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Funny Mystery Science Fiction

Hour 4

About four hours ago the airport canceled our flight and now, my sister, mother, father, other passengers, the crew, and myself have all been stranded here on the plane.

Hour 7

They still haven't told us why the flight was canceled, they just said to stay put. They do let us walk around and stretch our legs but there really isn’t a lot of room to do things. The aisle is only so wide and the bathroom is small. 

Hour 11

I have taken two naps but the kid behind me likes to kick my seat and wake me up from my nap. My dad tells me they have yet to give an update. I hope there will be enough food on the plane. So far I have only had peanuts and whatever drinks they have available. 

Hour 12 

Good news the pilot told us they are going to bring us pizza and water. Still no update on getting us off the plane. 

Hour 13

The pizza is here but they didn’t use the doors. Not the main ones or the emergency exits. They also brought each person their own box of pizza. All of them are cheese. I guess that way no one gets stuck with pineapple pizza. Gross.

Hour 20

Someone tried to break open a window but the glass wasn’t breaking. The pilot walked over to the man and told him to stop. They took him to the cockpit and after a few minutes, he came back out and sat in a different spot away from his seat. No one knows why or what happened in the cockpit. 

Hour 21

Someone farted.

Hour 26

I can’t believe that it is the next day. I slept well last night. The kid who kept kicking my chair was moved to a different seat so that he couldn’t kick my chair. His family was moved to an area where there was no one sitting in front of them so he couldn’t disturb anyone. 

Hour 30

I ate my pizza now it’s gone.

Hour 32 

Some woman came up and started talking with my dad. Turns out they used to work together many years ago. She caught him up on everyone who still works there and what changes they made. 

Hour 37

My phone battery has drained a few times and I used my portable battery charger. Unfortunately, the amount of battery on it is also draining. 

Hour 38

Someone farted again.

Hour 41

The man that tried to break open the window was trying to break it open because the guy next to him is the guy that keeps farting. It stinks. The stewardess had to ask him that if he has to fart he should go into the bathroom, let it rip, then wait for the smell to dissipate. I don’t think I would have the courage to ask someone to do that.

Hour 44

Some people have started to lose it. A woman changed her shirt in front of everyone and some parents got mad at her because she shouldn’t expose herself like that in front of kids. Another man started yelling at the stewardess because he was tired of sitting on the plane without knowing why we couldn’t get off. Some kids started going through people's luggage and making a mess. The parents weren’t paying attention to them and the stewardess had to stop the kids herself. 

Hour 48

Two days have gone by. I don’t know why I didn’t notice it before but the fire department, a fleet of ambulances, and probably thirty cops were surrounding the plane. They were the ones providing food for everyone.

Hour 51

Someone brought their pet bird on the plane it got out. It is just flying around like crazy. On the upside, it did poop on the kid that kept kicking my chair. So there's some kind of justice.

Hour 53

I have learned a few new card games. Maybe when we finally leave, we could go to Vegas and I could gamble and make a ton of money to buy a private jet so I don’t have to fly on this plane again.

Hour 59

Some people in the back of the plane have been plotting a way to get off the plane. They acted on their plan and started to force all of the doors open at the same time. They split up so that while one group was being stopped by the stewardess and the pilots, the other team could keep going. Then when they go to the other team the first team would keep going.

Hour 60

An older lady had a heart attack amidst all the chaos of the group. My dad got up and started helping the pilots. He was able to get one group to stop while the pilots got the other ones to stop. The older lady was very lucky because there was a doctor on the flight. I wonder if there is always a doctor on flights. Maybe they should have an air doctor. 

Hour 63

Someone else farted.

Hour 69


Hour 72

Three days. THREE DAYS ON THIS STUPID PLANE. Why can’t they let us off? The people have started to attack the plane. People are getting hurt. Someone is farting. Let us off the plane. 

Hour 75

There's no toilet paper and someone came up with the idea that we each should take a piece of our clothing and use that. Then wash it off in the sink. No one has sat next to that guy since.

Hour 79

The stubble on my dad’s face is bothering him. He keeps scratching it. It kind of reminds me of zombie movies when the men don’t shave because of the apocalypse. I wonder if there is an apocalypse going on outside. 

Hour 88

I fell asleep and had a dream that I was stuck on an airplane that wouldn’t let us off. Wait. That is happening now.

Hour 91

All of the passengers have gone into complete chaos. People started fighting each other. Some were left with bruises and cuts on their faces. One man had his arm broken. The pilot tackled that man down to the ground. Luckily no one died in the fights. It stopped when a woman yelled out “He has a gun.” No one had a gun but it was effective and got everyone to stop fighting.

Hour 93

We finally have answers. So when the plane was starting up the wheels fell off but the plane just floated in the air. The fire department was trying to get to us but the doors wouldn’t open. They kept supplying the plane with fuel but at some point, they decided to stop fueling and see if the plane would come down. It did. The fire department then cut the top of the plane off to get everyone out. The airport gave everyone a refund. My family got on the next flight out.

Hour 1

Someone farted.

August 25, 2024 18:07

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1 comment

Rabab Zaidi
02:18 Sep 01, 2024

Began well. Humourous but a little disappointing.


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