Contemporary Happy Inspirational

“A box can’t fit inside a shoe.”

“Daniel, sweetheart, it’s okay. You don’t have to make sense. The doctor said it’s part of the recovery.”

“I buttered my cat and now I’m dressing my work table.”

“Did he say anything yet?”

“The water has hands. She’s very pretty. They’re holding hands for us at the dinner table.”

“Really? How sweet! What did they look like?”

“They were in the river, and then they looked up and ate the frame.”

“How swell! And the dog, how’s the dog?”

“I got a wound, it got wings and the wings have legs and arms and hair, and then I ended the scene.”

“Well, that’s quite nice. Did the speech therapist drop by today?”

“I had some eggs for homework. The pies were glasses, and the glove has a diver on it.”

“I’m guessing not. I’ll be coming over to take you to the hospital soon, so get dressed.”

“I did take care of her, and then I made my candle with the boy who went round and apple friend.”

“Oh, you always took care of your sister, didn’t you? It’s too bad she doesn’t visit too often. I tried getting through to her, I really did. But it’s alright, she’ll come around, I know she will.”

“Television grew the song and made the ding dong and lay out the trumpets.”

“I’ll tell you what I did today. Today, I thought I’d spend some quality time with me. First, I went to the hairdresser, and tried out a new hairstyle. I think it looks quite dashing! Then I did my nails. I painted them the way you’ve always liked them; red. You’ve always said they looked good on me. I can’t wait for you to see them! How was yours, my dearest?”

“The balloon spring tiles jaws for her and we snuggled the battery.”

“Oh, so you fixed the car! You did mention that the engine was getting faulty. Good for you! Anything else?”

“Breakfast with eagles and Holland football window.”

“Ah, you did the dishes! How lovely! I did think it a good idea to get someone to clean the house for you, but seems like there’s no need! You were always able to fend for yourself weren’t you? My independent, responsible boy! Oh! Did you fix the dresser?”

“I licked rice cakes going home for the flannel.”

“You did! How wonderful! Well, looks like you’ve had a pretty productive day! I’m so happy to hear you’re doing well; for a minute there I was getting worried, but you’re doing just fine.”

“Cucumber gargles time newspapers and he took her to tick soccer.”

“The game! Yes, it was a hot one, I’ll tell you that much. I couldn’t keep my eyes off the screen! I haven’t been enthused that much in years! Well, given your condition, it’s no wonder. Oh! Did you have a slice of the pie I made?”

“The threes and the ball and was good and obtuse.”

“Well, that’s great to hear! I’m glad you liked it, my arm was as stiff as a pole with all the stirring and the mixing! It was tough work! You have any extra left?”

“Vivienne for the folklore and flowers with beans and you look very nice.”

“Vivienne! She came over yesterday? How come she didn’t tell me? No matter, it’s so nice to see her coming through. I didn’t think she would; it was hard trying to get to her, but I’m so glad to see you siblings getting along.”

“Ice cream banana roller skates and diver in wall street.”

“She cooked for you, did she? I’m so happy to hear that! I didn’t think Vivienne would pull through. It was quite a shock, that night up in the rooftop. We were so overwhelmed.”

“Dilemma fracture – “

“Daniel, I want you to know how much we love you. I wish we could do more to help you. But you’re getting better now. The test results were quite satisfactory. And please, don’t think this is all your fault. Who could’ve predicted it? I thank God every day that you’re still here with us. Oh dear, I’m about to cry! But enough about me; are you soon ready, dear?”

“Yummy text flinging him and we walked over to the drum set.”

“Yes, it’s good that you’re doing the exercises the speech therapist recommended. Remember Daniel, small steps at a time, ok? You’re doing wonderful darling, you really are.”

“And he was running the fish out the road and the money was your grapes.”

“I could’ve sworn that by this time you would’ve recovered; and yet, I still can’t make sense of what you’re saying! If only I could back in time to when it happened!”

“My liver is a baby with her and she’s very pretty.”

“Why, thank you! You always had a knack for these sort of things. I did wake up feeling quite smitten with myself today. My smart, handsome Daniel. It’s so soothing to hear you talk. Thank god the stroke was small, otherwise, who knows where you would’ve ended up, huh Daniel?”

“Bleach jogging ear wax with the camel.”

“Daniel! How could you even say that? I’m your mother, for Christ’s sake. It’s my job to make sure you’re taken care of.”

“Phone heart crying and she coo ’ed me to sleep.”

“Yes, dear, you’re doing just fine. You’ll be good as new in no time! I know this hasn’t been easy, especially for you. God, if only I knew how to ease your pain, even just a little! But I can’t do miracles; it’s the doctors you should be grateful for.”

“Widow ran the gas veering to and she take care of me.”

“Alright then, think it’s best I leave now. Don’t hang up the phone; I’m coming over.”

“Books with the wok and vegetables was with her in the truck.”

“Yes, very good Daniel. I’m in the car, I’m on my way now. It shouldn’t take me long, just 2 minutes. Don’t speak for now.”

“Kite yoghurt humming –

“Daniel, honey, I said don’t talk for a while. I’m soon there. I’m rounding down the block; I can see you from here. Come outside, darling, I’ll be waiting for you.”

“The cat with the ring and tea bags grass with roller blades.”

“I totally agree with that. I’m here, you can come out now. I’m hanging up the phone now, ok? Walk towards me, yes that’s it.”

“Hello! The red duck belt buckle foghorn and the lighthouse was there for the girl.”

“Yes, dear, bye now.”

“Au revoir!”

“Oh! You finally understood me! That’s wonderful, Daniel! But, if I may ask, why French?”

January 15, 2025 16:22

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David Sweet
00:41 Jan 19, 2025

Entertaining story. I'm glad we had Mom to interpret. It reminds me of an old Steve Martin comedy bit he did in the 70s. He said if you want to really screw up your kids, whenever you're around them, talk wrong. You had some hilarious lines that were Steve Martin worthy. Thanks for sharing.


Tamara Mallia
07:47 Jan 20, 2025

Wow, what a nice compliment! Thank you, you really made my day :))


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