, then we may leave. He will accept your self-defense story without second thought. He never… never liked Kostas.” 

Spyridon’s voice was emotionless, his eyes still wide, his breath still shaky. Even so, he walked toward me with grace, slipping by me as he strode down the corridor towards the large door that would lead me to freedom. Eventually, that is. 

He’ll be okay. Let him process this loss, as you have had to process the loss of Dioscuros.

I can do that. I will do that. 

September 09, 2022 22:05

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