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    The rabbit was nearby, there was no mistaking that.  It's scent was strong to the point of being able to taste it on her panting tongue and hear it's heartbeat echoing in her tuned in ears. The mighty corgi, the strongest and most cunning of all canine hunters, made her way along the forest floor without making a single noise to betray her presence there. Finally the tri-colored beauty's perseverance and tracking skills lead her to where her prey was quietly munching on clover. It was oblivious to the fact danger was only a few paw steps away. As if she were shot from a cannon the loaf like beast was on top of her prey. Teeth bared she growled menacingly and hovered over the frightened quivering creature. About to deliver the death bite when she could swear her name was being called on the wind and she stopped to ponder this absurdity of this. Such a break was all the prey needed and it squeezed out from under her grasp, dashing away into the brush and leaves. Little legs were poised to take chase when her name rang once again in her saucer dish like ears. Head turning this way and that until she heard her name as if someone was right behind her and suddenly she felt herself being lifted by some unseen force. Higher and higher until her eyes could only make out the top of the tallest trees and nothing more. Higher than the birds now and seemingly rising more and more while her name still rung in her brain.

    "Get up you silly girl, we are going to be late if we do not get going. Our new life awaits us and this is no time to be sleeping." Still half asleep from her nap she couldn't help but yawn in response as she felt her leash being attached to her collar. As she followed behind her human, who she called "Pet" although he never seemed to come when she called his name the first time as if he couldn't understand a thing she barked, her claws clicked on the hardwood floor and echoed in the empty apartment. Pet had been so sad for so long, about the time that the female human who always smelled of sour milk and old shoes, that it was nice to see him in higher spirits. From room to room they wandered, Pet muttering under his breath most of the time, and her little legs did the best they could to keep up with him. She tried to tell him to slow down and take a breathe or two to calm himself as he seemed in a tizzy and all a flutter. Pausing at the toilet bowl she even stood up with her front paws resting on the seat to show perhaps he just needed a drink to collect his thoughts. Personally she never was able to get more than a glimpse into the water bowl as it seemed to be built without any consideration for one of her size and build. However her suggestion was only met with a tug at the leash to bring her back to his side, looking up at him perplexed as he looked back at her with an almost goofy grin on his face. 

    "It's so empty now, everything should be onboard for our voyage. The good ship 'Cascade' will be our home for awhile until we arrive at the new land. Yes indeed, just you, me, and the sea. Oh and of course the other passengers and the crew." Pet laughed then leaned against the nearest wall with a sigh, looking out across the empty room. Faded spots on the walls showed where pictures hung, a stain on the floor showed where she may or may not have had an accident when she was a young pup, and dust bunnies had already taken over a corner where his desk had once been while a large spider started a web in the upper corner. The corgi could tell her friend and human was in a positive mood, as if life was new again and he was ready for any adventure that came his way.

    But she was a bit anxious, angry and even scared although she never would admit such a thing about all of these new changes that were happening and that he told her were about to happen to them both. At first the changes had been slow, unnoticeable even to her keen eyes and sharp nose, but then as if over night things were turned upside down for the fuzzy canine. Strangers had come and carted off all of Pet's things. She thought it odd of course but kept her opinions to herself and muddled through these times like a proper friend would do. But when those strangers came and took away all the comfiest chairs and sleeping spots she had no alternative but to protest. At first she barked her complaints but then resorted to taking more drastic measures like chewing on his shoes and leaving her 'marking' on various items of clothing. This only angered Pet and didn't seem to change his course any. Now they seemed to be at some sort of crossroad that she had no clue and she was not prepared for. Things were so topsy turvy what was she supposed to do?

    Soon though she would look back on such feelings and laugh heartily in a deep booming way like the salty dog she had become. A month at sea getting to bond with Pet, make new friends and have new adventures had made her quite the sailor. The whole crew would come to know and look after her like their own but she stayed pretty close to her human to ensure he didn't get into any trouble.

    "Ahoy me matey dog. You are looking ship shape as always." Pet said to her in his best pirate like accent, still not quite getting the sailor slang even after all this time on the open waters. But she didn't hold that against him, she was just happy to see him as he climbed out of his hammock and let her out of her small wooden crate. Small was a bit of a stretch as it took up most of their cabin since her human companion had wanted the best for her. So caring even if he was a bit of a goof ball. With great excitement she ran around his legs, wrapping him up in the leash as she did every morning since they had arrived onboard. Today was the day the cook promised her a ham bone and she wasn't about to miss out on that treat.  She watched Pet get dressed, both of them sliding to one side as the boat rocked to starboard, and was sure to snatch up his mess kit from his open locker before he forgot it like he had almost every day that week. She was thanked with a scruffing behind her ears and then they were off to get their breakfast. They were greeted with friendly shouts and claps on the back, or scritches to her back when it came to the short legged sea faring creature, and quickly grabbed their spot in the chow line. The cook was as good as his word and gave her a bone bigger than her head, almost too big to carry, that still had morsels of meat left on it. Once Pet got his food they settled in next to a couple of friends they had made when they first got on the ship. They all laughed while the young lass munched contentedly on her treat, something that would have been so odd now as common place as can be. Once that was done they went back on deck to go about their daily duties. 

    As they made their way up the stairs to the main deck a crack of thunder followed by the sky being lit by a lightning strike greeted them. Rain poured down as the sizeable ship was tossed as if by a toddler in the bath and instinctively the pair went into battle mode. Grabbing on to each other they went about their tasks, getting soaked to the bone through fabric and fur, but never wavering in their devotion to duty. They stayed at each other's side, always an eye on the other while the storm raged around them. Suddenly a loud crack, the sound of snapping ropes and a main beam came crashing down on the deck. The small dog saw it headed for her friend who seemed frozen to his spot and physically unable to move. Around them a few others pointed and shouted to try and uproot Pet from the spot but like a deer in the head lights he was stuck to the spot. Growling like a crazed wolf she dove at him, grabbed his arm in her teeth and pulled him away before the heavy wood could flatten him into a pancake similar to what the crew had just devoured. They didn't pause to rejoice but instead kept on their tasks, side by side until the storm passed.

    When it was over the pair sat on the soggy deck, the wetness of it going unnoticed as they were already drenched. There she cuddled in his lap, the rest of the world forgotten as she melted against him. This was their new normal and she wouldn't want to go through it with any body but Pet. Not all days were this hectic of course, some were downright boring, but they were never far from each other's side. Even when they got to their new home they found it too hard to leave the ship and they decided to stay there to live out their days. No dog was ever happier than the corgi with her Pet.

March 24, 2020 04:31

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1 comment

Cindy Bennett
21:46 Apr 01, 2020

I love how you swapped roles in a sense , with the corgi calling her human "pet". I could see these two could have many more adventures on the high seas 😁


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