For Good

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten days.... view prompt


Romance Drama Sad

Anny is heartbroken at the moment and she is trying her best not to pay attention to what's going in her soul. She just wants to focus on her job in the office. But she can't. It has been 10 days since she is not talking to him, not receiving any messages and calls from him. Full ignorance from Frank’s side. 

The first couple of days she thought that he was just upset with her and he would still reach her out when his psychological state settled down. 

Few days after, she felt something strange in what was happening. Over three years of their relationship, they never had a moment of ignoring each other for such a long time. Five days of ignorance was too much for her. They used to chat, talk over the phone every single day and they used to date at least once a week.

On the sixth day of their “separation” she started to convince herself that it was good for both sides. Anny is a married woman with a child. She really values her child, and her family. Although she lost her feelings towards her husband, she still respects her husband. Frank is also married. His wife is expecting a second child. The news about his wife’s second pregnancy Anny forgave a couple of months ago and she continued dating with Frank. So all in all, it was the best decision to break up with Frank since she always felt tormented by conscience. She really wanted to stop cheating on her husband and now this was the best time to put an end to everything. But her soul was broken with so many questions: “why?”, “why is he not calling me”, “why is he not missing me?, “were all his words a lie?”, “he always told me that I was his soulmate, he hated his wife, didn’t he?”

The next day she couldn’t help her tears. His ignorance of this kind was killing her inside. He didn’t reply to her last message on messenger. He was ignorant the last few days. What a mistake she has made trusting this man, a married man whose wife is expecting a second child. How could she trust the story he told about the second pregnancy of his wife? He always stated and even sweared that they never had sex after their first baby. Anny forgave this all and for what? 

Then she remembered the days she and Frank were falling in love with each other despite the fact that they were both married. They used to work in the same office and Frank was very attentive to Anny. Their relationship started with text messages. They used to tell all the problems they had in their personal lives and support each other. Then Frank confessed that he fell in love with Anny. She was excited but of course she doubted that. But finally she started to believe in Frank’s love when he told that he didn’t love his wife anymore and he was just supporting her hard period of long-awaited first pregnancy. Their relationship was so sweet for both of them, their conversations wouldn’t stop if there wasn’t a time limit. They had so many interests in common. They used to understand each other without words. Frank could do anything for Anny just to make her happy: go shopping with her and pay all her purchases and find time in his busy schedule just to see her again. The only thing he wanted from Anny is just to trust him, to trust his pure love towards her and support this relationship. Anny never thought that she would ever cheat on her husband. But she couldn’t imagine her day without Frank anymore. She tried very hard to hide this relationship from anyone. They used to have lunch in restaurant cabinets so that nobody could see them in public. So far their spouses didn’t notice anything about this relationship. Two years of being colleagues (now Frank is promoted and works in another office) and three years of such an intense and close relationship full of love and care made Anny morally dependent on Frank. Over three years there were so many Anny’s attempts to break up with Frank. All the attempts were failures. Frank wouldn’t let her go.

And this type of ignorance from Frank’s side was very controversial to his behavior. Until this time he never left Anny alone. 

Anny felt lonely. She couldn’t understand how and why this happened. She thought that Frank was just upset due to the fact that Anny refused Frank’s couple of offers to date, to see each other. These ten days helped her to think over everything again. There must have been something more serious which she is not aware of. This time she is not going to forgive him again. She blocked his account everywhere: instagram, messenger, facebook. She now wants to forget him. Of course, these ten days are not enough to forget about everything they had. She will never forget about that. She will always love him. Frank will stay in her soul for a long time. 

Frank had a chance to talk to her the last ten days, to explain everything but now she blocked him. Now if he wants to reach her out, he should try hard.

It was not easy for Frank, too. He loved Anny very much but couldn’t promise anything to her, he couldn’t meet her expectations, he couldn’t destroy two families because of this love, he couldn’t leave his children… It was becoming too serious.

Monday morning, Anny is doing her office job at her desk. Suddenly, her phone rings. It's an unknown number. As she answers, she hears his voice (she missed it so much):

“How are you?”

“I am well” - says Anny.

Frank then keeps silent. Anny full of emotions destroys this silence but with a calm voice:

"How dare you call me after so many days? After so many promises, after your confessions that I am your soulmate, after so many things we had over 3 years of relationship and then after this full ignorance?"

“Anny listen, please! I love you, I never felt the same feelings towards other women. You will be my only love, trust me. We both know that our relationship is complicated. But always remember that you have the person who is ready to help you anytime with anything. Just one call when you need me and I will be in front of you immediately. I know that you love me, too. I am sorry.”

Anny cries silently and ends the call.

January 01, 2021 12:17

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Estelle Westley
07:23 Jan 07, 2021

Beautifully written. Well done.


Zara 1524
05:51 Jan 21, 2021

Thank you so much!


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