With Managed Self Care

Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Start or end your story with a hero losing their powers.... view prompt


Contemporary Speculative Funny

from:Quanta <quanta.superhero@thenexusorder.gov>

to:Accelera <accelera.superhero@thenexusorder.gov>

cc:Dr. P <drp.superhero@thenexusorder.gov>

date:May 3, 2019, 10:44 AM 

subject: Re: Hey! 

mailed-by: thenexusorder.gov

Signed-by:the nexusorder.gov.2043927.gappssmtp.com

Security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more:Important because previous messages in the conversation were important.

Hey Accelera,

Thanks for the flowers. They really brighten my hospital room. At first, I had them right by the bed, but I couldn’t see them because of the neck brace so they’re on the windowsill now. They really annoy the cleaners, loads of pollen fall into the AC vents. It’s a small irritation (ha ha). Can I just tell you...I can’t wait for my stay to be over. These never-ending tests, the blood draws and scans. More on that later…

The last time I was tested this much was when we were both novices at TNO, remember? Exactly how naive, were we?! And we thought those days were hard. Remember the training level-ups? I hated the level-up no end. They went on and on, but I guess that was the point. Just give me straight challenges, plain and simple. And remember when they pitted us against each other — we showed them, am I right?! Pairing a little gravity bounce to your speed — they didn’t see that coming, did they? And boy, we made that little play work for us, like forever! 😍

Things were different in the real world, but I guess we found our way. Put away quite a few baddies, you and me…Was it you who got Best Single Closing Maneuver 2005 or 2006? I was so jealous. 😎 I’ll admit it, what ever year it was. And I can’t look it up, the Wifi here is for shit.

Anyways, I wanted to tell you first because, well y’know, we’d been so close and you were my first partner and all. But things aren’t looking good for me. The doctors are saying that I have something called a Mean Reversion Power Phenomenon. They believe that it’s only happened a dozen or so times, but they’re not so sure. Records weren’t mandated until in the early 90s. And then there’s The Lost Files (thanks, Winter Wolf Syndicate EMP). Records are spotty that no one really knows.

With MRPP, there’s a “reduction” of superpowers. Can you freakin’ believe it?! I mean, it could be worse. There was this guy in Boise who lost all ability to disappear. He was stuck in phase, flickering in and out like a ghost, for about 6 months or so. And then - POOF! - lost all ability. All of it! But, I am pretty sure that’s not what’s going on with me. The doctors are “hopeful but guarded”, whatever the hell that means. I just need to get out of here. Hospitals suck. No one gets better in a hospital, right? Good recovery happens at home. With rest. That’s what I need.

Buuut, anyways, I’ll keep you updated for sure. Right now, I can make a decent gravity cushion. Nothing’s changed - same hand/arm movements and then - WHAMMO! -Hello, gravity cushion! The other day they wheeled me down into the garage. That’s where they set up this test. My GC's big enough to pull in a car. Ok, pull in a golf cart. And, I can propel it, too — the golf cart, that is. It must be the soft arm cast that’s holding me back (itches like mad 😤). I’ll be back to cars in no time. For sure.

Hey, I saw on The View that you and Scorch were able to close that mid-Earth mantle rift after all. How was it being on The View? I’m sooo jealous. 😒 By the way, did Dr. P ever mention how those neutrinos got energized? You kinda avoided that question when Whoopi asked you. “National security,” you said. Yeah, right. Neutrinos! I mean, shit - they’re just neutrinos, right? The news blames the Syndicate. But hey, it’s main stream news so who believes them, right?

No one from Nexus has been here yet. At least, not while I’ve been conscious. Knock out cold for 30 days. Not a record but still… Trying to get back some of that muscle mass. It’s amazing how much you lose when you’re passed out. Comas are no joke. 

Anyways, I’ll keep you updated. For sure. Don’t be a stranger. Ha ha. You know where to find me. 


Date: May 12, 2019

To: Ms. Quanta

Superhero Division, N.A. - The Nexus Order

From: Mr. Caius Sinclair, III

Associate VP - The Nexus Command Core

Subject Line: Get Well Soon

Dear Ms. Quanta, 

We are sorry to learn about the injuries you sustained battling the Winter Wolf Syndicate this past April. Both, the administration and superheroes at The Nexus Order are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We are sure that you are well on your way toward a speedy recovery. We look forward to seeing you soon at HQ. 

It is our understanding that you have only recently regained consciousness. Rest assured, a representative from TNO will be visiting you shortly to go over any questions or concerns you may have regarding continued health care and your future with us.

Presently, Gravitas (Class ’23) has agreed to assist in any operations that require Gravitational Adjustment and Management until your return. 

Your health is our number one priority. Please take all the time needed to fully recuperate. Your TNO-managed physicians will keep us updated about your progress following all the pre-authorized HIPAA stipulations in your employment contract with TNO. 

Feel better soon — we are looking forward to seeing you at TNO HQ. 


Mr. Caius Sinclair, III

Associate VP - The Nexus Command Core

Cc: Dr. P

Superhero Division, N.A. - The Nexus Order


Date: September 14, 2019

To: Ms. Quanta

Superhero Division, N.A. - The Nexus Order

From: Ms. Aerie Kendall

Assistant HR Representative - The Nexus Care Council

Subject Line: Employee Benefits

Dear Ms. Quanta,

Once again, I want to express my sincere thanks for meeting with me on August 16th to discuss your on-going relationship with The Nexus Order. 

It was a pleasure meeting you at Long Hills Rehabilitation Center. I was quite impressed with the state-of-the-art facilities and award-winning grounds — just beautiful. You’ve gained quite a working knowledge of landscape plants during your extended stay there. 

Attached you’ll find the packet of paperwork that we discussed for your review. Included are the following:

1. Health Status Update Form (to be completed by TNO-medical staff)

2. Agreement to Early Contract Termination and Transfer to Consultant Role

3. Compensation Package

4. Timeline for Company Healthcare Provisions

5. Post-Employment PR Marketing Strategy 

All the material should be quite self-explanatory. Please sign the documents and return the packet using the enclosed pre-paid FedEx envelope. You will receive password-protected PDF copies by email. 

I understand that at the time we spoke, you expressed some reservations about moving forward in this direction. We understand that superpowers are dynamic and that they can weaken and strengthen over time. With managed self-care, complete recoveries are possible. 

Unfortunately, given your current prognosis (as assessed by TNO’s on-site medical staff), we currently do not project a positive resolution regarding your MRPP diagnosis. 

That begin stated, TNO sees this as an evolution in our continued working relationship. We have several meet-and-greets scheduled for you this Fall and in Spring 2020 including the Spring Cherry Blossom Festival on the grounds of the Childhood Cancer Initiative (CCI), a very popular and media-visible arm of the Nexus Foundation. Your specific stipulations regarding animals (farm and performing) and magnetometers will be respected. 

TNO values your unique contribution through many years of service and loyalty. As a member of TNO and a subcontracted superhero with the US Federal government, you provided unmatched security and hope to a grateful nation. 

We hope to see you soon at TNO HQ for the unveiling of your Service Star on Heroes Wall of Fame on October 1, 2019. If you have any further questions, feel free to direct them to my assistant, Bethany Moorly (Bethany.moorly@thenexusorder.com). 


Ms. Aerie Kendall

Supervisor HR Representative - The Nexus Care Council

Cc: Mr. Caius Sinclair, III

Associate VP - The Nexus Command Core


April 23, 2024

Dear Diary?

I still can’t decide if I should even write “Dear Diary.” It dates me, but I don’t care. I still can’t believe I’m here and it’s already been — like what — 2 months already! Like the Old Gang said, a new chapter of my life. No, shit Sherlock! It was still nice to see them after all those years, all those old faces. (Old faces? Ha! I suspect some work being done!) So much under the bridge. I’m glad I wasn’t around during that COVID business. What a fiasco! The stories of superhero-ing during that time…insanity. Masks and social distancing?! But they found ways, I guess. Lots of force fields and levitation. Loads and loads of temporal shifts. TNO’s computers must have been crunching portals and time paradoxes like mad. I was just glad to have a roof over my head, a steady stream of dividend checks and DoorDash. 

This morning, a company of parakeets nested in the trees beyond my balcony. All different colors, calling to each other before settling down. They flitted back and forth, hopping up and down the branches in their colorful, little tuxedos. They looked like tiny, little superheroes in costume which I thought was hilarious. Mrs. Ortiz’ cat, Chico, leapt onto the main roosting branch scaring them all off. But, of course, he got stuck and mewed and mewed, making her sick with worry. At some point, I don’t know how — I mean, how does a cat lose its balance — he started slipping. My hands flew up right by my waist to shoot a gravity cushion. I should have known better — it’s been years since I’ve been able to do even a single ripple. I ran downstairs, pulling off my sofa cushion as I raced by. I got to him in the nick of time. He trampolined off the cushion but that’s better than nothing. I thought a felt a tingle in my palms when I tried to shoot the cushion. Phantom limb feeling, maybe? 

May 4, 2024

Dear Whomever, 

Market day - off to buy some chicken and vegetables. Everything tastes absolutely delicious down here. The chickens come from “el campo” freshly slaughtered (I don’t have to see the deed done) and the vegetables are grown, fertilized from their very own poop. It all makes those “free range chickens” and “organically grown produce” back home just laughable… 

Wow! What a crazy day! The market was filled with the usuals so nothing new there. Deliveries coming and going. Mostly scooters piled high with crates weaving their way from the hills into town. The drivers off load near the edge of the market and then it’s all manual labor, hauling the boxes to the specific market stalls. Sometimes the air chokes with the diesel fumes from the odd truck that makes it way down these narrow streets. That’s why I’m on alert whenever I smell fumes. The delivery trucks are speed demons. Reckless, dangerous, moving way too fast. 

I was just leaving the market with my bag over my shoulder when I see this kid, maybe 3 or 4, wrest his arm from his mother’s grip and start bolting for the road. I ran and leapt for him. I wrapped my arms around his middle and sailed past a truck, barely missing the the grill. The driver blared his horn and shouted some choice words I couldn’t understand as he drove on by (note to self - must work on my Spanish). The kid and I landed in a pile of blankets clear on the other side of the street. And as soon as we landed, BOOM — the kid was off to his mom, twisting out of my grip. They both stood staring at me from the other side of the street. And, of course, he just RAN back across again without looking. Not a word of thanks. Nothing. Just this blank-eyed stare from them both. 

A crowd of people formed around the truck and I thought at first they decided to stop the driver and tell him what for. Finally some justice around here. But as I passed by, the crowd gathered around the grill of the cab instead of the driver. It was dented in, nearly shorn left to right. Totaled. Steam and smoke poured out of it in fits and starts. He must have hit a pole or something although I don't think that was possible. I don’t even remember leaping across the street. Isn’t that funny. Just remember hitting the landing which was pretty cushy considering.


Too bad about the truck. 

But not really. 

May 27, 2024

There was an earthquake today. It was centered somewhere up north but we felt it here for sure. To the north of town, the roads are destroyed, liquified by the quake. There’s no electricity and Robert and Max (the gay couple down the hall — they’ve lived here for like forever) don’t remember it ever being this bad.


I am writing this by CANDLELIGHT.


We live in a three story cinderblock building which is not earthquake proof to say the least. Robert and I walked around the building. That is, AFTER we crawled out from under our own respective dining tables. The landlord was as of yet no where to be seen. We saw only surface cracks around the building itself. I’m no engineer but everything seems good for now. 

But the carport looked terrible. It’s basically sheet metal, fixed one end to the building and on the other end to a cinder wall, like a tarp. The cinder wall had a major crack running up the middle. Robert and I decided to throw our cars into neutral and roll them out from under the sheet metal. We didn’t want to risk the smallest vibrations at this point. Good thing both cars are knockabouts so there's not much weight to them. I rolled mine out first no problem. Rob was next. As he started to ease his car out from under, the wall started buckling in. I bolted in and braced up against it. Hard. I shouted that he needed to get out of there - fast! His adrenaline kicked in and he managed to get the car clear.

I braced my hands on my thighs, took a deep breath, and pushed against the wall with all my might. I heard the sound of concrete grinding against concrete like gnashing teeth. This familiar ripple of energy coursed through me and pushed against the wall It felt like a giant cushion, my old “marshmallow,” a gravity buffer. (Dr. P hated that word. Called it infantilizing. Wonder how he’s doing? Note to self: Call Dr. P.) The wall reversed in on itself, buckling out. Then it tumbled back, taking the sheet metal with it, waving and shimmering like a giant corrugated fan. 

Robert stood there slack-jawed, staring. That’s when I remembered that look, that staring look. Bystanders used to give me and my partner that look. Accelera and I would bask in the glory of a job well done because of those stares. The stares — they filled me with the warm fuzzies. It took me many hours of therapy to get over those warm fuzzies. 

I asked Robert that if he could keep this between us. That’d be great. Much appreciated, thank you very much. The landlord doesn’t need to know exactly how his wall went over…




Ok, maybe I AM counting, Instagram Fam! Day 90 into my new life here in Mexico (location not disclosed because - well, DUH!) The food here is great! 🍤 And the beaches 🏖️..and the people - love, love the people. Survived an earthquake already…✅…next! 

I wouldn’t change my life for anything, now. For those who’ve been following me on this journey, it was a hard road to get here. I cannot lie. I used to miss my powers ⚡️ ALOT. I let them DEFINE ME. But things happen for a reason and I wouldn’t be living my best life now if I hadn’t lost them. 

I get chances to do SMALL acts of kindness now 🫶🏼 Making friends. Connections. The occasional act of human heroism.

We are all superheroes. And as the saying goes, some of us just don’t wear capes. Stay tuned! 

Liked by Accelera and 33,426 others

1 day ago

August 16, 2024 11:50

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