Romance High School

Wishing Words

                                                  ♫“Fairy tales can come true…”♫

-           Jiminy Cricket

Dear Diary,

Hank says diaries are just for girls. Let’s hope he never finds out I’m doing this… or any of the guys. Mom says it’s an ok thing to do, you know, so someday when I’m old and can look back and remember my high school years. She says it will help with my writing too. I don’t care so much about that, but I guess it will help with the memories stuff. First day of high school tomorrow!


Dear Diary,

Mom gave me you for my birthday so I might as well use it. I guess it will be fun to do. We’ll see how long it lasts. She says sometimes it’s good to write down your secret thoughts in a diary. You even come with a lock and key so my little brother Ben can’t ever read it. First secret. I am really, really nervous about my first day of high school. We just moved here two weeks ago, and I don’t know anyone. I miss my friends back in Denver so much. Mom and Dad keep telling me I’ll make lots of good friends here. Dad says I’ll meet a bunch of girls right away cuz I’m going out for cross country. I hope so.


Dear Diary,

Holy crap! I have homework already. Miss Brandt (the witch I have for English class) is making us write a couple of paragraphs about ourselves… my family, things I like, things I don’t like. Here’s one for the not-like column- Miss Brandt. Oh, and you can add the school lunch. I think they used old hockey pucks for hamburgers. But the rest of it was pretty cool. I hung out with my buddies before school, between classes, and after school. And the girls! Oh my goodness, cute girls are everywhere. Hank already has a date for this weekend! Me… well, it might take me a while. Like Mom says, I’m a little on the shy side. Well, I better get going on my stupid assignment.  

                                                                                                                                                                                     - Jackson

Dear Diary,

I survived my first day of high school. It was a little scary, but I did ok. And I have a new best friend- Rachel. She is so nice. She saw me wandering around the lunch room like a lost puppy and asked me to join her group. I almost cried. So lunch was the highlight of my day. And the food was a lot better than I expected…. actually really good. I like all my classes, especially English. Miss Brandt is wonderful. And I’m so excited about cross country. Dad was right- I’ve already met a lot of nice girls. Today we just stretched a little and jogged around the track. I think I’ll do ok. And the boys! Oh my goodness, cute boys are everywhere. I’m pretty much afraid to talk to any of them. Like Mom says, I’m a little on the shy side… but that’s ok. Well, I’ve got a short paper to write- a fun assignment Miss Brandt gave us. Good night.

                                                                                                                                                                                        - Molly

Dear Diary, 

I got a C- on my freaking paper. Maybe Miss Brandt will get run over by a bus on her way to school tomorrow and put an end to my misery. Now we’re reading something I don’t think is even in English- Romeo and Juliet. Hank is on me to ask a girl out who’s in our World History class. She’s pretty hot but… frankly… I don’t have the nerve. I guess that’s what a diary is for- to write down secret stuff, you know, to express my feelings without people laughing at me. Just so my little brother Jerk-Face doesn’t get a hold of this.

                                                                                                                                                                                               - Jackson

Dear Diary,

We’re reading Romeo and Juliet in English class. What beautiful writing! I just wish I didn’t know the ending. Rachel wants to set me up with a friend of her boyfriend, but I’m really not interested. Dating seems a little scary to me. Getting set up would be awkward. Mom says I don’t have to rush things like that. Cross country is awesome. I love the coach and my teammates and… I’m pretty good at it! Rachel’s birthday is this Saturday and she’s having a sleep-over party! I’m really looking forward to it. I love high school!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - Molly

Dear Diary,

Jesus Christ, high school is like a slave labor camp. I can’t believe how much homework they dump on us, especially that witch Miss Brandt. And if I hear one more “thee”, “thou”, or “doth”, I’m going to puke. But the days are pretty cool… hanging out with my buddies and all. Today at lunch Hank took a bite out of Hubbel’s burger and Hubbel mushed his Suzy Q in Hank’s face. They both got sent to the Vice-Principl’s office…he does the discipline stuff. And… there’s this girl in my English class… I don’t even know her name… well, she’s sort of cute. She’s not as flashy… ok, not as hot… as some of the other girls… sort of plain really, but there’s something about her. Maybe her smile or her voice. She just seems so nice. I pointed her out to Hank… he calls her “Plain Jane”. He said his grandma has the same sweater she was wearing. I got mad at him. I really did. I’ve never even talked to her, and I got mad at him. That was weird.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - Jackson

Dear Diary,

Rachel’s party was a blast! We were up until 3:00 AM! We prank-called almost every boy in the school and… Julie snuck in beer! Oh my goodness. I didn’t have any… I promised my Mom… but a couple of girls got pretty silly. Sandy went outside for a while and… I’m not sure… but I think she threw up in the bushes! I’m glad I listened to my Mom. And… now this is top secret… there’s a boy in my English Class… he’s a little on the goofy side but he’s kind of cute… in his own way. He’s got this cowlick that sticks up in the back of his hair, and he keeps trying to rub it down. He reminds me of Alfalfa. I think it’s kind of cute. He’s so funny. You should hear him stumble through reading a passage of Romeo and Juliet. Even Miss Brandt laughed. And… I think he was looking at me today when I was walking down the hallway. I pointed him out to Rachel, and she called him “The Nerd Bird”. I got mad at her for that. Well, back to Romeo and Juliet.


Dear Diary,

Oh my God, today was the worst. I got called on to read some of that Shakespeare stuff, and when I was walking to the front of the room I tripped on a loose shoestring. The book went flying and I went down. As I was getting up, everyone was laughing me… except Miss Brandt, of course…and that girl I was telling you about… the one Hank calls “Plain Jane.” Then Hank and the guys found out about it. They were pretending to trip and fall and drop their books all day. It was brutal. But that girl didn’t laugh. That was nice of her.


Dear Diary,

Cross country is going great. All those times I went out jogging with my Dad are paying off. I don’t want to brag, but I’m one of the better runners on the Freshman team. That kid I told you about… the poor guy. In class today he tripped, dropped his book, and fell on the floor. I felt so bad for him. The whole class was laughing at him. By the end of the day, I think the whole school was laughing at him. That bothered me. It still bothers me. He looked pretty embarrassed. I wish I could have talked to him… you know, to maybe make him feel better. I told Rachel what happened and she thought it was pretty funny. In fact, she said, “I heard the Nerd-Bird went flying. Ha, Ha, ha.”. I kind of got mad at her again, but I guess I understand. Oh, well. Good night dear diary, “Parting is such sweet sorrow. That I shall say good night till it is tomorrow.”


Dear Diary,

I feel kind of weird about this, but I almost feel like thanking that girl for not laughing at me. Does that sound crazy? Here’s a sad thought. When the best thing that happens to you all day is someone doesn’t laugh at you, maybe your life sucks. I’ll have to think about that. I should go up to her and introduce myself. Or does that sound like a dumb thing to do? “Hi, I’m Jackson”… “So what?” Or, “Hi, I’m Jackson”…“Oh, yes, you’re the clumsy goof who fell over in class last week.” I better play it safe. I think I saw her looking at me in class today. Maybe she likes me. Maybe she’ll make the first move. Yeah, right after pigs fly… or I understand this Shakespeare stuff.


Dear Diary,

There’s something about that boy in my class. I’ve never even talked to him, but somehow I know he’s really nice. Just the way he acts with his friends in the hallways… kind of quiet… sort of humble…shy… and such a nice smile. And he’s so respectful in the way he talks to Miss Brandt. I don’t think he likes Shakespeare, but oh, how he tries when it’s his turn to read a passage. It kind of makes me smile. Gees, I wish he’d talk to me. What am I thinking? Why would he like me? Maybe I should let Rachel line up a date for me. The big Homecoming dance is coming up, and I guess that’s a big deal. I know my parents would be disappointed if no one asks me to go. All my friends are going. I’d like to go.


Dear Diary,

I think I’m finally understanding this Romeo and Juliet business. Romeo had never even talked to Juliet, but he was head over heels in love with her. I’ve never even met the girl in my English class, but I can’t get her out of my mind. Maybe someone will write a play about me someday. I didn’t think the Romeo and Juliet story was believable, but now… who knows? Maybe these things happen in life. It sure feels like it.


Dear Diary,

Ok, don’t laugh, but I’m beginning to think I know how Juliet felt. I’ve never even talked to that boy, but I keep thinking about him. I want him to ask me to the Homecoming dance. I wish I had someone to talk to about this. I know my friends would think I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I should talk to Mom. She’ll probably think I’m nuts too. And she’d probably just feel bad for me.


Dear Diary,

I’ve got a Plan B. I saw her running in the neighborhood after school with a whole bunch of other girls. It has to be our cross country team. So, I think I’ll go out for cross country! I guess the coach is hurting for runners and will let anyone join during the season, you know, just to get some interest in it. And Hank… he’s on the football team… and he says he sees the boys and girls do some workout stuff together. So… I’ll join the team, and that will give me a good chance to meet her. Jackson, you are a genius!


  Dear Diary,

Ok, Plan B. I’m going to ask Rachel to help me get a date for the dance. It’s almost as much for my parents’ sake as mine. I know Mom would love shopping for a dress with me, and Dad is a picture-taking freak. It would be a fun night. I’m sure I’d go with Rachel and Tom. I came in first in our tri-city meet today. I don’t seem to be as excited as I should be. But I got a medal.


Dear Diary,

Holy shit! Cross country is tough. You can’t believe what these people do. They run, and then run, and then run some more. And we never do anything with the girls. I think Hank set me up. He’s probably laughing about it right now. I don’t know if I have a Plan C.


Dear Diary,

Oh my God, that boy is on the cross country team! It’s too bad… the boys and girls team used to do some workouts together but not anymore. It would have been an easy way to meet him. I think a friend of Tom’s is going to ask me to go with him to the Homecoming Dance. Jesus, I hope my Dad’s not paying the guy.


Dear Diary,

Guess what! I am going to talk to her tomorrow! I am feelin’ it! I just watched “Spartacus” and it really fired me up. If a guy who looks like he’s wearing a little skirt can take on the whole Roman Army, I can talk to a girl. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? Besides humiliating rejection… scarred ego… traumatized for life. Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead! I’m doin’ it! Wish me luck.


Dear Diary!!

You won’t believe this! I don’t have to call him “that boy” anymore. He walked right up to me after class, told me his name… Jackson…I already love that name… and…. he asked me to go tho the Homecoming Dance! And he is as nice as I knew he would be. I am so happy! So are my Mom and Dad. Mom and I are going dress shopping tomorrow night, Dad is already thinking of doing a background check on Jackson. Just kidding. Here’s a secret. I prayed for this. I really did. I prayed he’d like me and ask me to the dance. Oops, I got a couple of teardrops on the paper. That’s ok.


Dear Diary,

I did it! I asked her to the Homecoming Dance and she said “Yes”!!!! You should have seen me. I was like freaking Rhett Butler. I mean bold, cool, and confident. And she is as nice as I knew she would be. Oh, her name… Molly. I love that name already. I think I’ll write it on the inside cover of this diary. You should have seen the way she smiled when I asked her. I think she likes me! I’m a pretty happy guy right now.


Dear Diary,

It was the most wonderful night of my life! I felt like Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady dancing all night. He looked so handsome! And what a gentleman. He was so nice. He doted on me the whole night. I think Rachel was jealous! And then at the end of the night… at my front door… he put his hands on my shoulders… drew me close… kissed me on the forehead… and said, “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” Oops, more tears on the paper. Don’t laugh, but I think I know how Juliet felt. I’ve thought it for a long time. Now let me write it. I love Jackson.


Dear Diary,

I don’t know any other way to say it… Molly died this morning. After fifty-two wonderful years together, I don’t know what to do. I really don’t. Sometimes when I look back at those high school years, I wish I would have talked to her sooner. That would have given me a few more days with my dear, sweet Molly.


October 20, 2024 01:52

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Lia Torres
02:32 Nov 26, 2024



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04:30 Nov 02, 2024

They started off noticing each other, then getting to know each other, school dance, and eventually married. Probably had a family. Together until Molly died. A lifetime of happy memories and diary entries. Great story. Thanks for reading mine.


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Martha Kowalski
05:40 Oct 30, 2024

Murray, this is so beautiful! As everyone has said, that final entry really hits hard, but what I love is the parallelism between Jackson's and Molly's entries (I'm a huge fan of dual POVs). "I don’t know if I have a Plan C." is probably my favorite line


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Carol Stewart
23:39 Oct 28, 2024

My heart dropped with that final entry! Extremely engaging throughout, think most will relate in some way to this story. Wish I'd kept my diaries from my teens now!


Murray Burns
00:27 Oct 29, 2024

Thank you. I appreciate it. I was going through some boxes of old stuff recently- lots of them as my wife keeps everything. I found the start of a diary I intended to record my children's journey through the early years. I was disappointed to discover I only made it through the first year of oldest's noteworthy adventures. Kids two and three got nothing. Oh, well. Thanks.


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Leslie Mamola
10:54 Oct 27, 2024

Well done! The portrayal of Jackson and Molly's view of Romeo and Juliet and cross country running was entertaining. I was not anticipating sentimental the ending.


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Kim Olson
04:12 Oct 27, 2024

Great story! You beautifully captured the voices of both teenagers and the ending was poignant and moving.


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Shirley Medhurst
18:50 Oct 26, 2024

Aww, this tale enchanted me, And the ending really tugs at the ole heartstrings… ❤️


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Darvico Ulmeli
18:19 Oct 26, 2024

I love it. Such a nice, beautiful story. Great work.


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Mary Bendickson
17:47 Oct 22, 2024

Ended way too soon...


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Trudy Jas
15:22 Oct 22, 2024



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Alexis Araneta
17:56 Oct 20, 2024

What a sweet story. I didn't expect that poignant end. Lovely work !


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