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Fiction Horror

I felt nervous as I entered through the gates of the old grave yard, every year my best friend and I would come and spend the night hoping to contact the dead. We usually try for family members that have long passed away or dead celebrities nothing to really write home about, this year was going to be different. I was hoping to contact the infamous serial killer Ted Bundy, before you make judgments let me explain why. You see I had a paper due for my criminal history class on the inner working of the mind of a serial killer. But because he is long dead I thought just maybe I would be able to channel him, again don’t judge me this paper is worth half of my grade. Missy my best friend since pre school agreed to go with me even though this year I was attempting something very reckless, well maybe I begged her. But can you blame me? There was no way in hell I was going to do this on my own and risk being savagely murdered by the ghost of a serial killer or anyone else who could be lurking in here. This graveyard has been abandoned since the 1800’s no one really knows why, there are a few legends attached to land here. But there is no way to find if there is any truth or merely stories used to scare young children. As we passed the old dilapidated grave stones I had the feeling that something was watching me, I shivered and grabbed for Missy’s hand. She just laughed at me and shook her head. 

“Honestly Emily why do you like coming here if it creeps you out?”

“Because unlike the other graveyards in town this one is not guarded, the cops won’t come within five miles of here and neither will anyone else in town.” 

“You know what else that means.” She glanced around as if she was looking for something. “If we get brutally attacked by a mental patient there will be no one to save us, we will be left here to die.” 

That was not helping the way I was feeling in anyway if fact it made it worse, every noise was getting to me. As the wind blew the though this unearthly place I could swear I heard someone whisper my name. I could feel ice cold breath on the back of my neck which caused all the hairs to stand up and the sick feeling intensified. The smell of old death wafted through the air and the trees looked as if they where about to reach out a grab you. By the time we reached the mausoleum that was located in the far corner of the graveyard I was starting to reconsider my decision. The building was here even before this place was used to bury the dead, instead of tearing down the building they left it for the select few that were willing to pay the extra money to have their love ones safely locked away from grave robbers. Of course all the chains that were used where now rusted away making it very easy for use to get in. This is where we would be spending the night. The door was heavy, it took both of us the open it. As we slid the big stone door our lungs we assaulted by decades of dust, I reached in my pocket and pulled out my puffer as my lungs begged for air. Missy looked at me with concern, I could tell the she was also having second thoughts about are little adventure. The room was very cold and dark but it was much better then spending the night outside. 

“Okay lets get set up.” I opened my bag and pulled out six black candles as well as chalk and a box of salt. Missy looked at me like she expected me to pull a bat or a sacrificial virgin out of my bag. 

“Do you actually know how the use all this stuff, I mean I thought we were going to use a spirit board or something.” 

“The board isn’t alway accurate, you never know who you are talking to. If we do this right Ted Bundy’s sprit should materialize right in front of us. He can’t hurt us but we will be able to see him. I know this is beyond crazy but if this works imagine the possibilities, Plus I also brought a tap recorder so we can get voice evidence. This one is top of the line it picks up EVP’s (electronic voice phenomenon) plus we can record our voices as well. So I thought of everything, but enough talking lets start setting up shall we?”

Missy looked at me like she had no idea what I was talking about, sometimes I forgot the only reason why she was here was to be a supportive friend and not because she enjoyed it as much as I did. It was the same every year here and I would come to this place and play with the Ouija board then she would have nightmares for a week. I handed the recorder to her so that she could see how it worked as I explained it.

”Okay you know how a normal tape recorder if turned on would record the conversation that we are having now ,but you would only hear our voices. Well an EVP picks up on white noise or ghosts, if Bundy comes through tonight this will allow us to hear the answers that he gave us. It’s what paranormal investors use as poof of the supernatural. It also will let me go back and take notes later so that I don’t miss anything.”

“Oh I get it.” I could tell that I had totally lost her which was okay, I would take the time to explain more in detail once we were back home.

I took us about half an hour to set up and once we were finished the room liked something out a Rob Zombie movie. Now that the room was fully lit I could clearly see the coffins that were lined up by the back wall, but unlike those that were out side in the elements these were in much better condition. I tried to concentrate on the task at hand and not how creepy the room was, Missy on the other hand was silently praying to herself as she began to place the candles in a big circle around the room. I instructed her to light the candles as I began to lay salt in a large circle around the candles as I worked Missy and I said a prayer of protection.

“This is my shield is my power of protection against evil.

This shield keeps me from harm 

This shield does not aloud demons or negative 

Entities to pass through it. 

This shield is my domain and I alone 

Determine what is aloud to pass through it.

No dark entities shall pass through my shield 

As I will, so mote it be.” (Wiccan protection spell)

I took a deep breath as I prepared for the second part, I really wanted this to work but at the same time I was terrified. We were playing with things that we didn’t understand, what if we unleashed something horribly wicked on the world. I looked over at my best friend, she smiled at me weakly I could tell that she was afraid as well. 

“Are you ready?” I pulled a dagger out of my bag, I had done a lot of research and blood and pain are the key factors in summoning a serial killer or a dark entity. 

“Yep.” She squeaked moving closer to me. 

I took the dagger and drug it a cross my palm, I cried in pain as the blood dripped from my hand onto the cold dirt floor.

“Ted Bundy hear these words, hear my cry 

spirt from the other side

come to me, I summon thee

cross now the great divide.’

Nothing happened, Missy and I sat there for the longest time in awkward silence waiting or anything at all to happen.

“Maybe we need to try again?” Missy whispered as if she was scared something or something might here her. 

I looked at my hand it was barely bleeding by now, the thought of cutting myself again made me sick to my stomach. 

Once again I sliced the dagger across my palm, a little deep this time and Missy and I both said the words this time much louder then the first time. The blood poured out of my hand, I was starting to feel light headed. 

“Ted Bundy hear these words, hear my cry 

spirt from the other side

come to me, I summon thee

cross now the great divide.”

The wind picked up all the salt that was meant to keep us safe was gone and all of the candles blown out. I quickly wrapped up my hand and re lite the candle, Missy was no where to by found the spot that she was sitting was no covered in blood. I could hear screams coming from outside, I knew that I had to find my friend and get out of here. At this point I had no idea who or what we had summoned, but what ever it was it was powerful enough to cause serious physical harm. As I tried to get up from my sitting position I felt wound on hand once again start to bleed profusely as I put pressure on it. I cried out and fell back on the ground, if I didn’t get up I was going to bleed out right there on the floor of the mausoleum. I screamed out in anger as I pulled myself to my feet once again. I knew I had to stop the bleeding, I reached into my bag and pulled out the first aid kit. I had never went anywhere without it, It constantly came in handy since Missy and I where always hiking or mountain biking. I grabbed a bandage and quickly wrapped my hand, I pulled it so tight that my fingers went numb but the bleeding had stoped. There was a good chance that my friend was already dead but, taking care of my wound took much longer then I would have liked it to. I grabbed my bag and flash light and headed outside. There was no sign of Missy or the thing that took her, the graveyard was dead silent the only thing that I could here was the racing of my own heart. 

“Missy! Where are you Missy!” I hollered so loud my throat went horse, I listened for along time but there was nothing. 

“Please answer me.” I whimpered through my tears. 

“Emily, I see you Emily.” Murmured a disembodied voice, but it wasn’t female. The voice that was coming directly behind me was male.   

I slowly turned around and there covered in blood was a vile looking creature with Missy’s head in his hands. It was at this moment I realized what we had done, how stupid was I to think that we could summon a serial that was dead for thirty six years. I tried to run but I was strangely hypnotized by the demon.

“What are you.” I finally managed to choke out still looking at my friends severed head. 

“My child since it was you who shed your own blood not once but twice to release me I will tell you. But first let me explain why I came in the place of the man you summoned. I am what darkened this mans soul, I am the reason why he was able to take so many lives without mercy. I am Andras, the little voice in Bundy’s head, the poor man was merely a puppet a play thing. Missy was going to be my next vessel but sadly when I tried to take over her body things got messy as you can plainly see. So I thought I mine as well keep a trophy, you on the other hand are strong my child I don’t wish to kill you I wish to borrow your body as it where.”

“And if I refuse?” I glared at the demon thinking, I am not sure why I thought I could frighten this thing away. I wasn’t going to give up my body without a fight, it would have to kill me before I gave up my soul.

Andras threw back his head and laughed. “Silly child you think that am I giving you a choice, do you really think that you can defeat me.” He grabbed me and forced me to look eyes as they went from black to crimson red and back to black I felt my body go into a sleep like state and then I heard the words. 

“We will become one body, one mind, one soul. 

I be there always, every life you take will be of my doing 

but the blood will be on your hands, Missy’s blood will be 

on your hands.

Now wake my child, wake the day light is quickly approaching.”

I was very groggy like I had awoken from a very long nightmare but when I rolled over to pull myself up Missy’s head was staring at me. I know that I should have been horrified at the very sight of my dead friend staring at me with her cold dead eyes. But I felt absolutely nothing at all, in fact I kicked the head around a little until I found a empty grave.

“She shoots she scores.” I screamed as I kicked the head into the empty grave, then I went to gather my belongings and headed home. 

Over the next few months there were television and news paper reports of a possible serial killer on the loose. Over twelve men and woman had gone missing in four different states and the number was rising , the police where baffled and no closer to catching the person responsible. I got an A plus on my paper, my teacher was very impressed on my insights into the mind of a serial killer. In fact she told me that I should think about a career in behavioural profiling and you know what I just might do that after all to catch a serial killer you have to be one, I mean think like one.

The end.

October 26, 2020 02:15

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1 comment

Sky Daniels
08:05 Nov 06, 2020

I really love the twist at the end.


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